Thread: Official Top Post Thread Land Upgrades
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Old Sep 21 2023, 07:46 AM
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Originally Posted by gipsondgd View Post
This is Daphne Gipson How do I know when i buy another farm how do I know that it is coming from my coins and not my credit card card? i DO NOT Want my credit card use for until you have my permission Thank you! Another thing is it keeps telling me I need buy another Tree Shaker! I have so many of them and everytime I work with trees it tells me I need to use the tree shaker. Is this a montly thing or what. I think you all need to give me back some money for all the tree shaker I have bought! If this isn't fixed in a timely matter I will just quit playing Farmtown. I don't won't to quit but I will if I need to !!! Please get back with me ASAP !!!
Originally Posted by gipsondgd View Post
I am getting very angry and mad over this
Hi gipsondgd,

I have moved your posts to the thread about Land Upgrades which includes subjects on buying a new farm as that is your first question.

Land Upgrades/new Farm:
When you go to the Realtors and the window opens, look top left for the amount of coins and Farm Cash you have. The realtor offers you to buy with your in game coins or in game Farm Cash. As long as you have enough to cover that cost it will take the amount from which option you clicked buy on.

Your credit/debit card are used when buying Farm Pass and when buying extra Farm Cash to add to your current amount of Farm Cash.
For example, if you opened the Bank you would see 4 different amounts of Farm Cash that you could buy. The 2 different payment methods show at the bottom. You have to click on one of those payment methods before you can buy that Farm Cash and you will always be asked to confirm the purchase.

When you buy a tool, always put them into your storage. That way the game can see the tools you own and you will be able to use it on any of your farms via your toolbox. Go to each of your farms and show only the tools so that you can spot them quicker and place any tools that are on your farms into your storage. Then open your toolbox and any tools that are not greyed out are the ones that you own and can use on any of your farms.

You also need to make sure tools are in storage when you want to buy bigger versions of a tool, the game need so be able see which tools you own

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