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Taz D Apr 28 2024 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by Franklinchica13 (Post 6579074)
I hired a number of people earlier today to H&P, harvest and chop trees, but someone went to 5 farms that I did not hire for and cleared the farms. This is a problem for me as they were farms that I use for quests and needed them. How is it that someone can work on a farm that they were not hired for? What would stop someone from just clearing every farm every single time?

Hi Franklinchica,
They can not go to a farm that you do not have a check in for work. So if you had those farms checked because you listed many jobs for thwem to work then they were doing what you asked. The only thging I can tell you is to be sure you only have the farms checked that you want them to work on.
The only other possibility is one of your 2 super neighbors may have done those.

Franklinchica13 Apr 29 2024 06:20 PM

Thanks, I know one SN didn't because that's me, but it literally happened right after I hired about 4 people to do 4-5 farms each and those farms weren't marked for anything but fishing on one of them. Hopefully it won't happen again, but I did set the farms I use for quests and FP goals to private.

AnnaWalls May 01 2024 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by marymarcel (Post 6578138)
Hi AnnaWalls :)

I moved your post from Suggestions to be able to respond to you.

When you hire someone at market the request shows you if you are hiring a Neighbor or Buddy and also the farmer receiving the requests is able to see the same.

Please read the following information:

Thanks. I've never noticed that. I'll have to watch closer.

marymarcel May 01 2024 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by AnnaWalls (Post 6579634)
Thanks. I've never noticed that. I'll have to watch closer.

You are welcome Anna :)

chrissie333 May 23 2024 01:06 PM

Missing Fish
I have just worked for someone and I usually receive all fish. Found out a few minutes ago that I am missing Anchovy, Octopus, Swordfish Walleye and Yellowtail Therfore I am missing a great deal of coins. Please help. thanks Chrissie333

marymarcel May 23 2024 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by chrissie333 (Post 6581358)
I have just worked for someone and I usually receive all fish. Found out a few minutes ago that I am missing Anchovy, Octopus, Swordfish Walleye and Yellowtail Therfore I am missing a great deal of coins. Please help. thanks Chrissie333

Hi chrissie :)

I moved your post to the thread about Hiring.

I just checked your data and you got all the fish you are talking about in your last hire by a stranger.

If after that you worked for a neighbor/buddy then we have not data for those.

I also checked your storage and I dont see those fish stored, so if you filled factories using them after you were hired, then they were used there.

Or the other possibility is you sold them individually.

chrissie333 May 23 2024 01:51 PM

Missing Fish
To Mary Marcel I don't have any fish factories. I fished as usual and then went to sell some fish. The fish I mentioned were not there. I have not sold any fish today. As an example I usually receive over 2 billion anchovy to sell but there is just 1 there. Similar for all the other fish I mentioned. That's a lot of fish that have just vanished. Could someone look into this again for me. Thanks Chrissie333

marymarcel May 23 2024 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by chrissie333 (Post 6581366)
To Mary Marcel I don't have any fish factories. I fished as usual and then went to sell some fish. The fish I mentioned were not there. I have not sold any fish today. As an example I usually receive over 2 billion anchovy to sell but there is just 1 there. Similar for all the other fish I mentioned. That's a lot of fish that have just vanished. Could someone look into this again for me. Thanks Chrissie333

Hi crissie :)

You own the Sushi Restaurant which uses Yellowtail, so maybe that fish was used there.

Please contact Support team so they can check on your problem. To contact them click on the link below, fill out the form and submit it. Please include all details about your problem so you can get help faster. Be patient as it can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days for them to respond to you depending on how many tickets they have ahead of yours.

You will receive an automatic response email when you submit your ticket. That email will have your ticket number and a link for you to check the status of your ticket, so please do not delete that email. If you do not see the email then check your spam folder as sometimes those emails get classified as spam.

If you are having a problem getting responses from Support please read the information in the following link:

Judyxt Jun 02 2024 02:25 PM

Working on someones farm
I remember when you could return to the farmers farms if you weren't finished, did that get removed?

marymarcel Jun 02 2024 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by Judyxt (Post 6582166)
I remember when you could return to the farmers farms if you weren't finished, did that get removed?

Hi Judyxt :)

I moved your post to the thread about Hiring.

I just tested this and I got the pop up and was able to go back to those farms and complete the job.

Remember you have to return to your own farm within 10 minutes after losing the job to get the pop up.

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