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Old Jan 25 2021, 06:52 PM
dofford dofford is offline
Join Date: Apr 17 2015
Location: Napanee, Ontario
Posts: 44

Originally Posted by Taz D View Post
Hi dofford,
When you add to your crops, flowers, trees, animal products, etc. in your storage you are only increasing the total amount of an existing item. That does not increase the storage percentage because you are not adding a new item. Where your storage goes up in percentage is when you are adding new products that weren't there already (non=ingredients) or say large boxes of a crop when you hire someone to harvest for you.

You are a life saver. I am glad you took time out to answer this post.
I will never say another bad thing about you, Ha, Ha.
(Never did either)
We really do appreciate your hard work.

Dale Offord