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Old Nov 07 2017, 05:32 AM
Bella Bello Bella Bello is offline
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Posts: 25

Originally Posted by Taz D View Post
Hi Storm,
None of the services to start chains for this week are for FC. They are all coin service facilities.
We do not know yet exactly how all this will work as the rest of the Facility Chains parts for the Export/Import has not been released yet.
You can start a chain even if you do not have all the requirements yet. The chain will not produce or use the Export products though until you get all the requirements done. So if not all of the 7th dans are completed then you will have to get to those before the chain can be used. Or if you only have 1 then until you buy the 2nd facility it will not produce or import products from your neighbor. We don't know yet how services that use products from multiple facilities will work yet.
In the box for each of the possible chains it will tell you how many 7th dan products you have as in 9/11 in red means that you have 9 out of 11 7th dans. It will show you in parenthesis if you have 1 or 2 (or more) facilities.

Hi Taz

How come I have all FC Production Facilities for this week and not Coin Serv Facilities?
Am I missing something .. or are we not all getting the same Chains?