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Old Apr 18 2018, 06:29 AM
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Default Returning to finish a job hire after a browser crash

How do i return to finish a job hire after a browser crash, or browser refresh?

If you were hired to work farms and you had to reload the game after a browser crash or you reload your browser by accident, if you enter the game again in the next 10 minutes you will see another hiring screen explaining that you didn't complete your last job giving you the option to return to your previous employer farms and continue working.

There are two hiring scenarios for this.
  • The first is if you were hired by a stranger where you get the bonus chest. In this case if you accept to go back you will be returned to the farm you had not finished to continue working from there on and then claim any bonus chest.

  • The second is if you were hired by a farmer who is a Neighbour or Buddy. This will not return you to the farm you were last working, but will let you continue working on any remaining farms that still have work to do. If you know there was work still left to do on the last farm before you left all we can suggest is you message the farm owner to let them know what has happened.

This is an example of the message you would see when you reload the game within 10 minutes...
If you click the green check mark you will get another message with the hire details. If you then click "Sure. I am heading back to your farm" you will be taken back to their farms to finish the work. If you click the red X you will cancel the request.

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Last edited by Tiger; Sep 30 2023 at 10:33 AM.
Old Oct 30 2024, 07:51 PM
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Tiger Tiger is offline
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Location: UK but i'd rather be somewhere hot and sunny :) with a swimming pool!
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Default Sending a message to a worker after hiring.

Sending a message to a worker after hiring.

To be able to send a message to a worker that is on one of your farms you will need to have at least 4 farms so you can use Show Work Info and then Show User Info.

When on your own farms you can click on the Farm Grid top LEFT of your farm, then click on SHOW NAMES

When the Go to Farm window opens, bottom right of that window click on Show User Info

When at market or on someone else's farms, you can also access your the Show Work Info for YOUR farms by clicking on the Home icon bottom right of your screen to see your farm grid.
Then click on SHOW FARMS

This picture is from the Job Marketplace, when you are on another farmers farms there are no extra round buttons above the home icon.

When the Go to Farm window opens, bottom right of that window click on Show User Info

If there is a farmer on your farms, you will be able to send them a message.

There is an envelope top right of the Go To Farms window you can click on.

If there are no farmers on your farms when you click on that envelope you will see a Brief notification that says There are no users in your farms

When there is a farmer on one of your farms and you click on the Envelope, you will see something like this, but they will be your workers on your farms.

In this example we have indicated the message envelope with a red arrow.

There is a worker showing Idle on farm 2 and a worker showing as working and online on farm 5:

When there is a farmer on one of your farms, clicking on the Message envelope shows you the Users window:
Tiger is offline and Idle on Farm 2. The farm owner can only send them an in game message. They will receive the message as they work or when they move to another farm.

Hetty and the farm owner are both online in the game and both are farm 5. In this case there are 2 message options. To send an in game message AND to send an online chat message to the chat box.

In this same Users window IF they are not a Neighbour or a Buddy you can also use the blue and green silhouette icons to send a Neighbour or a Buddy Request BUT please remember that to earn a reward for hiring and for a worker to earn the bonus chest they can not be a Neighbour or Buddy.

A dimmed icon means that they are on one of your lists.

If neither icon is dimmed like these:

Click on the Blue one to send a Request to add them as your Neighbour.
Click on the Green one to send a Request to add them as your Buddy.

Clicking on this icon lets you send an in game message to that farmer.

Clicking on this option lets you send a message that will show up in the chat box. Only use this 2nd option IF you are both going to be on the same farm long enough for you both to see the message in the chat box in your game bar.

Clicking on either of those options shows you a small message box that you can type in using your keyboard.

When you have finished typing your message, click on the green Send button to send it, or click on the red X to cancel.

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design this farm together, farm grid colours, farm selector colours, hire to decorate, hiring, hiring benefits, return to a job
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