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Old Sep 27 2014, 01:36 PM
Eradani Eradani is offline
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Posts: 351

Originally Posted by LazyMare View Post
I am finding it very frustrating not to be able to help Friends and Neighbours once my own CQ is finished - so decided to not start the last step until the Quest will soon expire, so hopefully will always have one open.
Question - can Friends and Neighbours still get apples from me - see attached (hopefully) snip? Attachment 21934
Also - is it technically possible to show the blue dot on the My Neighbours TAB rather than just on the in game My Neighbours Bar?
Fun so far, but more daunting and time-consuming than the original quests
i've got a few neighbors doing the CQs and found a couple that were done up to the last step. the Buy button was there (greyed out because i didn't need the item).

sooo, i've decided to let my quests sit until they're going to expire that day before doing the last step. that way, my neighbors have more quests to choose from for ingredients and hopefully they'll let their quests sit till the last day too so i have more chance at getting the ingredients i need.

this will have the added bonus of being able to save my stickies for rare items.

and... dear devs: plz plz Sort by QC on neighbor bar with you being first so the bar starts at the beginning and not in the middle.