Q: What do the Semi-Trailer Truck and Turbo Electric Semi Truck bring?
There are 2 Semi Trailer trucks in the Tools section of the Store that will bring you products needed for facilities. The Semi-Trailer truck uses Fuel as well as coins to bring products. 5 fuel per batch. The Turbo Electric Semi Truck brings products 3 times faster, will still cost coins to order products, but does not use Fuel. Both of these tools can be placed on the same farm as each other and both of them bring you products. You can only have one of each on a farm. You do not have to buy the Semi-Trailer Truck before you can buy the Turbo Electric Semi Truck. To access either semi, click on it, and select "Show Truck Details" Or you can find them in the Facility Manger. They are both classified as Tools, to see them on your farms you need to have Show Tools check marked in your game preferences. In the Facility Manger, it is listed under Non-Workable By Friends. ![]() The Semi-Trailer Truck and the Turbo Electric Semi Truck can order the following items and they MUST be on your farm to work. .
Last edited by Tiger; Oct 11 2023 at 03:31 PM. |
Q: What is the Tree Shaker?
A: There are 16 Tree Shakers. They make it much easier to harvest the trees than 1 at a time. These tools use Fuel and can be used on other farms and when hired as long as you have placed them into your Item Storage. ![]() Tree Shaker (3x3) - You MUST use the 3x3 layout with NO gaps in order to achieve all 9 trees in 1 click. Tree Shaker (8x4) - You MUST use the 8x4 layout with NO gaps in order to achieve all 32 trees in 1 click. Tree Shaker (8x8) - You MUST use the 8x8 layout with NO gaps in order to achieve all 64 trees in 1 click. Tree Shaker (12x8) - You MUST use the 12x8 layout with NO gaps in order to achieve all 96 trees in 1 click. Tree Shaker (12x12) - You MUST use the 12x12 layout with NO gaps in order to achieve all 144 trees in 1 click. Tree Shaker (12x16) - You MUST use the 12x16 layout with NO gaps in order to achieve all 192 trees in 1 click. Tree Shaker (16x16) - You MUST use the 16x16 layout with NO gaps in order to achieve all 256 trees in 1 click. Tree Shaker (20x20) - This tree shaker will harvest up to 400 trees. When selecting the new 20x20 Tree Shaker instead of the Eye in the bottom right you will see the current tool icon. Tree Shaker (24x24) - This tree shaker will harvest up to 576 trees and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above. Tree Shaker (28x28) - This tree shaker will harvest up to 784 trees and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above. Tree Shaker 32x32 - This tree shaker will harvest up to 1024 trees and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above. Tree Shaker 36x36 - This tree shaker will harvest up to 1296 trees and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above. Tree Shaker 40x40 - This tree shaker will harvest up to 1600 trees and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above. Tree Shaker 44x44 - This tree shaker will harvest up to 1936 trees and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above. Tree Shaker 48x48 - This tree shaker will harvest up to 2304 trees and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above. Tree Shaker 52x52 - This tree shaker will harvest up to 2704 trees and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above. To use tools bigger than the Sythe (single harvest tool) to harvest trees, the tool must be on the farm or in storage. You can do 2 things. . .
Last edited by Tiger; Jan 03 2025 at 07:56 AM. |
Q: What is the Manure Spreader?
A: There are 3 manure spreaders. Red, Orange and Green when owned that can be used to to fertilize your farm or multiple farms. Red manure Spreader ONLY fertilizes crops, and will produce 2 boxes of harvest instead of 1. Orange Manure Spreader takes on the job of the red one, and also fertilizes trees and flowers too giving you 2 boxes of harvest instead of 1, Green Manure Spreader - This takes on the job of both the red and orange manure spreaders AND allows you to fertilize All farms or a selection of farms with a single click. NOTE: If you already own the Red Manure Spreader and you buy the Orange Manure Spreader, then every time you fertilize a farm using ANY of them, crops, flowers and trees will be fertilized. Fertilized crops, trees, flowers will produce 2 boxes when harvested and chop trees, 2 log piles when chopped.How do I collect manure? You need to have a Pigsty (facility section in the store) and you will need pigs in the pigsty which are a gift only item.How do I know how many manure units I have stored? Put the Manure Spreader into your Item Storage. How do I fertilize my farm? You need 50 manure units to fertilize a single farm. To Fertilize more than one farm with a single click requires also owning the Green Manure spreader. When using this tool you will see a window titled Select Your Farms which has 2 sections There are also some other ways you can check if your farm is fertilized:
Last edited by Tiger; Oct 11 2024 at 04:11 PM. |
Q: What are Mobile Sprinklers for?
A: There are 5 Mobile Sprinklers. Brown, red, orange, green and purple. Depending on the ones you own, they can be used to water ALL flowers on a farm. They can also irrigate crops, trees, flowers to shorten growth time and extend waste time, all with one click. You can also water or irrigate more thn one farm at a time. Brown mobile sprinkler - This allows you to water all your flowers on your farm in one click. You earn 3XP when you water your own flowers, but it will cost you 1000 coins. You can use the sprinkler once per day. When placed in your Item storage you can also use this tool to water another farmers flowers on their farms. When you own the following mobile sprinklers you can NOT use them on your Neighbours farms if you are not their Super Neighbour OR they do NOT own the tools. They must own the tools themselves for you to be able to irrigate for them as a Super Neighbour. Red Sprinkler - This is used to speed up growth of the crops and flowers by 50%. Please note that while the crops grow in half the time, the end waste time is not effected, meaning if you plant a 4 hour crop, it would be grown in 2 hours, and you'll have 6 hours in which to harvest it, totaling 8 hours, which is what it would be had the crops not been irrigated. You can irrigate a plant more than once, but it's growth speed will only double the first time. You may only irrigate once per day. Orange Sprinkler - This is used to speed up tree growth by 50%. If you own the orange sprinkler, you only need use this one to irrigate trees, crops and flowers. You can irrigate a plant more than once, but it's growth speed will only double the first time. As with the red sprinkler, speeding up growing time does not effect waste time. You may only irrigate once per day Green Sprinkler - This tool increases the time to waste period on all crops. For crops that mature in 1 day or less it increases the time to waste period by 24 hours. For crops that take over a day to mature it increases the time to waste period by 48 hours. Purple Sprinkler - This tool allowes you to irrigate ALL farms or selection of farms in a single click. Once you own an upgraded sprinkler it will also do the job of the previous ones. Example, if you own the green sprinkler, when you use it it will also apply the jobs of the brown, red and orange sprinklers. Note: Irrigating crops/trees/flowers will cost you 1000 coins per farm. You will earn 3XP for watering/irrigating the farm that you are on. If you water/irrigate multiple farms at once you will still only earn 3XP for the farm you are on and NOT all the others. To use the Mobile Sprinkler, the tool must be on the farm or in storage. You can do 2 things. . .
To Irrigate or Water more than one farm at a time: When you first get the Purple Mobile Sprinkler and use the tool you get a window Titled "Select Your Farms" which has 2 sections, it defaults to "Select One Farm" which lets you do one farm at a time. To switch it to doing more than one farm you click on the tool then click on the farm and in the window at the top click on "Select Multiple Farms" so the button turns orange, then add a check mark for each farm you want the tool to work on or if you want it to do all farms select "All" at the bottom of the window and then click the green check mark. To find out what farms have been watered or irrigated, there are several ways:
***IMPORTANT: Only 2 sprinklers will show in the extended toolbar, the brown one for reviving flowers and either the red, orange, green or purple one, you DO NOT lose the other sprinklers, they are still in your storage. ***
Last edited by Tiger; Oct 11 2024 at 03:05 PM. |
Q: What are the Bulldozers?
A: There are 11 bulldozers in total. They can be used to delete items from your farms. The Bulldozers do not use Fuel. Super Neighbours with the right permissions will have access to these tools when designing for you as long as you or your super neighbour owns them. The bulldozers do not delete the animals that you can buy from the Animals section of the store. The bulldozers do not delete working animals like cows, hens that give you products when harvested. The bulldozers CAN delete any decorative animal that you can get by earning rewards in the Farm Pass feature and also from buying them in the various other sections of the store as those are all classified as decorations. It allows you to delete any item on the farm, except for working animals that you get products from like cows for milk and the other animals in the Animal section of the store. Be very careful when using this tool. To use it click on your yellow toolbox to open it, then click on the yellow bulldozer to pick it up. Every item you click on with the yellow bulldozer will be deleted. To stop using the bulldozer click on the Green man located near the bottom of your game screen. Warning - if you want to make sure that you don't delete something by mistake when deleting a lot of items, only show the item you what to delete in your preferences, like crops or trees etc. The ONLY Warning you will get is when....
The White Bulldozer (2x2) - This will allow you to delete 4 plowed/ harvested/wasted fields OR trees OR flowers in a 2x2 area. Everything else, including waters, will be deleted one at a time. The Dark Blue Bulldozer (3x3) - allows you to delete 9 plowed/ harvested/wasted fields OR trees OR flowers in a 3x3 area. Everything else, including waters, will be deleted one at a time. The Orange Bulldozer (4x4) - allows you to delete 16 plowed/ harvested/wasted fields OR trees OR flowers a 4x4 area. Everything else, including waters, will be deleted one at a time. The Green Bulldozer (5x5) - allows you to delete 25 plowed/ harvested/wasted fields OR trees OR flowers in a 5x5 area. Everything else, including waters, will be deleted one at a time. The Purple Bulldozer (6x6) - allows you to delete 36 plowed/ harvested/wasted fields OR trees OR flowers in a in a 6x6 area. Everything else, including waters, will be deleted one at a time. The Brown Bulldozer (8x8) - allows you to delete 64 plowed/ harvested/wasted fields OR trees OR flowers in a 8x8 area. Everything else, including waters, will be deleted one at a time. The Pink Bulldozer (12x12) - allows you to delete 144 plowed/ harvested/wasted fields OR trees OR flowers in a 12x12 area. Everything else, including waters, will be deleted one at a time. The Red Bulldozer (16x16) - allows you to delete 256 plowed/ harvested/wasted fields OR trees OR flowers in a 16x16 area. Everything else, including waters, will be deleted one at a time. The Light Blue Bulldozer (20x20) - allows you to delete 400 plowed/ harvested/wasted fields OR trees OR flowers in a 20x20 area. Everything else, including waters, will be deleted one at a time. *** Please be careful when deleting things. The bulldozers will delete planted fields IF you click on them. If you click on the harvested/wasted or plowed fields, then only those of that type will be deleted and crops will be left alone. We advise you to hide in your preferences the things you do not wish to be deleted by accident. You also have the option of using the single yellow bulldozer for single items *** ![]() UPDATE May17th,2024 - two bigger clearing sizes have been added to this EX bulldozer, (9x9 clears up to 1296 and and 10x10 clears up to 1600) This tool is capable of deleting a considerable amount of items!
The EX Bulldozer works similar to the other Extent Mode tools but with more options. The squared yellow area gives you much more flexibility on what area to clear and it can also delete just a few items close to the top farm edges by having the yellow selection area go over the edges. To use any of the bigger Bulldozers that you buy, the tool must be on the farm or in storage. You can do 2 things. . .
Last edited by Tiger; Jul 08 2024 at 06:38 PM. |
Q: What is the Flower Harvester?
A: There are 16 flower harvesters. They make it much easier to harvest the flowers than 1 at a time. These tools use Fuel and can be used on other farms and when hired as long as you have placed them into your Item Storage. ![]() Flower Harvester (3X3) - You MUST use the 3x3 layout with NO gaps in order to achieve all 9 flowers in 1 click. Flower Harvester (8X4) - You MUST use the 8x4 layout with NO gaps in order to achieve all 32 flowers in 1 click. Flower Harvester (8X8) - You MUST use the 8x8 layout with NO gaps in order to achieve all 64 flowers in 1 click. Flower Harvester (12X8) - You MUST use the 12x8 layout with NO gaps in order to achieve all 96 flowers in 1 click. Flower Harvester (12X12) - You MUST use the 12x12 layout with NO gaps in order to achieve all 144 flowers in 1 click. Flower Harvester (16X12) - You MUST use the 12x16 layout with NO gaps in order to achieve all 192 flowers in 1 click. Flower Harvester (16X16) - You MUST use the 16x16 layout with NO gaps in order to achieve all 256 flowers in 1 click. Flower Harvester (20x20) - This Flower Harvester will harvest up to 400 flowers. When selecting the new 20x20 Flower Harvester instead of the Eye in the bottom right you will see the current tool icon >>Flower Harvester (24x24) - This flower harvester will harvest up to 576 flowers in 1 click and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above. Flower Harvester (28x28) - This flower harvester will harvest up to 784 flowers in 1 click and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above. Flower Harvester (32x32) - This flower harvester will harvest up to 1024 flowers in 1 click and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above. Flower Harvester (36x36) - This flower harvester will harvest up to 1296 flowers in 1 click and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above. Flower Harvester (40x40) - This flower harvester will harvest up to 1600 flowers in 1 click and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above. Flower Harvester (44x44) - This flower harvester will harvest up to 1936 flowers in 1 click and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above. Flower Harvester (48x48) - This flower harvester will harvest up to 2304 flowers in 1 click and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above. Flower Harvester (52x52) - This flower harvester will harvest up to 2704 flowers in 1 click and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above. To use the Flower Harvester, the tool must be on the farm or in storage. You can do 2 things. . .
Last edited by Tiger; Jan 03 2025 at 07:52 AM. |
Q: What is the Log Truck with Chainsaw?
A: There are 16 Log Truck w/Chainsaws. They make it much easier to chop the trees than 1 at a time. These tools use Fuel and can be used on other farms when hired. ![]() Log truck with Chainsaw (3x3) - You MUST use the 3x3 layout with NO gaps in order to achieve all 9 trees in 1 click. Log Truck w/Chainsaw (8x4) - You MUST use the 8x4 layout with NO gaps in order to achieve all 32 trees in 1 click. Log Truck w/Chainsaw (8x8) - You MUST use the 8x8 layout with NO gaps in order to achieve all 64 trees in 1 click. Log Truck w/Chainsaw (12x8) - You MUST use the 12x8 layout with NO gaps in order to achieve all 96 trees in 1 click. Log Truck w/Chainsaw (12x12) - You MUST use the 12x12 layout with NO gaps in order to achieve all 144 trees in 1 click. Log Truck w/Chainsaw (12x16) - You MUST use the 12x16 layout with NO gaps in order to achieve all 192 trees in 1 click. Log Truck w/Chainsaw (16x16) - You MUST use the 16x16 layout with NO gaps in order to achieve all 256 trees in 1 click. Log Truck w/Chainsaw (20x20) - This Log Truck w/Chainsaw will chop up to 400 trees and uses a new method of chopping. When selecting the new 20x20 Log Truck w/Chainsaw instead of the Eye in the bottom right you will see the current tool icon >>Log Truck w/Chainsaw (24x24) - This Log Truck w/Chainsaw will chop up to 576 trees and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above. Log Truck w/Chainsaw (28x28) - This Log Truck w/Chainsaw will chop up to 784 trees and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above. Log Truck w/Chainsaw (32x32) - This Log Truck w/Chainsaw will chop up to 1024 trees and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above. Log Truck w/Chainsaw (36x36) - This Log Truck w/Chainsaw will chop up to 1296 trees and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above. Log Truck w/Chainsaw (40x40) - This Log Truck w/Chainsaw will chop up to 1600 trees and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above. Log Truck w/Chainsaw (44x44) - This Log Truck w/Chainsaw will chop up to 1936 trees and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above. Log Truck w/Chainsaw (48x48) - This Log Truck w/Chainsaw will chop up to 2034 trees and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above. Log Truck w/Chainsaw (52x52) - This Log Truck w/Chainsaw will chop up to 2704 trees and uses the new faster method of harvesting as described above. These tools can be accessed easily if they are placed into Storage. You then click on the Yellow Tool box to access them. To use the Log Truck w/Chainsaw, the tool must be on the farm or in storage. You can do 2 things. . .
Last edited by Tiger; Feb 02 2025 at 07:44 PM. |
Q: What is the Forklift?
A:There are 2 Forklifts, Green and Purple, They can be kept either in storage, or on any farm, it doesn't matter where. These tools Store All products in a Facility. These tools use Fuel to Store. The Green Forklift - Allows you to store all products in a single facility with a single click. This does NOT include service facilities. To do this click on the Facility Manager in the Yellow Toolbox:
The Purple Forklift - Allows you to store ALL products in ALL facilities in a single click. This does NOT include service facilities. As above, open the facility manager, then use the "Store All" button at the top :- NOTE: Although you do not need to put these tools into Storage it is better if you do. That way the game will recognise what tools you already own should there be another upgraded tool released. Farm Cash Tools do not count towards your storage capacity, you can store as many of those as you want. Last edited by Tiger; Oct 11 2023 at 03:35 PM. |
Q: What is the Ordering Station w/Trailer?
The Ordering Station w/Trailer is used in conjunction with the Semi-Trailer Truck, it can be on any farm or in storage, it doesn't matter. This enables the 'All' button when ordering products from the Truck. Also, with the extra trailer capacity products are delivered twice as fast, 30 minutes instead of 1 hour, it's like duplicating the output of each truck assuming you have enough fuel. Note that if you have multiple trucks, you only need to buy one ordering Station w/ Trailer, and all your trucks will benefit. The trucks MUST be on separate farms, just like with any other facility. Q. What is the Turbo Ordering Station? This tool will allow you to order products from ALL the semi trailers on ALL of your farms. Last edited by Tiger; Oct 11 2023 at 03:35 PM. |
Q: What is the Bottling Machine?
A: This tool allows you to Start All productions for a product with one click in any of the following bottling facilities:
Q. What is the Turbo bottling machine? This tool will allow you to use the Start All button at the top of the Facility Manger to start products from ALL the above facilites on ALL of your farms. This tool uses Fuel. ![]() Last edited by Tiger; Sep 21 2024 at 07:28 PM. |
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