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Old Apr 26 2012, 12:41 PM
whosyou? whosyou? is offline
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Posts: 135

Originally Posted by Don't feed the beggers View Post
yep this is a game that we all play, but this is also a game that costs money to create, and it takes their time, maybe more of theirs than ours to play. They make money off of me and many others, why am I willing to pay for pixels? well it's simple, they have earned it, it's cheaper than buying a new system like wii or xbox etc....I can play anytime at my own leisure or I can play daily. There is a leval of creativity in this game, mind you I don't have any but I have seen plenty of beautiful farms...also for my 9 year old, it has its educational benefits...she has learned how to tell time, where certain crops grow, what animals provide us with etc etc...all this with the help of a game. SO yes I will pay them some money, after all the time and effort they put into the game, its the least I can do.

Do I understand those that refuse? I do as long as they don't complain about not having the tools they want. I get that people don't have money to blow on a game. I spend $40 each month on this game, its better than buying beer, or alcohol, smoke and needless things to clutter up my house. Do I NEED tools? no of course not, but I want them so I buy em.
+1 well said
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