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Old Sep 21 2011, 09:05 PM
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Whoopsidaisy Whoopsidaisy is offline
Join Date: Aug 29 2009
Location: Apartment housing for seniors.
Posts: 370

Originally Posted by nanatoni View Post
I'm not sure this is where I should voice this but it's about the upgrades so here it goes.. I absolutely love that the developers continue to give us new items and easier ways to process things.

Can you PLEASE give us other ways to earn Farm Cash? Currently the only way we can get it is by leveling up in our experience and since many of us are at the top levels we don't see that FC until you actually roll out updates that include new levels. Since more and more of the factories and tools that are being released in FC as opposed to coin it gets harder and harder to get the tools and factories to supply our farms. In addition, many like myself are home bound, disabled or seniors that have extremely limited incomes and cannot be constantly purchasing FC. It's crazy what you are charging for the tools to store/start all, and the upgrades to plows, harvesters, etc. We pay more for those items then the original items it seems.

I know you developers work hard and it isn't easy with all that we ask from you and yes you deserve to be paid for what you do, but come on now!

As long as I'm complaining, could you all get the chat to work in full screen mode? It's annoying that you have to keep going out to hold a conversation with neighbors.

Thanks for all you do!

You read my mind. I used to be able to keep up but now I'm over $3-400.00 behind. Where am I going to get that kind of money on S.S.? I wasn't even trying to keep up on tools just facilities and spent over $200.00 on them then another $50 or $60 just on tools (one with upgrades to harvest and plow) and I still seed with a 3x3. That doesn't include the forklift, drive threw, or any of the other tools you need to play this game in under 5 hours a day. I have none of those. I quit filling facilities more then once every week or so, quit buying them, quit planting and harvesting. Slowly getting to the point when I see no reason to harvest animals , fish or trees. I can see why people who love this game are actually leaving it. I still decorate but how often do you really need to rearrange your trees? I can't find any way to earn those face book credits to buy farm cash. I'm already getting hounded to death from insurance companies from doing a survey, I already have Netflix and I refuse to sign up for a credit card. That leaves cash and that's hard to come by now. Maybe it's time to retire.