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Old May 01 2014, 04:36 PM
Rugged Barbie Rugged Barbie is offline
Join Date: Mar 25 2012
Posts: 234

OK, last time I mentioned this issue my post was sent to some distant thread.
This is part of the New Release.
Filling my Factories and Services is EXTREMELY SLOW. This is for about a week now.
Having my planted fields register is EXTREMELY SLOW. If not careful, and I irrigate before all the endless fields register and are finished, part of my farm goes unirrigated. This is an old issue that's now back.
I am on high speed cable, not wireless.
Thank you for listening.
I, too, would like a use for all this horded pigment.
Yes, something other than using blue ink and horse hair would be a plus.
I'm just a player interested in playing . . .