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Old Mar 15 2011, 10:27 PM
Farmer Rabbit Farmer Rabbit is offline
Join Date: Jan 03 2010
Posts: 56
Default Hooray!

Originally Posted by Toranut97 View Post
Poster #1: Hello! I love Farmtown. I would like a ninth farm though. When is it coming?
Mod: We don't know that. Only the developers know, and they are not saying.
Poster #2: I have the Mayor and he is a hostage in the Food Drying facility. His skin is getting dry and wrinkly. Give me a ninth farm or I toss him into the Mayoral Dehydrator!!!
Mod: I have forwarded your note to the developers, but they are notoriously resistant to blackmail.
Poster #3: My third farm is a resort and I want to furnish a hotel. Can you make it so that the cotton can be made into sheets and the wool into blankets? Preferably a mauve and teal color scheme. Thanks.
Mod: I have moved your post to the Suggestions forum. Please post there in the future.
poster#4: Hey, Farm Cash is too expensive. I want to buy everything with coins!!!
Mod: See above --- go to Suggestions. Thank you.
Poster #5: Well, I just love the game as it is. All you whiners should go have some cheese with your whine.
Poster#6: Yes, but cheese is too hard to make. I want higher yields.
Poster #7: How about varieties of cheese? Like Swiss and Cheddar. We could make crackers in the snack factory and have a Deli with cheese trays and stuff!!
Mod (patient) PLEASE go to the Suggestions Forum!
Poster #2: The Mayor is sneezing because he is allergic to the figs in the facility. You had better act soon!!!!
Mod: I do not give a fig.
Poster #3: By the way, after my hotel is built, can you make it so I can charge other farmers for visiting?
Mod: *sigh*
Hip Hip Hooray! You came out to play. Love that Made me laugh & sigh Hooray.

Let me know if the Mayor is rescued before wrinkling overtakes him.