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Old Jan 23 2015, 07:24 AM
becca's digs becca's digs is offline
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Join Date: Dec 22 2009
Posts: 9

Originally Posted by Taz D View Post
Hi Becca,
I am sorry you are having trouble with your farms. With all the missing items you are complaining about please check your date and time on your computer to make sure they are correct as this being off can cause items to not be ready when they are supposed to be or ready too soon.
Please provide a link to your farms, so we can into these problems. The automatic linking does not work so you will have to create one and paste it here in a reply. Instructions on how to do that are in the following link:
hey taz...this is the same as when you were investigating my oil rigs...the quantity of mines, fish farms etc. are not producing to their expected levels and i am left with negatives showing when trying to do facs. that being said the gifting seems to be an issue for all as i see by the posts here and speaking to folks within the game, as does production really everyone is having problems. you are more than welcome to take a peek but i'm pretty certain it's like the oil and you're going to have me do the math...that being said i'll link away but again seems wide spread just looking for a possible fix date thanks as always...just so you are aware this morning i am back to facebook session timeout...error xsession click green tick to reload game...easy enough to just hit play and load it but i think this is where it all starts? no coin credit just loading where i left off if that makes sense

Last edited by becca's digs; Jan 23 2015 at 09:52 AM.