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Old Nov 15 2010, 03:31 AM
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SueW170 SueW170 is offline
Getting Started ( Level 1 )
Join Date: Jan 31 2010
Location: Oregon the US
Posts: 1,073
Farmer Since: Mar 27 2009
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I worked one farm this evening at the MP and a second person came on apparently using the 4x4 harvester. I still got a some product by fast clicking and grabbing as much as I could. Not as much fun as competing on an equal playing field, but a challenge to do the best I could any way. .... Does take a bit of the fun out of competing at the MP, though. No, I don't go grab plots in the middle of someone else working solo, but do try to see if I can work as fast as or faster than the other person. And if someone starts plowing (one click per plot) right behind me, it's always a fun challenge to keep ahead so they'll have plots to plow. Or to plow fast enough for the farmer to plant without inconveniencing them by their having to wait for me.