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Old Dec 25 2016, 09:17 PM
Old McMark Old McMark is offline
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Join Date: Nov 12 2015
Posts: 17

After messing with the ships for a few days, I have the following observations:

1. They are fussy to highlight. I often have to move the cursor, click on something else, and then bring it back to the ship several times.

2. One neighbor who is out of town can really mess things up. In fact, if someone was on vacation for 7 days or more, potentially a ship could come back with nothing. I suggest a time limit for a given neighbor to act, something like 12 hours. If they dont act within that time, the ship should automatically go to the next neighbor.

3. Add the ability to check on your own ships in the Seaport Manager. It is really annoying to keep having to visit the different farms where the ships are to check on progress.