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Sandie May Angel Sep 18 2022 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by marymarcel (Post 6508734)
Hi Sandie May Angel :)

I moved your post to the thread for your problem.

You need to own all the Mobile sprinkler to be able to water or irrigate all your farms in one click.

Up now you have the brown and red sprinklers.

You have the information in the following link from our Game Guide:

Thank you, Marymarcel!!! Wow!!! It seems there are three more to go for me in order to get that! - a long way! :(

marymarcel Sep 18 2022 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by Sandie May Angel (Post 6508742)
Thank you, Marymarcel!!! Wow!!! It seems there are three more to go for me in order to get that! - a long way! :(

You are welcome Sandie :)

LindaMHS70 Sep 22 2022 10:16 AM

Hi, I am trying to water chocolate cosmos on my farm 13 with the watering can and every time I bring the watering can around the flowers they disappear...It says they have 2.9 days until they can be harvested. My SN has not watered any of the flowers until we get this straightened out. This happens on all my farms. My Farmtown is 650472072. I have cleared my memecache several times and restarted the computer. Just can't get any of the the chocolate cosmos watered for the seasonal goal. Any help is appreciated.

Taz D Sep 22 2022 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by LindaMHS70 (Post 6509414)
Hi, I am trying to water chocolate cosmos on my farm 13 with the watering can and every time I bring the watering can around the flowers they disappear...It says they have 2.9 days until they can be harvested. My SN has not watered any of the flowers until we get this straightened out. This happens on all my farms. My Farmtown is 650472072. I have cleared my memecache several times and restarted the computer. Just can't get any of the the chocolate cosmos watered for the seasonal goal. Any help is appreciated.

Hi LindaMHS,
Hover over those flowers and see what the drips show. If they are not down at least 2 drops you can not water them yet.

seafever Oct 13 2022 10:17 AM

Since the closing and reopening of FT this past week, there has been a slightly changed Flower growth on our farms and in Stores to 4 days. No huge problem for me but maybe for other farmers.

marymarcel Oct 13 2022 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by seafever (Post 6513222)
Since the closing and reopening of FT this past week, there has been a slightly changed Flower growth on our farms and in Stores to 4 days. No huge problem for me but maybe for other farmers.

Hi seafever :)

I moved your post to the thread about Flowers

Im a little confused, flowers in the store always showed 4 days to be ready.

When you plant them or harvest them, then they show 3.3 days to be ready.

This is the information from our Game Guide:

seafever Oct 13 2022 11:35 AM

I apologize, Marymarcel, with everything that is going on lately my Farming schedule is all mixed up and must be causing my confusion. Hoping I am the only one causing a disturbance in regard to Flower time of growth.

marymarcel Oct 13 2022 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by seafever (Post 6513230)
I apologize, Marymarcel, with everything that is going on lately my Farming schedule is all mixed up and must be causing my confusion. Hoping I am the only one causing a disturbance in regard to Flower time of growth.

Hi seafever :)

There is no problem at all. It is always better to ask than to have the doubt. :)

Ravenswing Oct 14 2022 12:40 AM

My flowers have been seriously glitched for a day: when trying to hire (and looking at my farm stats), it keeps showing that I have flowers ready to harvest on several farms, but that is not actually the case.

When combined with all the other issues -- a chicken coop that reads "Ready to harvest" and isn't, never mind losing over a week on the Farm Pass timer (needless to say, I'm not going to pay for that again) and the ongoing stony silence from the devs on mitigation for that lost week, this is getting pretty frustrating.

Tiger Oct 14 2022 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by Ravenswing (Post 6513338)
My flowers have been seriously glitched for a day: when trying to hire (and looking at my farm stats), it keeps showing that I have flowers ready to harvest on several farms, but that is not actually the case.

When combined with all the other issues -- a chicken coop that reads "Ready to harvest" and isn't, never mind losing over a week on the Farm Pass timer (needless to say, I'm not going to pay for that again) and the ongoing stony silence from the devs on mitigation for that lost week, this is getting pretty frustrating.

Hi Ravenswing,

Is the date and time showing on your computer still correct?

Do the flowers that Farm Stats is showing you as ready exist on those farms?
If they do not, or you can not see that the ones it is showing to you are ready to harvest when you view them on those farms, then it's possible that it could have been caused by accidental or intentional layering. Could yourself or anyone you hired to design have altered the flowers on that farm, perhaps moved any, deleted or added any?

For your chicken coop issue, please click on this link to be taken to the correct thread for issues with harvesting animals and post your issue there with more details about where you are seeing that the chicken coop is showing ready to harvest, and which farm it is located on.

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