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Old Mar 22 2013, 03:34 PM
CynthiaSue CynthiaSue is offline
Join Date: Jun 04 2009
Posts: 482

Good update if you have money to put into the game. Seems like everything has to take farmcash many times over (sprinklers, chainsaw, etc...) Like having upgrades to our service loaders, so we pay twice. If they do the regular loaders the same way, it will be a whole lot more farmcash and if they ever make one to load all the turbo loaders, it will be much more farmcash. I have many of the loaders including the 2 service ones, but have put all my service facilties into storage and will more than likely put many of the regular ones in as well. I have come to realize that I really do not enjoy that very time consuming aspect of the game. I wonder if anyone has ever figured out how much real money it would cost to have all the tools. At any rate, I don't care to have them all, but without the loaders and trains (to speed up working others facilities), it has become a much too time consuming game for me. I was hoping something new and interesting would come out or something to make the game less time consuming, but I already regret buying the loaders since I don't enjoy that aspect of the game, so really don't see a point in buying everything a second time over.