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Old Oct 21 2023, 06:54 AM
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Tiger Tiger is offline
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Originally Posted by NooNoo View Post
So how can you send a link to facilities and clients? Or does this need to be a suggestion?
Hi NooNoo,

The ability is to easily send a farm link. There's not a method like that to send your facility work requests to farmers and that seems like a lot of work for you to be trying to do that daily or more than once a day.

What you really need to do is find out why your farming friends aren't working your facilities.

If you are not on either their Neighbour List or their Buddy list then they won't be able to see your facility posts in the Facility Wall Requests page to be able to work them.

If you are also posting them to Facebook then you need to check the privacy of the posts and make sure that your farming friends on Facebook are able to see it there. If you still have a Facebook account and your farming friends are also still using Facebook it may be quicker for you to find out from some of those friends as to why your facilities are not being worked.

You can also check your Farmers Lists and set the AZ filter to Last Active to see if any current farming friends have not played recently. If they have not played for a few days they may only be away for a short time. If they have not played in a long time then you could do with considering getting yourself some more farming friends that do play daily that will be able to help you.

Looking at your data for Neighbours and Buddies you could really do with increasing the amount of farming friends you have in the game to be able to help you with them. As well as increasing your Neighbour amount you currently don't have many buddies on your Buddy list which isn't helping you. Buddies can help you with facility work requests as well as things like gifts, ingredients and bonuses. If you decide to do this, remember that you need to be on a farmers Neighbour or Buddy list for them to be able to see your facility posts in Facility Wall Requests. They need to be on either your Neighbour or Buddy list for you to be able to see their posts to work them.

In this case the new ability to add a farm link in a message can also help you with getting new farming friends. Any current farming friends that know of others that also need neighbours and buddies can send you a link to another farmers farm so that you can easily go there and send a request to be a neighbour or a buddy.

Just in case you are not familiar with the other various ways you can now send neighbour and buddy requests in game, here's the link to the Farmers List Chapter in the Game guide:

You can also use the forum to post a request for Neighbours/Buddies if you wish. Here's the link to that section of the forum in case you would like to do that. Please read the 1st post on page 1 so that you know what you need to include in your post:

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Last edited by Tiger; Oct 21 2023 at 07:03 AM.