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Old Jun 08 2010, 05:58 PM
Katmouse Katmouse is offline
Join Date: Jun 12 2009
Posts: 3

I have been praying to the Farm Town gods for cucumbers so I could make my own darn pickles!! Since we can now grow or produce almost everything we need, the gift giving has um, shall we say lagged considerably! It would be REALLY NICE (hint hint to the Farm Town gods) for us to be able to be 100% SELF SUFFICIENT and NOT have to rely on the kindness of anyone for anything at all. Period!!!!!!!

I am SO STOKED about the pickles I am doing the happy dance!! My only beef is WHY did they have to take 4 darn days to grow?!? C'mon - you throw us a bone which is great, but then you make it awful hard to chew

I'd LOVE LOVE LOVE to see at least 40-50 more levels, new and FASTER ways to earn FC, XPs earned faster, plus LOTS of new decorations (and some of the old ones go buh-bye), new buildings to add - just lots of new stuff in general! New blood so to speak. Inject some new life, new energy into an already great game. We need to be able to spruce our places up with all kinds of new stuff, not just more of the same!

OH - here's a biggie!! Can we PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE have the ability to buy our own cows?!?!???? Again this goes back to the gift giving lagging since we're able to buy & grow so much on our own now. And to be frank, people who DO still send stuff just send whatever, they don't put much thought into their gifts or pay attention when we ask for specific things. I run out of cheese ALL the time and I've been BEGGING for cows and what do I get? Potted plants!!!!!!!!!! So please Farm Town gods, let us just BUY our own cows!!!!!!

I'm a total Farm Town addict. My friends think I need a 12-Step program. I tell them they don't know what they're missing!

Thanks for all the hard work you do. I don't mean to sound ungrateful, I appreciate every little upgrade. I'm just giving you my wish list!

And seriously, thanks for the cucumbers!!!!!!!!!!