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Old Jul 30 2021, 04:26 PM
Sayso Sayso is offline
Join Date: Jul 19 2009
Location: I live in, US Arkansas
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I was at my farm but sometimes it happened when I am working for another farmer. I can play the hole day with no problems some times. It doesn't seem to be at a certain time.

I do close and reopen my browser but it doesn't make a deliverance. And yes we keep our Browsers alone with other things. My husband even makes sure that our computers are cleaned from dust and such. I have CCleaner in my computer and use that to clear things out. last night it wouldn't help it so I closed the computer and walked away.

This morning I still found the same thing. So I asked for help this morning.

While waiting for your answer I tried CCleaner and it worked a little bit ago. Those things are what I try when things go off, but I guess sometimes I have to put it down and walk away. I've used CCleaner for years and would tell others it would be a good help too. It helps to clear out stuff in your computer you don't need. But I've never had to use it weekly before lol. Thanks for your information.