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Old Jan 13 2020, 02:55 PM
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marymarcel marymarcel is offline
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Default En qué nivel desbloqueo los Barcos?

Esta es la lista de Barcos, dada por nivel, y los requisitos para desbloquearlos.
Usted puede llenar hasta 10 contenedores en un barco.

Cargo Ship Blue - Nivel 100 necesita 10 vecinos
Cargo Ship Orange - Nivel 200 necesita 15 vecinos
Cargo Ship Green - Nivel 300 necesita 20 vecinos
Cargo Ship Purple - Nivel 400 necesita 25 vecinos
Cargo Ship Brown - Nivel 500 necesita 30 vecinos
Cargo Ship Pink - Nivel 600 necesita 35 vecinos
Cargo Ship Yellow - Nivel 700 necesita 40 vecinos

Si desea màs informaciòn sobre los Barcos, por favor visite el Capítulo 32: Barcos de Carga

Last edited by marymarcel; Jan 15 2020 at 12:13 PM.
Old Jan 14 2020, 12:38 PM
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marymarcel marymarcel is offline
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Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Default En qué nivel desbloqueo las herramientas? (A a F)

Esta es la lista de las Herramientas disponibles, su precio y el nivel ò los requisitos para desbloquearlas (A a F).
  • Armored Truck - 30 Farmcash

  • Belt Dryer - 35 Farmcash
  • Bottling Machine - 35 Farmcash

  • Bulldozer (2x2) - 80,000 monedas - Nivel 19
  • Bulldozer (3x3) - 250,000 monedas - Nivel 47
  • Bulldozer (4x4) - 15 Farmcash
  • Bulldozer (5x5) - 10 Farmcash - Necesita Bulldozer 4x4
  • Bulldozer (6x6) - 15 Farmcash - Necesita Bulldozer 5x5
  • Bulldozer (8x8) - 30 Farmcash - Necesita Bulldozer 6x6
  • Bulldozer (12x12) - 30 Farmcash - Necesita Bulldozer 8x8
  • Bulldozer (16x16) - 30 Farmcash - Necesita Bulldozer 12x12
  • Bulldozer (20x20) - 30 Farmcash - Necesita Bulldozer 16x16

  • Bulldozer Ex (8x8) - 45 Farmcash - Necesita Bulldozer 12x12

  • Combine Harvest-Plant (5x5) - 45 Farmcash - Necesita Combine Harvest-Plow (5x5) y Seeder (5x5)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (6x6) - 45 Farmcash - Necesita Combine Harvest-Plant (5x5) Combine Harvest-Plow (6x6) y Seeder (6x6)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (8x8) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Combine Harvest-Plant (6x5) Combine Harvest-Plow (8x8) y Seeder (8x8)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (10x10) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Combine Harvest-Plant (8x8) Combine Harvest-Plow (10x10) y Seeder (10x10)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (12x12) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Combine Harvest-Plant (10x10) Combine Harvest-Plow (12x12) y Seeder (12x12)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (14x14) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Combine Harvest-Plant (12x12) Combine Harvest-Plow (14x14) y Seeder (14x14)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (16x16) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Combine Harvest-Plant (14x14) Combine Harvest-Plow (16x16) y Seeder (16x16)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (18x18) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Combine Harvest-Plant (16x16) Combine Harvest-Plow (18x18) y Seeder (18x18)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (20x20) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Combine Harvest-Plant (18x18) Combine Harvest-Plow (20x20) y Seeder (20x20)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (22x22) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Combine Harvest-Plant (20x20), Combine Harvest-Plow (22x22) y Seeder (22x22)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (24x24) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Combine Harvest-Plant (22x22), Combine Harvest-Plow (24x24) y Seeder (24x24)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant (28x28) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Combine Harvest-Plant (24x24), Combine Harvest-Plow (28x28) y Seeder (28x28)

  • Combine Harvest-Plant Ex (5x5)- 50 Farmcash - Necesita Combine Harvest-Plant (16x16) Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (5x5) Seeder Ex (5x5)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant Ex (6x6)- 50 Farmcash - Necesita Combine Harvest-Plant Ex (5x5) Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (6x6) Seeder EX (6x6)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant Ex (7x7)- 50 Farmcash - Necesita Combine Harvest-Plant Ex (6x6) Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (7x7) Seeder Ex (7x7)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant Ex (8x8)- 50 Farmcash - Necesita Combine Harvest-Plant Ex (7x7) Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (8x8) Seeder Ex (8x8)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant Ex 9x9 - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Combine Harvest-Plant Ex (8x8), Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (9x9), Seeder Ex (9x9)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant Ex 10x10 - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Combine Harvest-Plant Ex (9x9), Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (10x10), Seeder Ex (10x10)
  • Combine Harvest-Plant Ex 11x11 - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Combine Harvest-Plant Ex (10x10), Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (11x11), Seeder Ex (11x11)

  • Combine Harvest-Plow (6x6) - 35 Farmcash - Necesita Combine Harvest-Plow (5x5) Harvester (6x6) y Plower (6x6)
  • Combine Harvest-Plow (8x8) - 40 Farmcash - Necesita Combine Harvest-Plow (6x6) Harvester (8x8) y Plower (8x8)
  • Combine Harvest-Plow (10x10) - 40 Farmcash - Necesita Combine Harvest-Plow (8x8) Harvester (10x10) y Plower (10x10)
  • Combine Harvest-Plow (12x12) - 40 Farmcash - Necesita Combine Harvest-Plow (10x10) Harvester (12x12) y Plower (12x12)
  • Combine Harvest-Plow (14x14) - 40 Farmcash - Necesita Combine Harvest-Plow (12x12) Harvester (14x14) y Plower (14x14)
  • Combine Harvest-Plow (16x16) - 40 Farmcash - Necesita Combine Harvest-Plow (14x14) Harvester (16x16) y Plower (16x16)
  • Combine Harvest-Plow (18x18) - 40 Farmcash - Necesita Combine Harvest-Plow (16x16) Harvester (18x18) y Plower (18x18)
  • Combine Harvest-Plow (20x20) - 40 Farmcash - Necesita Combine Harvest-Plow (18x18) Harvester (20x20) y Plower (20x20)
  • Combine Harvest-Plow (22x22) - 40 Farmcash - Necesita Combine Harvest-Plow (20x20), Harvester (22x22) y Plower (22x22)-Solar Powered
  • Combine Harvest-Plow (24x24) - 40 Farmcash - Necesita Combine Harvest-Plow (22x22), Harvester (24x24) y Plower (24x24)-Solar Powered
  • Combine Harvest-Plow (28x28) - 40 Farmcash - Necesita Combine Harvest-Plow (24x24), Harvester (28x28) y Plower (28x28)-Solar Powered

  • Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (5x5) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Harvester Ex (5x5) Plower (16x16) y Combine Harvest-Plow (16x16)
  • Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (6x6) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (5x5) Harvester Ex (6x6)
  • Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (7x7) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (6x6) Harvester Ex (7x7)
  • Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (8x8) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (7x7) Harvester Ex (8x8)
  • Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (9x9) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (8x8) Harvester Ex (9x9)
  • Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (10x10) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (9x9), Harvester Ex (10x10)
  • Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (11x11) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Combine Harvest-Plow Ex (10x10), Harvester Ex (11x11)

  • Conveyors - 35 Farmcash

  • Crop Replanter Implement - 120 Farmcash (actualizacion para las herramientas Combine Harvest-Plant y que habilita replantar el mismo cultivo) - Necesita Combine Harvest-Plant (5x5)
    ANTES de comprar el Crop Replanter Implement por favor lea que es lo que habilita y cuales son los metodos para replantar. Si todavia no esta seguro, no dude en preguntar para asegurarse de que le sera util para sus granjas o como Super Vecino.
    Para mas informacion CLICK AQUI
  • Drive Thru System - 35 Farmcash
  • Egg Collector - 45 Farmcash
  • Excavator - 50 Farmcash
  • Express Checkout Station - 40 Farmcash

  • Fishing Boat (2x2) - 1,300,000 monedas - Nivel 19
  • Fishing Boat (3x3) - 35 Farmcash
  • Fishing Boat (5x5) - 25 Farmcash - Necesita Fishing Boat (3x3)
  • Fishing Boat (Turbo) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Fishing Boat (5x5)
  • Fishing Boat (Turbo 4x4) - 35 Farmcash - Necesita Fishing Boat (Turbo)
  • Fishing Boat (Turbo 8x8) - 45 Farmcash - Necesita Fishing Boat (Turbo 4x4)
  • Fishing Boat (Turbo 12x12) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Fishing Boat (Turbo 8x8)
  • Fishing Boat (Turbo 16x16) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Fishing Boat (Turbo 12x12)
  • Fishing Boat (Turbo 20x20) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Fishing Boat (Turbo 16x16)
  • Fishing Boat (Turbo 24x24) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Fishing Boat (Turbo 20x20)
  • Fishing Boat (Turbo 28x28) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Fishing Boat (Turbo 24x24)
  • Fishing Boat (Turbo 32x32) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Fishing Boat (Turbo 28x28)
  • Fishing Boat (Turbo 36x36) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Fishing Boat (Turbo 32x32)
  • Fishing Boat (Turbo 40x40) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Fishing Boat (Turbo 36x36)
  • Fishing Boat (Turbo 44x44) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Fishing Boat (Turbo 40x40)
  • Fishing Boat (Turbo 48x48) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Fishing Boat (Turbo 44x44)

  • Flower Freezer - Unfreezer Tool - Costo 50 Farmcash

  • Flower Harvester (3x3) - 1,200,000 monedas - Nivel 49
  • Flower Harvester (8x4) - 40 Farmcash
  • Flower Harvester (8x8) - 30 Farmcash - Necesita Flower Harvester (8x4)
  • Flower Harvester (12x8) - 40 Farmcash - Necesita Flower Harvester (8x8)
  • Flower Harvester (12x12) - 40 Farmcash - Necesita Flower Harvester (12x8)
  • Flower Harvester (16x12) - 40 Farmcash - Necesita Flower Harvester (12x12)
  • Flower Harvester (16x16) - 40 Farmcash - Necesita Flower Harvester (16x12)
  • Flower Harvester (20x20) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Flower Harvester (16x16)
  • Flower Harvester (24x24) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Flower Harvester (20x20)
  • Flower Harvester (28x28) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Flower Harvester (24x24)
  • Flower Harvester (32x32) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Flower Harvester (28x28)
  • Flower Harvester (36x36) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Flower Harvester (32x32)
  • Flower Harvester (40x40) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Flower Harvester (36x36)
  • Flower Harvester (44x44) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Flower Harvester (40X40)
  • Flower Harvester (48x48) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Flower Harvester (44X44)

  • Forklift (green)(verde) - 40 Farmcash
  • Forklift (purple)(violeta) - 35 Farmcash - Necesita forklift (green)(verde)

  • Freestyle Farm Designer (orange)(naranja)- 40 Farmcash
  • Freestyle Farm Designer (green)(verde)- 50 Farmcash - Necesita orange (naranja) freestlyle farm designer
  • Freestyle Farm Designer (purple)(violeta)- 50 Farmcash - Necesita green (verde) freestlyle farm designer

Last edited by marymarcel; May 02 2024 at 02:02 PM.
Old Jan 14 2020, 12:43 PM
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marymarcel marymarcel is offline
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Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Default En qué nivel desbloqueo las herramientas? (G a L)

Esta es la lista de las Herramientas disponibles, su precio y el nivel ò los requisitos para desbloquearlas (G a L).
  • Gifting machine (grey) (gris)- 35 Farmcash
  • Gifting machine(red) (rojo)- 35 Farmcash - Necesita grey (gris) gifting machine
  • Gifting machine(orange)(naranja)- 40 Farmcash - Necesita red (rojo) gifting machine
  • Gifting machine(green)(verde)- 40 Farmcash
  • Gifting machine(purple)(violeta)- 40 Farmcash - Necesita green (verde) gifting machine
  • Gifting machine(brown)(marrón)- 40 Farmcash - Necesita purple (violeta) gifting machine
  • Gifting machine(pink)(rosa)- 40 Farmcash - Necesita green (verde) gifting machine
  • Gifting machine(yellow)(amarillo)- 40 Farmcash - Necesita pink (rosa) gifting machine
  • Gifting machine(blue) (azul)- 45 Farmcash - Necesita brown (marron) gifting machine
  • Gifting machine(light blue) (celeste)- 50 Farmcash - Necesita blue (azul) gifting machine

  • Harvester (2x1) - 15,000 monedas - Nivel 10
  • Harvester (2x2) - 30,000 monedas - Nivel 16
  • Harvester (3x3) - 500,000 monedas - Nivel 44
  • Harvester (4x4) - 45 Farmcash
  • Harvester (5x5) - 30 Farmcash - Necesita Harvester (4x4)
  • Harvester (6x6) - 20 Farmcash - Necesita Harvester (5x5)
  • Harvester (8x8) - 30 Farmcash - Necesita Harvester (6x6)
  • Harvester (10x10) - 30 Farmcash - Necesita Harvester (8x8)
  • Harvester (12x12) - 30 Farmcash - Necesita Harvester (10x10)
  • Harvester (14x14) - 30 Farmcash - Necesita Harvester (12x12)
  • Harvester (16x16) - 30 Farmcash - Necesita Harvester (14x14)
  • Harvester (18x18) - 30 Farmcash - Necesita Harvester (16x16)
  • Harvester (20X20) - 30 Farmcash - Necesita Harvester (18X18)
  • Harvester (22x22) - 30 Farmcash - Necesita Harvester (20x20)
  • Harvester (24x24) - 30 Farmcash - Necesita Harvester (22x22)
  • Harvester (28x28) - 30 Farmcash - Necesita Harvester (24x24)

  • Harvester Ex (5x5) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Harvester (16x16)
  • Harvester Ex (6x6) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Harvester Ex (5x5)
  • Harvester Ex (7x7) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Harvester Ex (6x6)
  • Harvester Ex (8x8) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Harvester Ex (7x7)
  • Harvester Ex (9x9) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Harvester Ex (8x8)
  • Harvester Ex (10x10) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Harvester Ex (9x9)
  • Harvester Ex (11x11) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Harvester Ex (10x10)

  • Herding Robot - 50 Farmcash
  • Loader - 35 Farmcash

  • Log Truck With Chainsaw (3x3) - 1,100,000 monedas - Nivel 48
  • Log Truck With Chainsaw (8x4) - 40 Farmcash
  • Log Truck With Chainsaw (8x8) - 30 Farmcash - Necesita Log Truck With Chainsaw (8x4)
  • Log Truck With Chainsaw (12x8) - 40 Farmcash - Necesita Log Truck With Chainsaw (8x8)
  • Log Truck With Chainsaw (12x12) - 40 Farmcash - Necesita Log Truck With Chainsaw (12x8)
  • Log Truck With Chainsaw (16x12) - 40 Farmcash - Necesita Log Truck With Chainsaw (12x12)
  • Log Truck With Chainsaw (16x16) - 40 Farmcash - Necesita Log Truck With Chainsaw (16x12)
  • Log Truck With Chainsaw (20x20) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Log Truck With Chainsaw (16x16)
  • Log Truck With Chainsaw (24x24) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Log Truck With Chainsaw (20x20)
  • Log Truck With Chainsaw (28x28) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Log Truck With Chainsaw (24x24)
  • Log Truck With Chainsaw (32x32) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Log Truck With Chainsaw (28x28)
  • Log Truck With Chainsaw (36x36) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Log Truck With Chainsaw (32x32)
  • Log Truck With Chainsaw (40x40) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Log Truck With Chainsaw (36x36)
  • Log Truck With Chainsaw (44x44) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Log Truck With Chainsaw (40x40)
  • Log Truck With Chainsaw (48x48) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Log Truck With Chainsaw (44x44)

Last edited by marymarcel; Mar 29 2024 at 02:38 PM.
Old Jan 14 2020, 12:57 PM
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marymarcel marymarcel is offline
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Default En qué nivel desbloqueo las herramientas? (M a S)

Esta es la lista de las Herramientas disponibles, su precio y el nivel ò los requisitos para desbloquearlas (M a S).
  • Manual Lift Truck - 40 Farmcash
  • Manure Collector - 20 Farmcash

  • Manure Spreader (red) - 50 Farmcash
  • Manure Spreader (orange) - 40 Farmcash - Requires Manure Spreader (red)

  • Milking Station - 45 Farmcash
  • Mixer - 35 Farmcash
  • Mobile Lookout Tower - 100 Farmcash

  • Mobile Sprinkler (Brown)(marrón) - 45 Farmcash
  • Mobile Sprinkler (Red)(rojo) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Mobile Sprinkler (Brown)(marrón)
  • Mobile Sprinkler (Orange)(naranja) - 45 Farmcash - Necesita Mobile Sprinkler (Red)(rojo)
  • Mobile Sprinkler (Green)(verde) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Mobile Sprinkler (Orange)(naranja)
  • Mobile Sprinkler (Purple)(violeta) - 45 Farmcash - Necesita Mobile Sprinkler (Green)(verde)

  • Mobile Utility Cart - 35 Farmcash

  • Multi Planter 4x4 - 50 Farmcash
  • Multi Planter 8x8 - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Multi Planter 4x4
  • Multi Planter 12x12 - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Multi Planter 8x8
  • Multi Planter 16x16 - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Multi Planter 12x12
  • Multi Planter 24x24 - 40 Farmcash - Necesita Multi Planter 16x16
  • Multi Planter 32x32 - 40 Farmcash - Necesita Multi Planter 24x24
  • Multi Planter 40x40 - 40 Farmcash - Necesita Multi Planter 32x32

  • Ordering Station W/Trailer - 40 Farmcash

  • Overhead Crane Blue (Azul) - 100,000,000 monedas
  • Overhead Crane Orange (Naranja) - 35 Farmcash necesita Overhead Crane Blue
  • Overhead Crane Green (Verde) - 35 Farmcash necesita Overhead Crane Orange
  • Overhead Crane Purple (Violeta) - 35 Farmcash necesita Overhead Crane Green
  • Overhead Crane Brown (Marròn) - 35 Farmcash necesita Overhead Crane Purple
  • Overhead Crane Pink (Rosa) - 35 Farmcash necesita Overhead Crane Brown
  • Overhead Crane Yellow (Amarillo) - 35 Farmcash necesita Overhead Crane Pink

  • Packaging Machine - 35 Farmcash

  • Plower (2X2)-Solar Powered - 60,000 monedas - Nivel 18
  • Plower (3x3)-Solar Powered - 1,000,000 monedas - Nivel 46
  • Plower (4x4)-Solar Powered - 45 Farmcash
  • Plower (5x5)-Solar Powered - 30 Farmcash - Necesita Plower (4x4)-Solar Powered
  • Plower (6x6)-Solar Powered - 20 Farmcash - Necesita Plower (5x5)-Solar Powered
  • Plower (8x8)-Solar Powered - 30 Farmcash - Necesita Plower (6x6)-Solar Powered
  • Plower (10x10)-Solar Powered - 30 Farmcash - Necesita Plower (8x8)-Solar Powered
  • Plower (12x12)-Solar Powered - 30 Farmcash - Necesita Plower (10x10)-Solar Powered
  • Plower (14x14)-Solar Powered - 30 Farmcash - Necesita Plower (12x12)-Solar Powered
  • Plower (16x16)-Solar Powered - 30 Farmcash - Necesita Plower (14x14)-Solar Powered
  • Plower (18x18)-Solar Powered - 30 Farmcash - Necesita Plower (16x16)-Solar Powered
  • Plower (20x20)-Solar Powered - 30 Farmcash - Necesita Plower (18x18)-Solar Powered
  • Plower (22x22)-Solar Powered - 30 Farmcash - Necesita Plower (20x20)-Solar Powered
  • Plower (24x24)-Solar Powered - 30 Farmcash - Necesita Plower (22x22)-Solar Powered
  • Plower (28x28)-Solar Powered - 30 Farmcash - Necesita Plower (24x24)-Solar Powered

  • Seeder (2x1) - 20,000 monedas - Nivel 11
  • Seeder (2x2) - 40,000 - Nivel 17
  • Seeder (3x3) - 750,000 - Nivel 45
  • Seeder (4x4) - 45 Farmcash
  • Seeder (5x5) - 30 Farmcash - Necesita Seeder (4x4)
  • Seeder (6x6) - 20 Farmcash - Necesita Seeder (5x5)
  • Seeder (8x8) - 30 Farmcash - Necesita Seeder (6x6)
  • Seeder (10x10) - 30 Farmcash - Necesita Seeder (8x8)
  • Seeder (12x12) - 30 Farmcash - Necesita Seeder (10x10)
  • Seeder (14x14) - 30 Farmcash - Necesita Seeder (12x12)
  • Seeder (16x16) - 30 Farmcash - Necesita Seeder (14x14)
  • Seeder (18x18) - 30 Farmcash - Necesita Seeder (16x16)
  • Seeder (20x20) - 30 Farmcash - Necesita Seeder (18x18)
  • Seeder (22x22) - 30 Farmcash - Necesita Seeder (20x20)
  • Seeder (24x24) - 30 Farmcash - Necesita Seeder (22x22)
  • Seeder (28x28) - 30 Farmcash - Necesita Seeder (24x24)

  • Seeder Ex (5x5) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Seeder (16x16)
  • Seeder Ex (6x6) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Seeder Ex (5x5)
  • Seeder Ex (7x7) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Seeder Ex (6x6)
  • Seeder Ex (8x8) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Seeder Ex (7x7)
  • Seeder Ex (9x9) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Seeder Ex (8x8)
  • Seeder Ex (10x10) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Seeder Ex (9x9)
  • Seeder Ex (11x11) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Seeder Ex (10x10)

  • Semi-Trailer Truck - 22 Farmcash
  • Shearing and Cutting Set - 45 Farmcash

  • Super Storage (Red)(rojo) - 35 Farmcash
  • Super Storage (Orange)(naranja) - 35 Farmcash - Necesita Super Storage (Red)(rojo)
  • Super Storage (Green)(verde) - 35 Farmcash - Necesita Super Storage (Orange)(naranja)
  • Super Storage (Purple)(violeta) - 35 Farmcash - Necesita Super Storage (Green)(verde)

Last edited by marymarcel; Jun 27 2023 at 02:10 PM.
Old Jan 14 2020, 01:01 PM
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marymarcel marymarcel is offline
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Default En qué nivel desbloqueo las herramientas? (T a W)

Esta es la lista de las Herramientas disponibles, su precio y el nivel ò los requisitos para desbloquearlas (T a W).
  • Tables And Chairs - 35 Farmcash
  • Tower Crane - 50 Farmcash

  • Trading Advertising Banner - S - 40 Farmcash
  • Trading Advertising Banner - M- 40 Farmcash - Necesita Trading Advertising Banner - S
  • Trading Advertising Banner - L- 45 Farmcash - Necesita Trading Advertising Banner - M
  • Trading Advertising Banner - XL- 50 Farmcash - Necesita Trading Advertising Banner - L

  • Transplanter 4x4 - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Multi Planter 4x4
  • Transplanter 8x8 - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Transplanter 4x4 y Multi Planter 8x8
  • Transplanter 12x12 - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Transplanter 8x8 y Multi Planter 12x12
  • Transplanter 16x16- 50 Farmcash - Necesita Transplanter 12x12 y Multi Planter 16x16
  • Transplanter 24x24- 50 Farmcash - Necesita Transplanter 16x16 y Multi Planter 24x24
  • Transplanter 32x32- 50 Farmcash - Necesita Transplanter 24x24 y Multi Planter 32x32
  • Transplanter 40x40- 50 Farmcash - Necesita Transplanter 32x32 y Multi Planter 40x40
  • Transplanter EX 10x10- 50 Farmcash - Necesita Transplanter 40x40

  • Tree Shaker (3x3) - 1,250,000 monedas - Nivel 50
  • Tree Shaker (8x4) - 45 Farmcash
  • Tree Shaker (8x8) - 30 Farmcash - Necesita Tree Shaker (8x4)
  • Tree Shaker (12x8) - 40 Farmcash - Necesita Tree Shaker (8x8)
  • Tree Shaker (12x12) - 40 Farmcash - Necesita Tree Shaker (12x8)
  • Tree Shaker (16x12) - 40 Farmcash - Necesita Tree Shaker (12x12)
  • Tree Shaker (16x16) - 40 Farmcash - Necesita Tree Shaker (16x12)
  • Tree Shaker (20x20) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Tree Shaker (16x16)
  • Tree Shaker (24x24) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Tree Shaker (20x20)
  • Tree Shaker (28x28) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Tree Shaker (24x24)
  • Tree Shaker (32x32) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Tree Shaker (28x28)
  • Tree Shaker (36x36) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Tree Shaker (32x32)
  • Tree Shaker (40x40) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Tree Shaker (36x36)
  • Tree Shaker (44x44) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Tree Shaker (40x40)
  • Tree Shaker (48x48) - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Tree Shaker (44x44)

  • Turbo Belt Dryer - 40 Farmcash - Necesita Belt Dryer
  • Turbo Bottling Machine - 40 Farmcash - Necesita Bottling Machine
  • Turbo Checkout Station - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Express Checkout Station
  • Turbo Conveyors - 40 Farmcash - Necesita Conveyors
  • Turbo Drive Thru System - 40 Farmcash - Necesita Drive Thru System

  • Turbo Electric Semi Truck - 75 Farmcash - Puede colocarse en la misma granja con el Semi Trailer regular

  • Turbo Loader - 40 Farmcash - Necesita Loader
  • Turbo Manual Lift Truck - 50 Farmcash - Necesita Manual Lift Truck
  • Turbo Mixer - Costo 40 Farmcash - Necesita Mixer
  • Turbo Mobile Utility Cart - 45 Farmcash - Necesita Mobile Utility Cart
  • Turbo Ordering Station - 20 Farmcash - Necesita Ordering Station w/trailer
  • Turbo Packaging Machine - 40 Farmcash - Necesita Packaging Machine
  • Turbo Tables and Chairs - 40 Farmcash - Necesita Tables and Chairs
  • Turbo Workbenches - 45 Farmcash - Necesita Workbenches
  • Workbenches- 35 Farmcash

Last edited by marymarcel; Jun 06 2024 at 06:23 PM.
Old Jan 14 2020, 01:27 PM
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marymarcel marymarcel is offline
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Default En qué nivel desbloqueo las fábricas? (A a F)

Esta es la lista de fàbricas (A a F), ordenadas alfabèticamente, y con el nivel requerido para desbloquear cada una de ellas:
  • Advertising Agency - Nivel 631
  • African Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Air Fresheners Factory - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Airline Catering Facility - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Airline Supplies Factory - Nivel 193
  • Airline Terminal - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • All Natural Animal Clinic - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • All Ravioli Restaurant - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Ambulance - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Ambulance Supplies Factory- Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Animal Accessories Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Animal Feed Store - Nivel 189
  • Animal Remedy Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Animal Shelter - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Animal Shelter Supplies Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Animal Sports Supplies Factory - Nivel 191
  • Antique Replica Factory- Nivel 323
  • Appliance Parts Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Appliance Service Center - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Aquarium Store - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Aquarium Supplies Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Argentinian Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Art Gallery - Nivel 131
  • Art Studio - Nivel 129
  • Artificial Turf Installers - Nivel 623
  • Artificial Turf Supplies - Nivel 621
  • Artisan Jewelry Studio - Nivel 271
  • Artisan Pizza Shop - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Artisan Ravioli Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Artisan Soap Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Artisan Soap Shop - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Australian Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Austrian Restaurant- Nivel 527

  • BBQ Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Baby Foods Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Baby Store - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Baby Supplies Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Bakery - Nivel 28
  • Balloon Bust Booth - Nivel 341
  • Bank - Nivel 229
  • Bank Supplies Factory - Nivel 701
  • Banquet Hall - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Bar Supplies Factory - Nivel 387
  • Bar Supplies Shop - Nivel 389
  • Barber Shop - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Barber Supplies Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Beach Bar - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Beach Gear Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Beach Gear Rental - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Beach Motel - Nivel 449
  • Beauty Salon - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Bed and Breakfast - Nivel 111
  • Bee Farm - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Beekeeping Shop - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Beekeeping Supplies Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Belgian Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Bike Supplies Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Bike World - Costo30 Farmcash
  • Billiard Hall - Nivel 497
  • Billiard Supplies Factory - Nivel 495
  • Biotech Research Facility - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Biotech Supplies Factory- Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Bird Shop - Nivel 541
  • Bird Supplies Factory - Nivel 539
  • Blacksmith Shop - Nivel 345
  • Blacksmith Supplies Factory - Nivel 343
  • Blood Bank - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Blood Mobile - Nivel 687
  • Blood Bank Supplies Factory - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Board Games Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Boat Supplies Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash[/b]
  • Boat Yard - Costo 30 Farmcash[/b]
  • Boba Tea Shop - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Boba Tea Supplies Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Boba Tea Supplies Store - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Bolivian Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Bookstore - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Bottle Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Bottling Plant - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Bowling Alley - Nivel 269
  • Brazilian Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Bread Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Breakfast Restaurant - Nivel 79
  • Brewery - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Bridal Shop - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Bridge Building Contractor - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Bridge Building Supplies - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • British Pie Shop - Nivel 437
  • British Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Brunch Buffet - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Buddha Shop - Nivel 435
  • Buddhist Supplies Factory - Nivel 433
  • Bulgarian Restaurant - Nivel 633
  • Butter Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Butter Making Supplies Factory - Nivel 563

  • Cabaret - Nivel 561
  • Cabaret Supplies Factory - Nivel 559
  • Cajun Restaurant - Nivel 367
  • Canadian Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Candied Fruit Factory - Nivel 669
  • Candied Fruit Stand - Nivel 671
  • Candle Palace - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Candy Store - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Car Dealer - Nivel 333
  • Car Dealer Supplies Factory - Nivel 331
  • Car Parts Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Car Repair Shop - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Car Wash - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Car Wash Supplies Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Cargo Port - Level 397
  • Cargo Port Supplies Factory - Nivel 395
  • Carpenter Shop - Nivel 579
  • Carpenter Supplies Factory - Nivel 577
  • Casino - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Casino Supplies Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Cattle Show Facility - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Cattle Show Supplies Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Ceramic Factory - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Cereal Factory - Nivel 61
  • Charcoal Retort - Nivel 185
  • Chicken Coop - Nivel 14
  • Chilean Restaurant - Nivel 613
  • China Buffet - Nivel 143
  • Chinese Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Chocolate Factory - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Cider House - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Cidery - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Cinnamon Factory - Costo 27 Farmcash
  • Circus - Nivel 135
  • Circus Supplies Factory - Nivel 133
  • Classical Music Band - Nivel 423
  • Clock Shop - Nivel 533
  • Clock Supplies Factory - Nivel 531
  • Cobbler Shop - Nivel 479
  • Cobbler Supplies Factory - Nivel 477
  • Coffee Grinder - Nivel 46
  • Coffee And Tea Shop - Costo 33 Farmcash
  • Coffee World - Nivel 471
  • Coin laundry - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Community Bank - Nivel 703
  • Computer Repair Factory - Nivel 705
  • Computer Repair Shop - Nivel 707
  • Composting Equipment Factory - Nivel 585
  • Composting Supplies Shop - Nivel 587
  • Confectionery Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Contemporary Pharmacy Store - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Construction Materials Factory - Nivel 181
  • Cookie Factory- Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Cookie Shop - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Cookware Factory - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Cosmetics Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Cosmetic Surgery Center - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Cosmetic Surgery Supplies - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Courthouse - Nivel 293
  • Courthouse supplies - Nivel 291
  • Cracker Factory- Nivel 601
  • Cracker Shop- Nivel 603
  • Craft Store - Nivel 221
  • Crafting Supplies Factory - Nivel 219
  • Critter Control Supplies - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Cruise Ship - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Cruise Supplies Factory - Nivel 347
  • Cuban Restaurant - Nivel 311
  • Culinary School - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Currency Supplies Factory - Nivel 203
  • Czech Restaurant - Nivel 641

  • Dairy Processing Plant - Nivel 12
  • Dairy Shed - Nivel 10
  • Dance Club - Costo 28 Farmcash
  • Dance Studio - Nivel 305
  • Dance Supplies Factory - Nivel 303
  • Data Center - Nivel 457
  • Day Care - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Day Spa - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Deli - Cost 33 Farmcash
  • Dental Clinic - Nivel 265
  • Dental Supplies Factory - Nivel 263
  • Dessert Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Dinner Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Disability Supplies Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Disaster Protection Shop - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Distillery - Nivel 75
  • Dollar Store - Nivel 249
  • Dominican Restaurant - Nivel 523
  • Donut Shop - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Drying Facility - Nivel 88
  • Dutch Restaurant - Nivel 493

  • Ecuadorian Restaurant - Nivel 571
  • Egyptian Restaurant - CostO 32 Farmcash
  • Electrical Supplies Factory - Nivel 515
  • Electrician Shop - Nivel 517
  • Electronic Components Factory - Nivel 161
  • Electronic Equipment Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Electronics Store - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Equestrian Supplies Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Essential Oils Plant - Nivel 69
  • Ethiopian Restaurant - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Event Catering Services - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Explorer Accessories Factory - Nivel 137
  • Explorer Shop - Nivel 139
  • Eye Clinic - Costo 30 Farmcash

  • Fair Food Building - Nivel 183
  • Fair Food Stand - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Fancy Food Show - Nivel 233
  • Farm Buildings Factory - Nivel 251
  • Farm Depot - Nivel 253
  • FarmTown Janitorial Services - Nivel 147
  • FarmTown Septic Services - Nivel 513
  • Farmart - Nivel 115
  • Farming Tools Factory - Nivel 109
  • Farrier Service Shop - Nivel 591
  • Farrier Supplies Factory - Nivel 589
  • Fashion Accesories Factory - Nivel 617
  • Fashion Bourtique - Nivel 619
  • Fashion Clothing Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Fashion World - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Federal Reserve Building - Nivel 205
  • Feed Supplement Plant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Fencing Store - Nivel 217
  • Fencing and Wall Factory - Nivel 215
  • Fidget Toy Factory - Nivel 609
  • Fidget Toy Store - Nivel 611
  • Filipino Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Film Making Supplies - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Fire Station - Nivel 349
  • Fireworks Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Fireworks Shop - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Fish Cannery - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Fish Farming Plant - Costo 28 Farmcash
  • Fish Market - Nivel 369
  • Fish n Chips - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Fishing Accessories Factory - Nivel 113
  • Fishing Tackle Shop - Nivel 123
  • Fitness Equipment Factory - Nivel 125
  • Flavored Coffee Factory - Nivel 469
  • Flavored Pistachio Factory - Nivel 605
  • Flavored Popcorn Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Flavored Water Factory - Nivel 447
  • Flooring Tiles Factory - Nivel 279
  • Flower Shop - Costo 25 Farmcash
  • Flower Stand - Nivel 439
  • Fodder Factory - Level 187
  • Food Art Caterer - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Food Art Show - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Food Colouring Factory - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Food Container Factory - Nivel 481
  • Food Flavouring Factory - Nivel 231
  • Food Ingredients Factory - Level 407
  • Food Preserve Factory - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Fortune Teller Supplies Factory - Nivel 451
  • Fortune Teller Wagon- Nivel 453
  • Framing Factory - Nivel 275
  • Framing Shop - Nivel 277
  • French Creperie - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • French Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Fresh Veggies Stand - Nivel 681
  • Frozen Food Factory - Nivel 83
  • Frozen Treats Factory - Nivel 243
  • Frozen Yogurt Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Frozen Yogurt Shop - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Fruit Stand - Nivel 261
  • FTown Landscaping Services- Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Funeral Home - Nivel 175
  • Funeral Supplies Factory - Nivel 173
  • Furniture Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Furniture Repair Shop - Nivel 475

Last edited by marymarcel; Sep 21 2024 at 06:57 PM.
Old Jan 14 2020, 01:31 PM
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marymarcel marymarcel is offline
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Default En qué nivel desbloqueo las fábricas? (G a O)

Esta es la lista de fàbricas (G a O), ordenadas alfabèticamente, y con el nivel requerido para desbloquear cada una de ellas:
  • Garage Door Store - Nivel 675
  • Garage Door Supplies - Nivel 673
  • Garden Center - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Gardening Tools Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Gas Station - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • German Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Gift Shop - Nivel 225
  • Glass Factory - Nivel 97
  • Gluten Free Mix Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Gluten Free Snack Shack - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Golf Pro Store - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Gourmet Butter Shop - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Gourmet Popcorn Shop - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Gourmet Restaurant - Nivel 117
  • Grandmas Country Kitchen - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Greek Taverna - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Gutter Repair Services - Nivel 537
  • Gutter Supplies Factory - Nivel 535
  • Guyanese Restaurant - Nivel 649
  • Gym - Nivel 127

  • Haberdashery Store - Nivel 467
  • Haberdashery Supplies Factory - Nivel 465
  • Hair Accessories Factory - Nivel 247
  • Hamburger Restaurant - Nivel 81
  • Handmade Jewelry Stall - Nivel 273
  • Handyman Tools Factory - Nivel 163
  • Hardware Shop - Nivel 167
  • Hat Factory - Nivel 359
  • Hat Shop - Nivel 361
  • Hawaiian Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Healthy Juice Stand - Level 259
  • Herbal Tea Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Hibachi Japanese Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Hippodrome - Nivel 193
  • Hobby Shop - Nivel 549
  • Hobby Supplies Factory - Nivel 547
  • Holiday Decor Factory - Nivel 327
  • Holiday Shop - Nivel 329
  • Home Decor Store - Nivel 213
  • Home Depot Store - Nivel 99
  • Home Supply Factory - Nivel 98
  • Honey Derivatives Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Honey Shop - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Hong Kong Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Hospital - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Hospitality Supplies Factory - Nivel 335
  • Hotel - Nivel 337
  • House Building Company - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • House Construction Supplies - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • House of Pancakes - Nivel 491
  • Household Linens Store - Nivel 237
  • Hungarian Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash

  • Ice Cream Factory - Nivel 20
  • Ice Cream Shop - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Ice Fishing Shop - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Ice Rink - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Ice Rink Supplies - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Incense Sticks Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Incense Sticks Shop - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Indian Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Indian Trading Post - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Indonesian Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Indoor Playground - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Indoor Playground Supplies - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Ink And Pigments Factory - Nivel 63
  • Instant Food Factory - Nivel 105
  • Interior Design Decor Factory - Nivel 211
  • International Breakfast Buffet - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • International Dog House - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Iranian Restaurant - Nivel 505
  • Iraqi Restaurant - Nivel 657
  • Irish Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Irrigation Supplies Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Irrigation Supplies Shop - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • IT Supplies Factory Nivel 455
  • Italian Restaurant - Cost 32 Farmcash

  • Jam and Jelly Factory - Level 409
  • Jamaican Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Jam Palace - Level 411
  • Janitorial Supplies Factory - Nivel 145
  • Jazz Music Band - Nivel 425
  • Jewelry Factory - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Jewish Restaurant- Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Juice Factory - Costo 28 Farmcash
  • K9 Training Facility - Level 461
  • K9 Training Supplies Factory - Level 459
  • Kids Breakfast Club - Nivel 565
  • Kids Clothing Mill - Nivel 443
  • Kids Clothing Palace - Nivel 445
  • Kids Discovery Academy - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Kids Sports Store - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Kids Sports Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Knitting And Knotting Mill - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Korean Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash

  • Lamp Factory - Nivel 507
  • Lamp Shop - Nivel 509
  • Landscaping Supplies Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Lanolin Factory - Nivel 575
  • Latin American Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Laundry Supplies Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Lawn Games Shop - Nivel 429
  • Lawn Games Supplies Factory - Nivel 427
  • Learning Toys Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Lebanese Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Library - Nivel 297
  • Library Supplies Factory - Nivel 295
  • Linen Supplies Factory - Nivel 235
  • Lingerie Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Lingerie Store - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Liquor Store - Nivel 691
  • Locksmith Shop - Nivel 405
  • Locksmith Supplies Factory - Nivel 403
  • Log Cabin Supplies Factory - Nivel 555
  • Log Cabin Supplies Store - Nivel 557
  • Lumberjack Shop - Nivel 373
  • Lumberjack Supplies Factory - Nivel 371
  • Lunch Truck - Nivel 245
  • Luxury Apartments Building - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Luxury Hotel - Nivel 119

  • Magicians Clubhouse - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Magician Supplies Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Malaysian Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Marina - Level 401
  • Marina Supplies Factory - Level 399
  • Marketing Supplies Factory - Nivel 629
  • Martial Arts School - Nivel 285
  • Martial Arts Supplies Factory - Nivel 283
  • Mascot Factory - Nivel 339
  • Meadery - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Meal Rental Supplies Factory - Nivel 197
  • Medical Supplies Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Mediterranean Restaurant - Nivel 165
  • Metal Mill - Nivel 71
  • Meteorology Supplies Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Mexican Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Midwest American Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Milking Supplies Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Milking Supplies Store - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Mineral Mine - Nivel 56 Puede colocarse en la misma granja con la Turbo Mineral Mine
  • Mini Mall - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Mobile Accessories Factory - Cost 32 Farmcash
  • Mobile Carrier Store - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Mobile Catering Trailer - Nivel 195
  • Modern School - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Mold Remediation Services - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Mold Remediation Supplies- Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Moroccan Restaurant- Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Movie Studio - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Movie Theater - Nivel 94
  • Multi Level Parking - Nivel 201
  • Music Band Supplies Factory- Nivel 421
  • Music Conservatory - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Musical Instruments Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash

  • Nail Salon - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Nail Salon Supplies Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Native American Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Natural History Museum - Nivel 325
  • Natural Remedy Shop - Nivel 58
  • New England Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • New Zealand Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Nicaraguan Restaurant - Nivel 597
  • Nursing Home - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Nut Shop - Level 313
  • Nutritional Supplement Store - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Nutritional Supplies Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash

  • Oast And Malt House - Nivel 52
  • Office Depot - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Office-School Supply Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Offshore Oil Rig - Costo 32 Farmcash Puede colocarse en la misma granja con Oil Pum
  • Oil Factory - Costo 12 Farmcash
  • Oil Pump - Nivel 8 Puede colocarse en la misma granja con la Offshore Oil Rig
  • Oil Refinery - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Open-Pit Mine - Nivel 65
  • Optical Supplies Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Orchard Supplies Factory - Nivel 319
  • Orchard Supplies Shop - Nivel 321
  • Orphanage - Nivel 683
  • Outdoor Living Store - Costo 30 Farmcash

Last edited by marymarcel; Aug 23 2024 at 05:24 PM.
Old Jan 14 2020, 01:49 PM
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marymarcel marymarcel is offline
Join Date: Sep 30 2009
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 15,387
Default En qué nivel desbloqueo las fábricas? (P a S)

Esta es la lista de fàbricas (P a S), ordenadas alfabèticamente, y con el nivel requerido para desbloquear cada una de ellas:
  • Paint Shop - Nivel 353
  • Painting Supplies Factory - Nivel 351
  • Pakistani Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Paper Mill - Nivel 36
  • Parade Float - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Party Shop - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Party Supplies Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Pasta Factory - Nivel 54
  • Pasta Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Pediatric Clinic - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Pediatric Supplies Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Perfume Factory - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Personal Aid Shop - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Personal Care Goods Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Peruvian Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Pet Accessories Factory - Nivel 287
  • Pet Foods Factory - Nivel 101
  • Pet Shop - Nivel 103
  • Petrochemical Plant - Nivel 67
  • Pharmacy Supplies Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Photography Studio - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Photography Supplies Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Phlebotomy Supplies Factory - Nivel 685
  • Physiotherapy Equip.Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Pickles and Relish Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Pickles and Relish Store - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Pig Show Facility - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Pig Show Supplies Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Pig Sty - Nivel 26
  • Pistachio Land - Nivel 607
  • Pizza Restaurant - Nivel 18
  • Plant Milk factory - Nivel 157
  • Plant Nursery - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Playground - Nivel 171
  • Playground Gear Factory - Nivel 169
  • Plumbing Shop - Nivel 393
  • Plumbing Supplies Factory - Nivel 391
  • Police Station - Nivel 151
  • Police-Fireman Supplies Factory - Nivel 149
  • Polish Pub - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Polish Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Pool Bar - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Pool Shop - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Pool Supplies Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Portuguese Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Post Office - Nivel 155
  • Power Plant - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Power Utility Supplies Factory- Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Premium Fodder Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Prenatal Care Center - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Prenatal Supplies Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Printing-Packaging Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Pub - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Public Restrooms - Nivel 257
  • Public Transport Office - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Puerto Rican Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash

  • Quilt Factory - Nivel 697
  • Quilt Shop - Nivel 699

  • Rabbit Hutch - Nivel 30
  • Railroad Supplies Factory - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Reading Accessories Factory - Nivel 289
  • Real Estate Office - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Realtor Shop - Nivel 381
  • Realtor Supplies Factory - Nivel 379
  • Red Windmill - Nivel 8 Puede colocarse en la misma granja con el Stone Windmill
  • Rehabilitation Center - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Restaurant Supplies Factory - Nivel 363
  • Restaurant Supplies Shop - Nivel 365
  • Restroom Suppiles Factory - Nivel 255
  • Retail Supplies Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Roasted Nut Gift Factory - Nivel 299
  • Rodeo - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Romanian Restaurant - Nivel 551
  • Roof Repair Services - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Roofing Supplies Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Rubber Factory - Nivel 73
  • Rug and Mat Factory - Nivel 383
  • Rug and Mat Outlet - Nivel 385
  • Rural Craft Studio- Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Russian Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash

  • Safety Supplies Factory - Nivel 677
  • Safety Supplies Store - Nivel 679
  • Salvadoran Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Sandwich Restaurant - Nivel 32
  • Sauce and Condiments Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Sawmill - Nivel 44
  • Scandinavian Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Scented Candle Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Science Club - Nivel 639
  • Science Supplies Factory - Nivel 637
  • Scottish Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Scout Shop- Nivel 357
  • Scout Supplies Factory- Nivel 355
  • Seafood Buffet - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Seafood Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Seaquarium - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Seaquarium Supplies Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Septic Supplies Factory - Nivel 511
  • Sewing Mill - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Shaved Ice Cart - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Sheep Show Facility - Nivel 545
  • Sheep Show Supplies Factory - Nivel 543
  • Shelf and Cabinets Factory - Nivel 417
  • Shelf Genie - Nivel 419
  • Shipping Supplies Factory - Nivel 153
  • Shoe Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Sign Factory - Nivel 375
  • Signworks Shop - Nivel 377
  • Singaporean Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Slovakian Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Smartphone Repair Shop - Nivel 595
  • Smartphone Repair Tools Factory - Nivel 593
  • Smokehouse - Nivel 86
  • Snack Factory - Nivel 38
  • Snack Machine - Nivel 107
  • Soft Drinks Factory - Nivel 90
  • Soup Kitchen - Nivel 483
  • Soup Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Souvenir Factory - Nivel 223
  • Spa Supplies Factory - Nivel 227
  • Spanish Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Spearfishing Supplies Factory - Nivel 519
  • Spearfishing Shop - Nivel 521
  • Special Needs School - Nivel 501
  • Special Needs Supplies Factory - Nivel 499
  • Specialty Bread Store - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Specialty Vodka Distillery - Nivel 689
  • Spice Factory - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Sports Accessories Factory - Nivel 95
  • Sports Arena - Nivel 96
  • Squishmallow Factory - Nivel 645
  • Squishmallow Store - Nivel 647
  • Stables 1 - Costo 25 Farmcash
  • Stables 2 - Costo 28 Farmcash
  • Stone Windmill - Costo 32 Farmcash Puede colocarse en la misma granja con el Red Windmill
  • Storm Supplies Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Straw Market - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Sugar Refinery - Nivel 22
  • Summer Gear Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Summer Store - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Surgical Supplies Factory - Nivel 653
  • Super Chicken Coup - Costo 50 Farmcash
  • Super Dairy Shed - Costo 50 Farmcash
  • Super Rabbit Hutch - Costo 50 Farmcash
  • Super Stables - Costo 50 Farmcash
  • Super Wool Shed - Costo 50 Farmcash
  • Supermarket - Nivel 92
  • Sushi Restaurant - Nivel 50
  • Swiss Restaurant - Nivel 581
  • Syrup Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash

Last edited by marymarcel; Sep 21 2024 at 06:55 PM.
Old Jan 14 2020, 02:09 PM
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marymarcel marymarcel is offline
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Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Default En qué nivel desbloqueo las fábricas? (T a Z)

Esta es la lista de fàbricas (T a Z), ordenadas alfabèticamente, y con el nivel requerido para desbloquear cada una de ellas:
  • Tack Shop - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taco Restaurant - Nivel 40
  • Taiwanese Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Tanning Salon - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Tanning Supplies Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Taste of Africa - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Argentina - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Australia - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Austria - Nivel 529
  • Taste of Belgium - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Bolivia - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Brazil - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Britain - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Bulgaria - Nivel 635
  • Taste of Canada - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Chile - Nivel 615
  • Taste of China - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Colombia- Nivel 489
  • Taste of Cuba - Nivel 441
  • Taste of Czech Republic - Nivel 643
  • Taste of Dominican Republic - Nivel 525
  • Taste of Ecuador - Nivel 573
  • Taste of Egypt - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of El Salvador - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Ethiopia - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of France - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Germany - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Greece - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Guyana - Nivel 651
  • Taste of Hawaii - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Hong Kong - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Hungary- Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of India - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Indonesia - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Iraq - Nivel 659
  • Taste of Iran - Nivel 507
  • Taste of Ireland - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Italy - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Jamaica - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Japan - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Jewish Culture - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Korea - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Latin America - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Lebanon - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Malaysia - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Mediterranea - Nivel 413
  • Taste of Mexico - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Midwest America - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Morocco - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Native America - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of New England - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of New Orleans - Nivel 463
  • Taste of New Zealand - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Nicaragua - Nivel 599
  • Taste of Pakistan - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Peru - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Poland - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Portugal - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Puerto Rico - Cost 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Romania - Nivel 553
  • Taste of Russia - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Scandinavia - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Scotland - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Singapore - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Slovakia - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Spain - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Switzerland - Nivel 583
  • Taste of Taiwan - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Thailand - Nivel 415
  • Taste of The Netherlands - Nivel 503
  • Taste of The Philippines - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Turkey- Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Ukraine - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Uruguay - Nivel 663
  • Taste of Venezuela - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of Vietnam - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Taste of West America - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Tea Factory - Nivel 48
  • Tea House - Costo 30Farmcash
  • Textile And Spinning Mill - Nivel 34
  • Thai restaurant - Nivel 159
  • Theater - Nivel 209
  • Theater Supplies Factory - Nivel 207
  • Tile Outlet - Nivel 281
  • Townmart - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Toy Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Track Repair Company- Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Trading Post Supplies Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Traditional Japanese Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Train Depot- Nivel 487
  • Train Supplies Factory- Nivel 485
  • Transport Supplies Factory - Nivel 199
  • Travel Supplies Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Travel and Luggage Store - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Trophy Factory - Nivel 141
  • Trophy Shop - Nivel 301
  • Tropical Shakes Stand - Nivel 267
  • Turbo Bakery - Costo 32 Farmcash Puede colocarse en la misma granja con la Bakery regular
  • Turbo Bee Farm - Costo 84 Farmcash Puede colocarse en la misma granja con la Bee Farm regular
  • Turbo Cinnamon Factory - Costo 81 Farmcash Puede colocarse en la misma granja con la Cinnamon Factory regular
  • Turbo Dairy Processing Plant - Costo 32 Farmcash Puede colocarse en la misma granja con la Dairy Processing Plant regular
  • Turbo Fish Farming Plant - Costo 84 Farmcash Puede colocarse en la misma granja con la Fish Farming Plant regular
  • Turbo Ink and Pigments Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash Puede colocarse en la misma granja con la Ink and Pigments Factory regular
  • Turbo Metal Mill - Costo 32 Farmcash Puede colocarse en la misma granja con la Metal Mill regular
  • Turbo Mineral Mine - Costo 32 Farmcash Puede colocarse en la misma granja con la Mineral Mine regular
  • Turbo Oil Factory - Costo 36 Farmcash Puede colocarse en la misma granja con la Oil Factory regular
  • Turbo Oil Refinery - Costo 96 Farmcash Puede colocarse en la misma granja con la Oil Refinery regular
  • Turbo Open-Pit Mine - Costo 32 Farmcash Puede colocarse en la misma granja con la Open-Pit Mine regular
  • Turbo Paper Mill - Costo 32 Farmcash Puede colocarse en la misma granja con la Paper Mill regular
  • Turbo Petrochemical Plant - Costo 32 Farmcash Puede colocarse en la misma granja con la Petrochemical Plant regular
  • Turbo Rubber Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash Puede colocarse en la misma granja con la Rubber Factory regular
  • Turbo Sawmill - Costo 32 Farmcash Puede colocarse en la misma granja con la Sawmill regular
  • Turbo Spice Factory - Costo 90 Farmcash Puede colocarse en la misma granja con la Spice Factory regular
  • Turbo Sugar Refinery - Costo 32 Farmcash Puede colocarse en la misma granja con la Sugar Refinery regular
  • Turbo Textile and Spinning Mill - Costo 32 Farmcash Puede colocarse en la misma granja con la Textile and Spinning Mill regular
  • Turbo Watermill - Costo 32 Farmcash Puede colocarse en la misma granja con la Watermill regular
  • Turbo Winery - Costo 32 Farmcash Puede colocarse en la misma granja con la Winery regular
  • Turron-Nougat Factory - Nivel 665
  • Turron-Nougat Shop - Nivel 667
  • Turkish Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash

  • Ukrainian Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Uniform Factory - Nivel 307
  • Uniform Outlet - Nivel 309
  • Upholstery Supplies Factory - Nivel 473
  • Urgent Care Center - Nivel 655
  • Uruguayan Restaurant - Nivel 661

  • Vegan Market - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Vegan Supplies Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Vegetarian Restaurant - Nivel 121
  • Venezuelan Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Vet Clinic - Nivel 695
  • Vet Supplies Factory - Nivel 693
  • Veteran Club - Nivel 627
  • Veteran Supplies Factory - Nivel 625
  • Vietnamese Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash

  • Water Plant - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Water Utility Supplies Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Watermill - Nivel 24
  • Weather Station - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Wedding Supplies Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • West American Restaurant - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Western Supplies Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Wildlife Removal Services - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Window Cleaning Services - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Window Cleaning Supplies Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Windows and Doors Factory - Nivel 315
  • Windows and Doors Shop - Nivel 317
  • Wine Cellar - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Winery - Nivel 42
  • Winter Sports Rentals - Costo 30 Farmcash
  • Winter Sports Supplies - Costo 32 Farmcash
  • Winter Store - Nivel 241
  • Winter Supplies Factory - Nivel 239
  • Wool Shed - Nivel 22

  • Yard Supplies Factory - Costo 32 Farmcash

  • Zoo Park - Nivel 179
  • Zoo Supplies Factory - Nivel 177

Last edited by marymarcel; Sep 21 2024 at 06:59 PM.
Old Jan 14 2020, 04:36 PM
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marymarcel marymarcel is offline
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Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Posts: 15,387
Default Cuántos XP (puntos de experiencia) necesito para Niveles 1 al 100

Nivel 1 ( 0 XP ) - Getting Started
Nivel 2 ( 20 XP ) - Just Moved In
Nivel 3 ( 50 XP ) - Learning the rope
Nivel 4 ( 100 XP ) - Apprentice
Nivel 5 ( 250 XP ) - Farmer
Nivel 6 ( 500 XP ) - Adept
Nivel 7 ( 750 XP ) - Promising Farmer
Nivel 8 ( 1,000 XP ) - Green Thumb
Nivel 9 ( 1,500 XP ) - Popular Farmer
Nivel 10 ( 2,000 XP ) - Superb Farmer
Nivel 11 ( 2,500 XP ) - Talented Farmer
Nivel 12 ( 3,000 XP ) - Talk of the Town
Nivel 13 ( 3,500 XP ) - Distinguished Farmer
Nivel 14 ( 4,000 XP ) - Specialist
Nivel 15 ( 4,500 XP ) - Inspiring Farmer
Nivel 16 ( 5,000 XP ) - VIP
Nivel 17 ( 6,000 XP ) - High Achiever
Nivel 18 ( 7,000 XP ) - Master Farmer
Nivel 19 ( 8,000 XP ) - Influential Farmer
Nivel 20 ( 9,000 XP ) - Expert Farmer*
Nivel 21 ( 10,000 XP ) - Eminent Farmer*
Nivel 22 ( 11,000 XP ) - Mighty Farmer*
Nivel 23 ( 12,500 XP ) - Gifted Farmer
Nivel 24 ( 15,000 XP ) - Green Ace
Nivel 25 ( 20,000 XP ) - Aclaimed Farmer
Nivel 26 ( 25,000 XP ) - Just Brilliant
Nivel 27 ( 31,000 XP ) - Extraordinary Farmer*
Nivel 28 ( 37,000 XP ) - Virtuoso*
Nivel 29 ( 44,000 XP ) - Green Prodigy
Nivel 30 ( 51,000 XP ) - Awe Inspiring
Nivel 31 ( 58,000 XP ) - Force of Nature
Nivel 32 ( 66,000 XP ) - Green Genius
Nivel 33 ( 74,000 XP ) - Tycoon*
Nivel 34 ( 82,000 XP ) - Green Wizard
Nivel 35 ( 91,000 XP ) - Enchanted Farmer*
Nivel 36 ( 100,000 XP ) - Green Entrepreneur
Nivel 37 ( 109,000 XP ) - Green Conjurer
Nivel 38 ( 119,000 XP ) - Regal Farmer
Nivel 39 ( 129,000 XP ) - Divin Green Thumb
Nivel 40 ( 139,000 XP ) - Cosmic Green Thumb
Nivel 41 ( 150,000 XP ) - Absolute Farmer
Nivel 42 ( 161,000 XP ) - Celestial Green Force
Nivel 43 ( 172,000 XP ) - Elite Farmer
Nivel 44 ( 180,000 XP ) - Plowing PowerBall
Nivel 45 ( 188,000 XP ) - Paramount Farmer
Nivel 46 ( 196,000 XP ) - Green Olympian
Nivel 47 ( 205,000 XP ) - Immortal Green Thumb
Nivel 48 ( 214,000 XP ) - Green Sage
Nivel 49 ( 223,000 XP ) - King of Crops*
Nivel 50 ( 233,000 XP ) - Green Dazzler
Nivel 51 ( 243,000 XP ) - Green Millionaire
Nivel 52 ( 253,000 XP ) - Fearless Plower
Nivel 53 ( 264,000 XP ) - Harvest Ninja
Nivel 54 ( 275,000 XP ) - Rogue Farmer
Nivel 55 ( 286,000 XP ) - Rogue Harvester
Nivel 56 ( 295,000 XP ) - Harvest Warrior
Nivel 57 ( 304,000 XP ) - Sultan Farmer
Nivel 58 ( 313,000 XP ) - Green Godhead
Nivel 59 ( 323,000 XP ) - Zenith Farmer
Nivel 60 ( 333,000 XP ) - Green Mogul*
Nivel 61 ( 343,000 XP ) - Landscaper
Nivel 62 ( 353,000 XP ) - Super Rancher
Nivel 63 ( 364,000 XP ) - Adroit Gardner
Nivel 64 ( 375,000 XP ) - Keen Groundskeeper
Nivel 65 ( 386,000 XP ) - Nursery Manager
Nivel 66 ( 395,000 XP ) - Hyper Harvester
Nivel 67 ( 404,000 XP ) - Astute Farmer
Nivel 68 ( 413,000 XP ) - Seed Master
Nivel 69 ( 423,000 XP ) - Ultra Cultivator
Nivel 70 ( 433,000 XP ) - Great Horticulturist
Nivel 71 ( 443,000 XP ) - Dexterous Tiller
Nivel 72 ( 454,000 XP ) - Resourceful Farmer
Nivel 73 ( 465,000 XP ) - Brilliant Caretaker
Nivel 74 ( 476,000 XP ) - Seeds Person
Nivel 75 ( 485,000 XP ) - Country Person
Nivel 76 ( 494,000 XP ) - Homesteader
Nivel 77 ( 503,000 XP ) - Agronomist
Nivel 78 ( 513,000 XP ) - Super Seeder
Nivel 79 ( 523,000 XP ) - Uber Producer
Nivel 80 ( 533,000 XP ) - Agricultural Genius
Nivel 81 ( 544,000 XP ) - Green Governor
Nivel 82 ( 555,000 XP ) - Amazing Developer
Nivel 83 ( 566,000 XP ) - Impressive Laborer
Nivel 84 ( 578,000 XP ) - Brilliant Trader
Nivel 85 ( 593,000 XP ) - Astounding Contractor
Nivel 86 ( 602,000 XP ) - Plant Whisperer
Nivel 87 ( 612,000 XP ) - Farm Manager
Nivel 88 ( 622,000 XP ) - Minister of Seeds
Nivel 89 ( 632,000 XP ) - Growth Mediator
Nivel 90 ( 643,000 XP ) - Factory Genius
Nivel 91 ( 654,000 XP ) - Green Commando
Nivel 92 ( 665,000 XP ) - Pasture Owner
Nivel 93 ( 677,000 XP ) - Ranch Hand
Nivel 94 ( 689,000 XP ) - Acre Manager
Nivel 95 ( 701,000 XP ) - King of Plants
Nivel 96 ( 714,000 XP ) - Turf Fan
Nivel 97 ( 727,000 XP ) - Farm Boss
Nivel 98 ( 740,000 XP ) - Sprout Master
Nivel 99 ( 751,000 XP ) - Production Strategist
Nivel 100 ( 762,000 XP ) - Greenery Giant

Last edited by marymarcel; Jan 15 2020 at 12:26 PM.
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