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Old Jan 23 2015, 09:52 AM
becca's digs becca's digs is offline
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Join Date: Dec 22 2009
Posts: 9

Originally Posted by Taz D View Post
Hi Becca,
I am not going to do the math for you as you can do that yourself. I am sure from what I see that your mines, fishing farms, etc. are producing just a s they are supposed to. I think the problem may be more that you are trying to produce in your facilities more than your supply can handle, so that is why you are getting the negative amounts. Every month we get 4 new facilities which adds more demand for the same supply, so either we increase the supply by adding more mines, etc. or we reduce the demand and produce selected items.
As far as the gifts it seems more like each one who has ask for help about gifts has a problem with different aspects of the gifts, so I would hardly say "all" are having the same problem you have.
For your time-outs and errors please try all the suggested fixes in the following link:
thanks taz..."all" was simply meant broadly that all are having issue with this portion of the game different or alike just issues, at least the few hundred i play with and the comments i see on here...and i can't say, much like we agreed to disagree on the oil rigs that it is a matter of trying to over produce. if that was the case the 1 fac that requires white oysters that i own would be greatly supplied by the 10 fish farms i own don't you think? and again i'm just looking for solutions not at all trying to be a pain...all the things that are suggested for the time outs are the norm for me to do but i thank you for the suggestions....thanks for trying to help have a fabulous day