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Old Apr 05 2017, 11:55 PM
Rugged Barbie Rugged Barbie is offline
Join Date: Mar 25 2012
Posts: 234

In Raul's notes it says Facilities are due later today (Wednesday) and this is Thursday. I don't see them in the store. Any word on when they'll be out?

And re. our posting a quick reply of thanks, it shows the Developers we care and we like the updates and also sets us up for email notifications when others post in this thread.

And re. trees, as I run out of the fruit I go plant more of that tree. The other day I wore myself out planting 1,400 banana trees. Before that it was lemons. Before that it was apples. The increase in need for trees comes with the release of new eateries.
I'm just a player interested in playing . . .