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Old Oct 24 2023, 04:13 PM
Harebell Harebell is offline
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Default Question about transferring farms

Hi, I haven't played for years and I was thinking about starting it up again. Then I discovered that its no longer on FB. Games are much better without that imo.
Anyways. I sent an email to see if I could recover my farm. Sent the profile as requested but concerned as they want my FB login and password to access it.
Its drummed into us to never give out our log ins for ANY site. Not just FB. So why can they not transfer it without having complete access to my account?
I will be honest, I am unlikely to proceed. I did buy real money items but I am not comfortable giving my log in. Nobody else seems to have questioned it though?
I did look to see if I could find out why before I posted but couldn't find a thing.
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Old Oct 24 2023, 04:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Harebell View Post
Hi, I haven't played for years and I was thinking about starting it up again. Then I discovered that its no longer on FB. Games are much better without that imo.
Anyways. I sent an email to see if I could recover my farm. Sent the profile as requested but concerned as they want my FB login and password to access it.
Its drummed into us to never give out our log ins for ANY site. Not just FB. So why can they not transfer it without having complete access to my account?
I will be honest, I am unlikely to proceed. I did buy real money items but I am not comfortable giving my log in. Nobody else seems to have questioned it though?
I did look to see if I could find out why before I posted but couldn't find a thing.
Hi Harebell

I moved your post to the thread for your problem.

That is the last step required to get your farms back.

You are giving your credentials to Support not to another player. And that is only to validate the account.
After that you can change your password in Facebook if you wish.

But of course it is up to you.
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Old Oct 25 2023, 04:31 AM
Harebell Harebell is offline
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I realise that it's only to support but is there no other way of validating it?
We are always told not to give password out, it's not just a game account, there are personal details, payment info, etc etc.
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Old Oct 25 2023, 07:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Harebell View Post
I realise that it's only to support but is there no other way of validating it?
We are always told not to give password out, it's not just a game account, there are personal details, payment info, etc etc.
Hi Hareball,

I am sorry but by stopping playing you've completely missed all the in game notifications and opportunities to be able to register your farms for the website yourself.

It was only possible for you to do that while Farm Town could still be played on Facebook.

I expect that the Support team will have already told you that they will only be logging into your account briefly to see if they can verify your account. They are not doing anything else, so any personal information, payment methods etc will be safe. If they have not told you this you can always reply to the ticket that they sent to you and ask them. Many have trusted support to do this over the years for other reasons other than registration issues and have never had any problems.

The choice is always yours whether you wish to allow them to do this or not, but this is the only current method left that has the possibility of transferring your farms so that you can play them on the website.

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Old Nov 09 2023, 02:47 PM
slartismum slartismum is offline
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Default registering new account

I changed over to the Slashkey site in plenty of time and have been playing with no problems. In the forum it is still showing my Facebook details. I have tried following the advice given to change the details to my Slashkey name email and password but seem to be going round in circles.
I applied to change my password with the Facebook details, which arrived. Now when I go to register, I am not sure which current password to use - the new one, the Facebook one or the Slashkey one.
Bit muddled but can you offer any advice or help, please? My ID is 00000135722597.
Many thanks JB
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Old Nov 09 2023, 04:07 PM
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Originally Posted by slartismum View Post
I changed over to the Slashkey site in plenty of time and have been playing with no problems. In the forum it is still showing my Facebook details. I have tried following the advice given to change the details to my Slashkey name email and password but seem to be going round in circles.
I applied to change my password with the Facebook details, which arrived. Now when I go to register, I am not sure which current password to use - the new one, the Facebook one or the Slashkey one.
Bit muddled but can you offer any advice or help, please? My ID is 00000135722597.
Many thanks JB
Hi slartismum,

You need to be a little more careful when typing. For example the ID you have put in your post is incorrect as it's missing a number. We were able to get the correct number. Your farm link in your forum signature is still correct.

The last time you had a problem logging into the website to play Farm Town was yesterday and that was due to not typing your website login details correctly. We can see that what went wrong was that the password wasn't typed in correctly. The email was correct.

However since then you have logged in and cashed out so we are unsure if you are now having a new issue since then.

Your forum login details do not need to be the same as your website login details or even the same as your Facebook login details.

If you are still having problems logging into the website to play Farm Town you should be seeing some red text if the details are incorrect, please let us know what that red text is telling you if the email or the password is incorrect. If it tells you that the password is incorrect just try again and make sure you have deleted everything in that password line before you re-enter the password again.

As this is a public forum we will not post the full email address you used for the website in our reply to you but we can give you a clue. For logging into the webiste to play you used gmail so make sure that when you enter your email address and your password that you used with that, that both of them are typed correctly.

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Last edited by Tiger; Nov 09 2023 at 04:13 PM.
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Old Nov 15 2023, 03:25 PM
ladydiva0 ladydiva0 is offline
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Default I can't get into my farmtown

My farmtown account is linked on here but I haven't played for 4 or 5 years. now I can't get in.
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Old Nov 15 2023, 03:31 PM
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Originally Posted by ladydiva0 View Post
My farmtown account is linked on here but I haven't played for 4 or 5 years. now I can't get in.
Hi ladydiva0

I moved your post to the thread for your problem.

Farm town is not in Facebook anymore, now slashkey has its own website to let us continue playing.

As you have not been playing for a few years then you were not able to register your farms into the new website.

You need to send an email to support@slashkey.com explaining them what has happened.
They will send you instructions to get your farms back if it is possible.

Please remember to check your spam folder in case support response was sent there.
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Old Nov 19 2023, 09:04 PM
Goldenserenity Goldenserenity is offline
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Default Password

My password works to log into this forum, but it does not work to log onto my farm. I would really love to access my farm and not have to start over. I had purchased every tool.
Any ideas on how to access my farm?
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Old Nov 19 2023, 09:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Goldenserenity View Post
My password works to log into this forum, but it does not work to log onto my farm. I would really love to access my farm and not have to start over. I had purchased every tool.
Any ideas on how to access my farm?
Hi Goldenserenity,
I moved your post to the thread about registering for your farms.
Your login account in the forum is not the same one you use for your farms. They are 2 separate accounts and have no connection between them, so your log in username and password for the forums will not work for your farms.
You will need to contact Support to get your farms account registered to play on the website. Please follow the instructions in the following link:
Dubh Glais Estates
Please come visit me on my farms (underlined link above) and if you see me say hi! I do ask that you not send me in-game messages for any problems other than forum login issues, as I can only help with those from my farm.
Post your problem or question here in the forums and we will gladly help you to solve it as quickly as we can.
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