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Old May 03 2017, 06:54 PM
mcdaddie mcdaddie is offline
Join Date: Dec 02 2010
Posts: 136

Originally Posted by MOM GLENDA View Post
thanks for a great game . was hoping you would have a tool to buy to load theses ships faster even if its cash to buy it .disapointed you going to 44x44 land.we do not need them bigger than 42x42 .want more farms not more land
I totally agree MOM.

I think it was a terrible decision to go to 44x44 rather than a new farm for the following reasons:
1) The average home computer of our farmers is not powerful enough to handle much above 38x38 if it is a "busy" farm. Loading that much more property fully planted could take an extremely long time.
2) Also, the longer time it takes to load all that data runs the risk of even more Shockwave crashes than we get now. I have a very powerful PC that has no problems running the game, but my super neighbor is going on strike if I expand my farms past 40x40.
3)Expanding the farm size rather than the quantity of farms also takes away the ability to add more facilities to counteract the extreme shortages in other products (i.e. minerals from the mines). I have 32 of each of the mines (one on every farm) and when I publish my facilities for people to help, I instantly go short on stuff like graphite ore and chromite ore. It is becoming serious since they refuse to address those shortages by putting them into the train cars and/or the ship containers.

I do not know why they have chosen to go to 44x44 but it is hurting, not helping. If you agree with any of this, I ask you to stand up, speak up, and be counted hoping to change their minds about the farm size direction they are going.