Thread: Official Top Post Thread Neighborhood Chains Contest
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Old Feb 03 2024, 07:04 AM
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Originally Posted by pbcarol View Post
I have been removed from playing the 7 day game until the next game starts as rejected or something. I paid my cash coins to buy one of the facilities. I am quite upset about this as I play every week and am always buying cash to buy facilities. Can you please fix my farm Jaxon where I purchased the orphanage.
Thank you!
Hi pbcarol

I moved your post to the thread about NCC.

I'm sorry but we can't fix anything about your NCC. The only rule for the Neighborhood Chain contest is that you can't move a facilitiy from one farm to another. If you do, then you are quitted from the NCC for that week.

From our Game Guide:

IMPORTANT: Once the facilities are entered into the contest you must NOT move them to storage or to another farm. If you do, you will see a warning message that tells you that you are in the contest and that storing the facility will make you abandon this weeks contest . If you proceed, the facility will be removed from the farm, and you will be terminated from that weeks contest. In order to remain in the contest, the facilities that are part of a Neighbourhood Chain must remain on the farm during the whole week of the contest.
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