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Taz D May 26 2024 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by LisaScobee (Post 6581506)
2024-05-26 08:16:16.259 ERROR{"isTrusted":true}
2024-05-26 08:17:13.154 ERRORRemoteProviderException : Unable to load asset bundle from :
UnityWebRequest result : ConnectionError : Unknown Error
url :
2024-05-26 08:17:13.162 ERROROperationException : GroupOperation failed because one of its dependencies failed
RemoteProviderException : Unable to load asset bundle from :
UnityWebRequest result : ConnectionError : Unknown Error
url :
2024-05-26 08:17:14.153 ERRORSystem.Exception: Dependency Exception ---> UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.Exceptions.Operatio nException: GroupOperation failed because one of its dependencies failed ---> UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.Exceptions.RemotePr oviderException: Unable to load asset bundle from :
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
2024-05-26 08:17:14.159 ERRORSystem.Exception: Dependency Exception ---> UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.Exceptions.Operatio nException: GroupOperation failed because one of its dependencies failed ---> UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.Exceptions.RemotePr oviderException: Unable to load asset bundle from :
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
2024-05-26 08:17:15.216 WARNWARNING: ItemDef.LoadPrefabOrSpriteAsync - Completed - Characters/Avatar -> System.Exception: Dependency Exception ---> UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.Exceptions.Operatio nException: GroupOperation failed because one of its dependencies failed ---> UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.Exceptions.RemotePr oviderException: Unable to load asset bundle from :
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
2024-05-26 08:17:15.224 WARNWARNING: ItemDef.LoadPrefabOrSpriteAsync - Completed - Characters/Avatar -> System.Exception: Dependency Exception ---> UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.Exceptions.Operatio nException: GroupOperation failed because one of its dependencies failed ---> UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.Exceptions.RemotePr oviderException: Unable to load asset bundle from :
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
2024-05-26 08:17:15.238 WARNWARNING: ItemDef.LoadPrefabOrSpriteAsync - Completed - Characters/Avatar -> System.Exception: Dependency Exception ---> UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.Exceptions.Operatio nException: GroupOperation failed because one of its dependencies failed ---> UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.Exceptions.RemotePr oviderException: Unable to load asset bundle from :
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
2024-05-26 08:17:15.244 WARNWARNING: ItemDef.LoadPrefabOrSpriteAsync - Completed - costume_girl_business3 -> System.Exception: Dependency Exception ---> UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.Exceptions.Operatio nException: GroupOperation failed because one of its dependencies failed ---> UnityEngine.ResourceManagement.Exceptions.RemotePr oviderException: Unable to load asset bundle from :
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---

Game taking FOREVER to load and throwing the highlighted error on TWO different PCs

Hi Lisa,
We have been through all this before. This is not a problem with the servers. There is nothing we can do for you with this.
You can try the suggestions in the first ppost to see if anything there helps.

LisaScobee May 26 2024 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by Taz D (Post 6581526)
Hi Lisa,
We have been through all this before. This is not a problem with the servers. There is nothing we can do for you with this.
You can try the suggestions in the first ppost to see if anything there helps.

OK so if it's a problem on MY end, why is it happening on two different computers? It doesn't affect me loading the game, I just refresh and it works the next time.

Taz D May 26 2024 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by LisaScobee (Post 6581582)
OK so if it's a problem on MY end, why is it happening on two different computers? It doesn't affect me loading the game, I just refresh and it works the next time.

Hi Lisa,
If it is not your computers then it would have to be some where along the internet that caused it to happen. If it was the servers then we would have many and ourselves down from it and that is not the case.

LisaScobee May 26 2024 04:15 PM

Whatever works. Done arguing.


Originally Posted by Taz D (Post 6581586)
Hi Lisa,
If it is not your computers then it would have to be some where along the internet that caused it to happen. If it was the servers then we would have many and ourselves down from it and that is not the case.

LisaScobee May 30 2024 09:59 PM

Game is stuck...
2024-05-31 02:57:05.935 INFOCheckpoint-B-000 - Initialized
2024-05-31 02:57:05.937 LOGFT Client Services Inited.
2024-05-31 02:57:05.985 LOGSessionId: 4302257
Browser: unknown: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
WebGL Supported and Enabled. Type: WebGL 2.0
GPU-Vendor: Google Inc. (Intel)
GPU-Renderer: ANGLE (Intel, Intel(R) HD Graphics 620 (0x00005916) Direct3D11 vs_5_0 ps_5_0, D3D11)
2024-05-31 02:57:08.389 LOGnavigator.mediaDevices support available
2024-05-31 02:58:30.945 LOG[UnityMemory] Configuration Parameters - Can be set up in boot.config
2024-05-31 02:58:30.947 LOG "memorysetup-temp-allocator-size-nav-mesh-worker=65536"
2024-05-31 02:58:30.949 LOG "memorysetup-temp-allocator-size-audio-worker=65536"
2024-05-31 02:58:30.950 LOG "memorysetup-temp-allocator-size-background-worker=32768"
2024-05-31 02:58:30.950 LOG "memorysetup-bucket-allocator-granularity=16"
2024-05-31 02:58:30.951 LOG "memorysetup-bucket-allocator-bucket-count=8"
2024-05-31 02:58:30.952 LOG "memorysetup-bucket-allocator-block-size=4194304"
2024-05-31 02:58:30.953 LOG "memorysetup-bucket-allocator-block-count=1"
2024-05-31 02:58:30.954 LOG "memorysetup-main-allocator-block-size=16777216"
2024-05-31 02:58:30.955 LOG "memorysetup-thread-allocator-block-size=16777216"
2024-05-31 02:58:30.956 LOG "memorysetup-gfx-main-allocator-block-size=16777216"
2024-05-31 02:58:30.957 LOG "memorysetup-gfx-thread-allocator-block-size=16777216"
2024-05-31 02:58:30.958 LOG "memorysetup-cache-allocator-block-size=4194304"
2024-05-31 02:58:30.959 LOG "memorysetup-typetree-allocator-block-size=2097152"
2024-05-31 02:58:30.961 LOG "memorysetup-profiler-bucket-allocator-granularity=16"
2024-05-31 02:58:30.963 LOG "memorysetup-profiler-bucket-allocator-bucket-count=8"
2024-05-31 02:58:30.964 LOG "memorysetup-profiler-bucket-allocator-block-size=4194304"
2024-05-31 02:58:30.965 LOG "memorysetup-profiler-bucket-allocator-block-count=1"
2024-05-31 02:58:30.967 LOG "memorysetup-profiler-allocator-block-size=16777216"
2024-05-31 02:58:30.968 LOG "memorysetup-profiler-editor-allocator-block-size=1048576"
2024-05-31 02:58:30.970 LOG "memorysetup-temp-allocator-size-main=4194304"
2024-05-31 02:58:30.971 LOG "memorysetup-job-temp-allocator-block-size=2097152"
2024-05-31 02:58:30.973 LOG "memorysetup-job-temp-allocator-block-size-background=1048576"
2024-05-31 02:58:30.974 LOG "memorysetup-job-temp-allocator-reduction-small-platforms=262144"
2024-05-31 02:58:31.304 LOGLoading player data from data.unity3d
2024-05-31 02:58:31.313 LOGInitialize engine version: 2021.2.4f1 (99ba6aa4c552)
2024-05-31 02:58:31.315 LOG[Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path UnitySubsystems
2024-05-31 02:58:31.319 LOGCreating WebGL 2.0 context.
2024-05-31 02:58:31.385 LOGRenderer: WebKit WebGL
2024-05-31 02:58:31.387 LOGVendor: WebKit
2024-05-31 02:58:31.389 LOGVersion: OpenGL ES 3.0 (WebGL 2.0 (OpenGL ES 3.0 Chromium))
2024-05-31 02:58:31.391 LOGGLES: 3
2024-05-31 02:58:31.404 LOGOPENGL LOG: Creating OpenGL ES 3.0 graphics device ; Context level ; Context handle 1
2024-05-31 02:58:31.924 LOGInput Manager initialize...
2024-05-31 02:58:32.463 LOGOdin Serializer ArchitectureInfo initialization with defaults (all unaligned read/writes disabled).
2024-05-31 02:58:32.471 LOGOdin Serializer detected whitelisted runtime platform WebGLPlayer and memory read test succeeded; enabling all unaligned memory read/writes.
2024-05-31 02:58:33.868 INFOStats: WebGL 2.0 WebGL Mem: 67/177 MB Managed Mem: 36 MB Unity Mem: 30 MB Video Mem: 512 MB
2024-05-31 02:58:34.084 LOGSendMessage: object JsUnityBridge not found!
2024-05-31 02:58:35.958 INFOCheckpoint-U-30 - Bootloader.Init Start - Mem: 14/32/46/177 MB
2024-05-31 02:58:36.007 INFOCheckpoint-U-31 - Init Loading Screen - Mem: 14/33/47/177 MB
2024-05-31 02:58:36.012 INFOCheckpoint-U-32 - Init AssetRegistry - Mem: 14/33/47/177 MB
2024-05-31 02:58:36.991 INFOCheckpoint-U-33 - Download Play Bundles - Mem: 15/36/52/177 MB
2024-05-31 02:58:37.003 INFOCheckpoint-U-34 - Init Local Storage - Mem: 15/36/52/177 MB
2024-05-31 02:58:37.010 INFOCheckpoint-U-35 - Init FlashVars - Mem: 15/36/52/177 MB
2024-05-31 02:58:37.054 INFOCheckpoint-U-40 - Init HUD - Mem: 16/36/52/177 MB
2024-05-31 02:58:37.887 INFOCheckpoint-U-45 - Init Farm Controller - Mem: 23/45/68/177 MB
2024-05-31 02:58:37.910 INFOCheckpoint-U-50 - Processing Params - Mem: 23/45/68/177 MB
2024-05-31 02:58:37.923 INFOCheckpoint-U-51 - Init Sub Controllers - Mem: 23/45/68/177 MB
2024-05-31 02:58:37.990 INFOCheckpoint-U-52 - Init Preferences - Mem: 24/45/69/177 MB
2024-05-31 02:58:37.997 INFOCheckpoint-U-53 - Load Prefs into UI - Mem: 24/45/69/177 MB
2024-05-31 02:58:38.207 INFOCheckpoint-U-54 - Init Engine - Mem: 23/43/66/177 MB
2024-05-31 02:58:38.218 INFOCheckpoint-U-55 - Init ItemDefs - Mem: 23/43/66/177 MB
2024-05-31 02:58:39.737 INFOCheckpoint-U-56 - Init RecipeDefs - Mem: 75/49/125/255 MB
2024-05-31 02:58:40.821 INFOCheckpoint-U-57 - Init Misc Defs - Mem: 81/45/126/255 MB
2024-05-31 02:58:41.972 INFOCheckpoint-U-60 - Load User - Mem: 67/44/111/255 MB
2024-05-31 02:58:43.160 INFOCheckpoint-U-61 - User Loaded - Mem: 70/44/115/255 MB
2024-05-31 02:58:43.164 INFOCheckpoint-U-62 - Main Avatar Loaded - Mem: 70/44/115/255 MB
2024-05-31 02:58:43.213 INFOCheckpoint-U-70 - Go To Farm - Mem: 71/44/115/255 MB
2024-05-31 02:58:43.228 INFOCheckpoint-U-75 - GoToFarmAsync - Mem: 71/44/115/255 MB

Taz D May 30 2024 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by LisaScobee (Post 6581846)
2024-05-31 02:57:05.935 INFOCheckpoint-B-000 - Initialized
2024-05-31 02:57:05.937 LOGFT Client Services Inited.
2024-05-31 02:57:05.985 LOGSessionId: 4302257
Browser: unknown: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
WebGL Supported and Enabled. Type: WebGL 2.0
GPU-Vendor: Google Inc. (Intel)
GPU-Renderer: ANGLE (Intel, Intel(R) HD Graphics 620 (0x00005916) Direct3D11 vs_5_0 ps_5_0, D3D11)
2024-05-31 02:57:08.389 LOGnavigator.mediaDevices support available
2024-05-31 02:58:30.945 LOG[UnityMemory] Configuration Parameters - Can be set up in boot.config
2024-05-31 02:58:30.947 LOG "memorysetup-temp-allocator-size-nav-mesh-worker=65536"
2024-05-31 02:58:30.949 LOG "memorysetup-temp-allocator-size-audio-worker=65536"
2024-05-31 02:58:30.950 LOG "memorysetup-temp-allocator-size-background-worker=32768"
2024-05-31 02:58:30.950 LOG "memorysetup-bucket-allocator-granularity=16"
2024-05-31 02:58:30.951 LOG "memorysetup-bucket-allocator-bucket-count=8"
2024-05-31 02:58:30.952 LOG "memorysetup-bucket-allocator-block-size=4194304"
2024-05-31 02:58:30.953 LOG "memorysetup-bucket-allocator-block-count=1"
2024-05-31 02:58:30.954 LOG "memorysetup-main-allocator-block-size=16777216"
2024-05-31 02:58:30.955 LOG "memorysetup-thread-allocator-block-size=16777216"
2024-05-31 02:58:30.956 LOG "memorysetup-gfx-main-allocator-block-size=16777216"
2024-05-31 02:58:30.957 LOG "memorysetup-gfx-thread-allocator-block-size=16777216"
2024-05-31 02:58:30.958 LOG "memorysetup-cache-allocator-block-size=4194304"
2024-05-31 02:58:30.959 LOG "memorysetup-typetree-allocator-block-size=2097152"
2024-05-31 02:58:30.961 LOG "memorysetup-profiler-bucket-allocator-granularity=16"
2024-05-31 02:58:30.963 LOG "memorysetup-profiler-bucket-allocator-bucket-count=8"
2024-05-31 02:58:30.964 LOG "memorysetup-profiler-bucket-allocator-block-size=4194304"
2024-05-31 02:58:30.965 LOG "memorysetup-profiler-bucket-allocator-block-count=1"
2024-05-31 02:58:30.967 LOG "memorysetup-profiler-allocator-block-size=16777216"
2024-05-31 02:58:30.968 LOG "memorysetup-profiler-editor-allocator-block-size=1048576"
2024-05-31 02:58:30.970 LOG "memorysetup-temp-allocator-size-main=4194304"
2024-05-31 02:58:30.971 LOG "memorysetup-job-temp-allocator-block-size=2097152"
2024-05-31 02:58:30.973 LOG "memorysetup-job-temp-allocator-block-size-background=1048576"
2024-05-31 02:58:30.974 LOG "memorysetup-job-temp-allocator-reduction-small-platforms=262144"
2024-05-31 02:58:31.304 LOGLoading player data from data.unity3d
2024-05-31 02:58:31.313 LOGInitialize engine version: 2021.2.4f1 (99ba6aa4c552)
2024-05-31 02:58:31.315 LOG[Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path UnitySubsystems
2024-05-31 02:58:31.319 LOGCreating WebGL 2.0 context.
2024-05-31 02:58:31.385 LOGRenderer: WebKit WebGL
2024-05-31 02:58:31.387 LOGVendor: WebKit
2024-05-31 02:58:31.389 LOGVersion: OpenGL ES 3.0 (WebGL 2.0 (OpenGL ES 3.0 Chromium))
2024-05-31 02:58:31.391 LOGGLES: 3
2024-05-31 02:58:31.404 LOGOPENGL LOG: Creating OpenGL ES 3.0 graphics device ; Context level ; Context handle 1
2024-05-31 02:58:31.924 LOGInput Manager initialize...
2024-05-31 02:58:32.463 LOGOdin Serializer ArchitectureInfo initialization with defaults (all unaligned read/writes disabled).
2024-05-31 02:58:32.471 LOGOdin Serializer detected whitelisted runtime platform WebGLPlayer and memory read test succeeded; enabling all unaligned memory read/writes.
2024-05-31 02:58:33.868 INFOStats: WebGL 2.0 WebGL Mem: 67/177 MB Managed Mem: 36 MB Unity Mem: 30 MB Video Mem: 512 MB
2024-05-31 02:58:34.084 LOGSendMessage: object JsUnityBridge not found!
2024-05-31 02:58:35.958 INFOCheckpoint-U-30 - Bootloader.Init Start - Mem: 14/32/46/177 MB
2024-05-31 02:58:36.007 INFOCheckpoint-U-31 - Init Loading Screen - Mem: 14/33/47/177 MB
2024-05-31 02:58:36.012 INFOCheckpoint-U-32 - Init AssetRegistry - Mem: 14/33/47/177 MB
2024-05-31 02:58:36.991 INFOCheckpoint-U-33 - Download Play Bundles - Mem: 15/36/52/177 MB
2024-05-31 02:58:37.003 INFOCheckpoint-U-34 - Init Local Storage - Mem: 15/36/52/177 MB
2024-05-31 02:58:37.010 INFOCheckpoint-U-35 - Init FlashVars - Mem: 15/36/52/177 MB
2024-05-31 02:58:37.054 INFOCheckpoint-U-40 - Init HUD - Mem: 16/36/52/177 MB
2024-05-31 02:58:37.887 INFOCheckpoint-U-45 - Init Farm Controller - Mem: 23/45/68/177 MB
2024-05-31 02:58:37.910 INFOCheckpoint-U-50 - Processing Params - Mem: 23/45/68/177 MB
2024-05-31 02:58:37.923 INFOCheckpoint-U-51 - Init Sub Controllers - Mem: 23/45/68/177 MB
2024-05-31 02:58:37.990 INFOCheckpoint-U-52 - Init Preferences - Mem: 24/45/69/177 MB
2024-05-31 02:58:37.997 INFOCheckpoint-U-53 - Load Prefs into UI - Mem: 24/45/69/177 MB
2024-05-31 02:58:38.207 INFOCheckpoint-U-54 - Init Engine - Mem: 23/43/66/177 MB
2024-05-31 02:58:38.218 INFOCheckpoint-U-55 - Init ItemDefs - Mem: 23/43/66/177 MB
2024-05-31 02:58:39.737 INFOCheckpoint-U-56 - Init RecipeDefs - Mem: 75/49/125/255 MB
2024-05-31 02:58:40.821 INFOCheckpoint-U-57 - Init Misc Defs - Mem: 81/45/126/255 MB
2024-05-31 02:58:41.972 INFOCheckpoint-U-60 - Load User - Mem: 67/44/111/255 MB
2024-05-31 02:58:43.160 INFOCheckpoint-U-61 - User Loaded - Mem: 70/44/115/255 MB
2024-05-31 02:58:43.164 INFOCheckpoint-U-62 - Main Avatar Loaded - Mem: 70/44/115/255 MB
2024-05-31 02:58:43.213 INFOCheckpoint-U-70 - Go To Farm - Mem: 71/44/115/255 MB
2024-05-31 02:58:43.228 INFOCheckpoint-U-75 - GoToFarmAsync - Mem: 71/44/115/255 MB

Hi Lisa,
I moved your post to the thread about game loading problems.

The only thing I can tell you is to try restarting the game and see if it will continue to load. If it doesn't try the suggestions in the first post on the first page of this thread.
Restarting your computer wouldn't hurt either to clear out your memory.

LisaScobee May 30 2024 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by Taz D (Post 6581850)
Hi Lisa,
I moved your post to the thread about game loading problems.

The only thing I can tell you is to try restarting the game and see if it will continue to load. If it doesn't try the suggestions in the first post on the first page of this thread.
Restarting your computer wouldn't hurt either to clear out your memory.

Exited/restarted Chrome and it worked. Also NOT getting the error you said was my computer anymore (and I haven't restarted the computer/router since the last time I got that error).

Taz D May 30 2024 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by LisaScobee (Post 6581858)
Exited/restarted Chrome and it worked. Also NOT getting the error you said was my computer anymore (and I haven't restarted the computer/router since the last time I got that error).

Hi Lisa,
I am glad that worked for you to get it going. I also said that your errors you were getting could be an internet problem some where down the line between you and the servers. We do not have any way to check those links nor any control over those. They do not belong to Slashkey.

LisaScobee May 31 2024 01:13 AM

If it's an "internet problem" it must've fixed itself. I haven't rebooted the PC OR router in a few days

Originally Posted by Taz D (Post 6581862)
Hi Lisa,
I am glad that worked for you to get it going. I also said that your errors you were getting could be an internet problem some where down the line between you and the servers. We do not have any way to check those links nor any control over those. They do not belong to Slashkey.

Taz D May 31 2024 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by LisaScobee (Post 6581870)
If it's an "internet problem" it must've fixed itself. I haven't rebooted the PC OR router in a few days

Hi Lisa,
If it is an internet problem then whoever owns the link that was not working must have fixed it. There is nothing we can do for those.

All times are GMT -5. The time now is 04:07 AM.