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Old Oct 10 2019, 07:54 AM
RozeeS RozeeS is offline
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Join Date: Feb 14 2010
Posts: 73

Why is it in the NCC that the person out in front in Number 1 position is always about 3x or more ahead in points than I am or those I am competing against.

I do wonder if "ghosting" facilities (a cheat) is bumping up peoples amount in those facilities?

From my experience if you have big neighbours with tons of xp points in your team there is no way you will get even close to the top 3. If you have people who are similar to you, with similar facilities and xp points then it is more like that you will get up the list higher.

Since I added people to do ships and help out with other things in FT some of those people who are my neighbours are double even treble my xp points amount I don't even come close to in the first 5 of the NCC competition where before I used too sometimes get in the top 3.

This needs to be a fairer contest. I am already thinking of reigning back on my playing time since everything takes too much time for little reward and also items constantly disappearing from my storage is also another issue!
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