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Old Sep 06 2010, 07:23 AM
InePine InePine is offline
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Originally Posted by AustinN View Post
The storage limit is not so much the amount of stuff you have in storage but the number of windows you have in storage. You can have 3 windows for the same type of item in storage. Pineapple is an example of this. You can have gift pineapple, pineapple (this is self harvested pineapple), and large pineapple (this is hired harvested pineapple). Now each of those windows takes up memory space in the storage area. So when you get the message that your storage is getting full if you go and load up the facilities and sell all non ingredients you should be fine on room even if one item has 130,000 units of one thing in storage. When you fill up your facilities it will use ingredients in this order gift, self harvested or what you made (ie chocolate liquor), then large. Because of this if you load up a facility chances are you will at least empty the gift window and probably the self harvested window, leaving only the large window. Also selling all non ingredients frees up tons of room in your storage even if you only had 600 units of that item in storage the window is gone so that gives you more room. One more option for you to do is with your ingredients like olive oil when you make some do not store it you can leave it in the facility forever if you like, this way you can build up lets say 6 or 7 thousand units then go to the mp and sell the 40,000 you have in storage that is going to take you ages to use. Now go back to your farm and store what is in the facility that way you have some olive oil to do stuff with and not have to wait for more to make.
This is very useful information, thanks alot! Changes the way i think about my storage completely and im running to my farm to sell the 3 mangoes and 2 red roses or whatever leftovers i have to make up more room, great news! )

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