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Old May 09 2018, 10:17 PM
Dulcinea Dulcinea is offline
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Originally Posted by Tiger Laybourne View Post
UPDATE from Rauls notes >>
- We replaced the 'Let employee use my fuel' checkbox by a dropdown with the following options:

1. Let employee use my fuel first -> this is the one we had earlier today
2. Let employee use my fuel last -> this is the one we had a month ago, before the last release
3. Do not let employee use my fuel

- We added this dropdown to the Super Neighbour setup screen, so you can specify whatever option you like for each of your Super Neighbours.
I only just noticed that my fuel is being depleted more rapidly. Turns out it's because the default on our Super Neighbours has been changed.

Here's the quote from the Game Guide:
When using tools, the fuel will be used from the neighbours fuel unless they have no fuel and then it will be yours that is used.
Could the default pretty please be returned to what it was before, with our SN using their own fuel first? Thanks.
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