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Old Nov 09 2021, 01:32 PM
Sayso Sayso is offline
Join Date: Jul 19 2009
Location: I live in, US Arkansas
Posts: 56

Sayso again. I get a message that says (AN embedded page at abort (at Error at js StackTrace (

Then 3 more the same except ending with these numbers. 16505) 748) 25355)

It's been a week or more and I not been able to figure out what is wrong. Can you help me? I though it is the streaming but I'm getting on every thing else.

Thanks if you can help. USER ID number ( 721938372 )

2021-11-09 18:33:58.114 ERRORwasm streaming compile failed: CompileError: WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(): unexpected end of stream @+29314458
2021-11-09 18:33:58.118 ERRORfalling back to ArrayBuffer instantiation
2021-11-09 18:33:58.215 ERRORfailed to asynchronously prepare wasm: CompileError: WebAssembly.instantiate(): expected 35840933 bytes, fell off end @+835626
2021-11-09 18:33:58.219 LOG{}
2021-11-09 18:33:58.220 ERROR{}