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Old May 22 2024, 06:44 AM
brewergirl1961 brewergirl1961 is offline
Join Date: Jul 26 2009
Location: Manchester UK
Posts: 28
Default Stopping products going direct to storage for use in facilites

Is it possible that we can have a kind of tick box, as to not use certain products that when harvested, have to go directly into storage like trees, flowers, fish & Animal products, that by default are used up right away when loading facilities. Normal products, produced in faclilities can stay stored in each work facility until you releiase them into main storage.Thus holding back till stocks are up to work, other faclities.
For instance, if you are low on say Cod fish, you cannot stock up and hold them back. other than trying to find all the individual services that use said product. and untick that product. Please can we have one tick box per each product to stop them being used on temporary basis.
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