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Old Jun 19 2022, 12:00 PM
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Sqrl Sqrl is offline
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Originally Posted by patriciabutler1 View Post
It seems like everyone in the marketplace just wants to demand specific jobs and your fuel. This only seemed to start when we started back up after the change from Flash Player. Is there anything coming that will make the game fun again such as when you added the layered fishing.
The requests for specific jobs really didn't start then. I've observed this issue for a long time and there've been complaints about it for some time. If we are to pinpoint when it really started, I think it was when layering took off. First a lot of people were pointedly stating: NO LAYERS and then some other people saw an opportunity and started with LAYERS WELCOME and here we are. Although then again, when the pineapple crop was first introduced, people in the job market were all yelling for pineapple harvesting, so....

The fuel thing is more recent. And yes, it is very annoying, especially when it's people well enough advanced in the game to be able to source their own fuel. But perhaps we can trace it to the introduction of super neighbours, where fuel use for many people vastly increased. And of course there's far more now to spend farm cash on than in the early days of the game--I remember buying a flag way back when because there was hardly anything else!

Not to overlook that intense layering and fish stacking mean many people have mad amounts of fuel they are happy to share with the peons.
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