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Old May 06 2016, 08:42 AM
StoneFace StoneFace is offline
Join Date: Jun 12 2010
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Originally Posted by enelyaa View Post
I dont understand why you say that the cruiser being FC and the factory coin makes cruiser worthless. How one pays either facility certainly makes no difference as to how they function, doesn´t it? maybe I am missing something?

I think the "complaint" has more to do with ownership of Restaurants (many require a FC purchase).

It takes the products from the Restaurants to stock the Cruise Ship. So if you need to pay FC for the Cruise, it is not going to be as productive if you have not already spent a lot of FC on the Restaurants.

However, even if the Cruise was available for coin, you would still only be able to stock it from FC-Restaurants..... same end result.