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Old Apr 02 2023, 11:50 PM
betty457 betty457 is offline
Join Date: Oct 05 2011
Posts: 41
Default loading facilities issues

for the past few weeks when I go to load facilities I have been getting the you can't load what ever because you don't have enough.... fill in the blank but I know that I have enough coconuts, eggs or what ever, I have to leave the facility manager, restart the game and suddenly my ingredients that I knew I had suddenly re-appear, this is a huge pain in the you know what but it's been consistent and annoying. Also it appears that my ingredients are disappearing at an alarming rate There is no way that I am using 6000 eggs filling facilities just once, or 5000 coconuts or 6000 sheep wool. something is just not right

thank you for your time

One last thing, the game keeps telling me I don't have a super facility even after I have just loaded the facilities
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