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Taz D Nov 15 2017 10:44 AM

Facility Chains

The Facility Chains is a feature of the game where you will be able to create chains from your facilities to earn far more coins with facilities than facilities that are not part of a chain!!

The Facility Chains is available at levels 200 and higher.

You have from Monday 12:00AM up to the next Monday 12:00AM to add a chain. Not adding a new chain that week just means that you missed an opportunity to have another chain.

UPDATE on where the Export Products have gone July 4th,2022
Your Facility Chain export products have been moved to a new storage area.
You will no longer see them in your Harvest& Products section of Storage nor will you be able to see exactly how many you have. When you try to view them in storage you will be redirected to the Facility Chains Manager. In the Trade Products section of the Facility Chains Manger there is a Check Storage blue button top right that you can click on IF you want to see what products can be currently exported to your neighbors. It does not include items that can not be exported due to staging areas being full or those that can not be exported yet due to not being used yet. Details will be added to the Game Guide as soon as we have time.
Benefits of *Regular* facility chains:
(Regular facilities make products that can be stocked in Service Facilities to make more profit in coins)
  • Chains of coins regular facilities will generate 40% more production on top of what they are already producing which can be used for EXPORT when you start batches in them.
  • Chains of farm cash regular facilities will generate 80% more production on top of what they are already producing which can be used for EXPORT when you start batches in them.
  • The FREE EXTRA products generated from your chains when you start batches in them, which did not consume any of your ingredients to make them, cannot be consumed by your own service facilities.
  • Those extra products can be used to help your neighbours that may need help to stock their own service facility chains.
  • You can ONLY Export them to a neighbour who has a chain of the facility that can consume those products.
    Your Neighbours are those that you CAN see in your Neighbours bar at the bottom of the game screen.
    Friends that have you as their Neighbour but you do NOT have them as your Neighbour (you can NOT see in your Neighbours bar at the bottom of the game screen) can Export to you. You can Import from them to get more products for your own service facility chains BUT you cannot Export to them until they are also a neighbour for you.
  • Reward for Exporting - the Mayor compensates you with an extra 100% of the sale price of those products just for helping others!!

Benefits of *Service* facility chains:
(Service Facilities stock finished products that have been made and stored in Regular Facilities to make more coins when cashing out.)
  • Chains of coins service facilities will be 75% more profitable instead of the standard 50%.
  • Chains of Farm Cash service facilities will be 100% more profitable instead of the standard 50%.
  • Importing products can help you to stock your own Service facility Chains.
  • You can IMPORT products from a neighbour or a friend who has a chain of the facility that can produce them.
  • Even if you do not need them to get those facilities to 100% stocked, by importing them it allows you to restock those products more often which means even more profit when Cashing Out those facilities.
  • Imported products have the advantage that:
    you didn't have to spend time producing them

    that they did not use any of your ingredients to make them and can help when you may be short on products needed to stock them

Any facilities you create a chain with in the Facility Chains Feature still produce the regular amounts you need for your facilities.

By entering them into the Facility Chains you are getting EXTRA product on top of those which you can Export or Sell within the Facility Chains feature.
The extra (export) products generated are pure profit and totally free as they did not use any of your ingredients to make them.

This link will take you to the Game Guide chapter 33 for more details and information about the Facility Chains:

To post Suggestions or changes for the Facility Chains please click on this link and post your request there:
Facility Chains

Sqrl Mar 19 2022 06:58 PM

Was so glad to see the Facility Chains back but they are not working correctly. When I see a green export button I can sometimes export and sometimes not. If it says a neighbour can import x number of items and I click the blue button, sometimes I get the message Exporting Items but no report of how many items were exported or how much I got paid. The blue button remains dark blue and the count remains the same. When I go back to the main window, the button for that chain is still green.

But sometimes it does work. I have exported quite a lot! But still it doesn't always work.

Taz D Mar 19 2022 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by Sqrl (Post 6487646)
Was so glad to see the Facility Chains back but they are not working correctly. When I see a green export button I can sometimes export and sometimes not. If it says a neighbour can import x number of items and I click the blue button, sometimes I get the message Exporting Items but no report of how many items were exported or how much I got paid. The blue button remains dark blue and the count remains the same. When I go back to the main window, the button for that chain is still green.

But sometimes it does work. I have exported quite a lot! But still it doesn't always work.

Hi Sqrl,
When you click to Export the coins and number of products exported is in white letters floating and disappears in a couple seconds. You can also watch the total products to export and the amount will change.
If the buttons are not changing when you export try clearing your memcache and see if that fixes it. They are working correctly for me when I just tested it.

Sqrl Mar 19 2022 07:08 PM

okay dokay back to the memcache!

Sqrl Mar 23 2022 04:40 PM

Hmm okay memcache worked for a while but if I click on products that haven't been exported and Exporting comes up but they are not exported, the problem returns and I have to run memcache again.

Taz D Mar 23 2022 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by Sqrl (Post 6488214)
Hmm okay memcache worked for a while but if I click on products that haven't been exported and Exporting comes up but they are not exported, the problem returns and I have to run memcache again.

Hi Sqrl,
Please contact Support about this. To contact Support click on the link below, fill out the form and submit it. Be patient as it can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days for them to respond to you depending on how many tickets they have ahead of yours.

You will receive an automatic response email when you submit your ticket. That email will have your ticket number and a link for you to check the status of your ticket, so please do not delete that email. If you do not see the email then check your spam folder as sometimes those emails get classified as spam.

If you are having a problem getting responses from Support please read the information in the following link:

Sqrl Mar 23 2022 06:09 PM

Thanks Taz.

pdsegida Apr 24 2022 12:24 AM

I am not sure if I am posting in the right area. Today I loved at the items that were ready for me to import, I checked my status on the quantity I had and I was already at 100%. I did not need the items that were being offered to me, I do not know how many times I may have :bought" things that I did not need. Do we need to check each time? Looking forward to hearing from you.

Tiger Apr 24 2022 05:03 AM


Originally Posted by pdsegida (Post 6492038)
I am not sure if I am posting in the right area. Today I loved at the items that were ready for me to import, I checked my status on the quantity I had and I was already at 100%. I did not need the items that were being offered to me, I do not know how many times I may have :bought" things that I did not need. Do we need to check each time? Looking forward to hearing from you.

Hi pdsegida,

Full details of what the benefits are of creating a chain and why you should import/export are in the game guide Chapter 33 Facility Chains. There is quite a bit to read so you'll need some time to go through it all. Here's the link:

As an example:

If you own a service facility chain and you import products from your neighbours that are consumed in that service chain, although you pay regular price in coins for those products, not only did those not use your own ingredients to make them, they will be much more profitable to you when you stock them in your service chain and then cash out. This is because service facility chains are from 50% to 100% more profitable than service facilities that are not part of a chain.

So in this case even if you have more than enough products to fill the service facility chain once, it's still worth importing them as it means you could refill them more often making you more profit when you cash them out as it's part of a chain. By importing you are also helping your friends to also make extra profit.

If you found you had a considerable amount and were not likely to be able to use them fast enough, you can still help your friends by importing them and then make some coins back by selling a portion of what you think you're not going to be able to use quickly at market.

When you make a regular chain you get free extra production which are the export products. Those extra export products did not use your ingredients or cost you coins to make. When you export them you make an extra 100% of the selling price for exporting them. Even if you could not export all of the export products you have, and decided to sell some export products at market, you're still making a profit just by selling them as you were given the export products for free.

As long as you have enough coins to import you should do it when you can to help friends as there's always a possibility that if someone was not making any profit from a particular chain because they could no longer export, they can choose to delete the chain which would mean you would no longer be able to import from them to make your own extra profit in your own chains.

Sqrl Apr 25 2022 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by Taz D (Post 6488226)
Hi Sqrl,
Please contact Support about this.

I did contact Support, and the issue seems to be fixed now.

Early Girl May 06 2022 10:31 AM

Good afternoon. I have tried the FCC when it was first released and found it very time consuming. But after yesterday's update I decided to take another look at it. The game guide instructions are the most confusing of anything in this game. So, my question is, what actual benefit does the FCC do for a player who does not play for just coins?

Taz D May 06 2022 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by Early Girl (Post 6493402)
Good afternoon. I have tried the FCC when it was first released and found it very time consuming. But after yesterday's update I decided to take another look at it. The game guide instructions are the most confusing of anything in this game. So, my question is, what actual benefit does the FCC do for a player who does not play for just coins?

Hi Early Girl,
You can find all the information about the facility chains in the Game Guide chapter 33 about the chains including the benefits:

It is up to you whether you consider it a benefit. The addition of a way to do them faster is all that is being added, so that it doesn't take as long to do them. Jun 02 2022 02:04 AM

I go to export my goods in facility chain manager but every time the export button is greyed out and 0 beside how much they can get. Is there a time limit for each person like once a day? I have tried all different times of day and still the same thing. Sure I must be doing something wrong...

Tiger Jun 02 2022 04:36 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 6495642)
I go to export my goods in facility chain manager but every time the export button is greyed out and 0 beside how much they can get. Is there a time limit for each person like once a day? I have tried all different times of day and still the same thing. Sure I must be doing something wrong...

Hi rodkay1,

In the My Chains section of the Facility Chains you can only export to a neighbour if that Export Products To button is Green.

When that Export Products To button is Pale Blue that means one of two things:
  • either you have no products to export to them
  • or their staging areas are already full.

When you click on the Pale Blue Export button and look at the information in that neighours box, when you can see
  • the top line for Products to Export is not 0 and shows that you have products to Export
  • but the bottom line is showing This neighbour can import: 0 and the Export button is greyed out

    That means their staging areas are already full preventing you from Exporting to them at that time.

    They would need to do their importing and then you would need to export to them before their their staging areas were filled again by others exporting to them.

Tiger Jul 04 2022 05:42 PM

UPDATE on where the Export Products have gone July 4th,2022
Your Facility Chain export products have been moved to a new storage area.
You will no longer see them in your Harvest& Products section of Storage nor will you be able to see exactly how many you have.

When you try to view them in storage you will be redirected to the Facility Chains Manager. In the Trade Products section of the Facility Chains Manger there is a Check Storage blue button top right that you can click on IF you want to see what products can be currently exported to your neighbors. It does not include items that can not be exported due to staging areas being full or those that can not be exported yet due to not being used yet. Details will be added to the Game Guide as soon as we have time. Jul 14 2022 06:19 AM

I am trying to delete a chain but it asks whether I want to proceed, to which I click yes and then it comes up saving facilities and freezes there. I was able to delete one of my chains earlier in the week but cannot do any more? Would appreciate help on why this is happening...thanks

Tiger Jul 14 2022 07:34 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 6499786)
I am trying to delete a chain but it asks whether I want to proceed, to which I click yes and then it comes up saving facilities and freezes there. I was able to delete one of my chains earlier in the week but cannot do any more? Would appreciate help on why this is happening...thanks

Hi rodkay1,

What have you already tried to resolve this yourself?
Have you reloaded the game to see if it updated and deleted the chain?

If not please also try clearing your FT memcache. To do that Click Here. A window will open with a list of "unsetting", that is the memcache being cleared. Close that window and FT if you have it open in another window. Then reload and see if it will delete after that.

Did the chain you are trying to delete meet chain criteria or is it one that had not reached that yet? If it had not reached chain criteria which ones dd itnot meet, the 2 facility requirement or the 7th dan requirements?

Is it a chain that matches the criteria for the type of chain you could add this week or is it a different one?

If it still won't delete, which facility chain is it? Please name the facility. Jul 14 2022 09:08 AM

Air Freshener factory and fishing accessories factory. I was able to delete import facility but unable to delete these 2. I have cleared mem cache and I am allowed to proceed to delete but freezes saying "saving facilities" and I have to refresh just to be able to get back in the game. And the facilities are still there

marymarcel Jul 14 2022 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 6499806)
Air Freshener factory and fishing accessories factory. I was able to delete import facility but unable to delete these 2. I have cleared mem cache and I am allowed to proceed to delete but freezes saying "saving facilities" and I have to refresh just to be able to get back in the game. And the facilities are still there

Hi rodkay1 :)

Tiger is not available at this moment.

I just tried with one of my chains and got your same problems.

We are sending this to the developers.

Thanks for your report :)

Snookie Sue Jul 14 2022 02:41 PM

Me too
I just noticed the change to being unable sell all my imports in the marketplace. I just never got into this aspect of the game. I was able to remove several of my facilities but have been unable to remove the last 5 or 6. It just says it is loading the facilities and then nothing happens. Hoping to be able to get the rest out and not lose all these products as I have several of the designated facilities in those chains. Please keep us informed. Thanks so much.

marymarcel Jul 14 2022 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by Snookie Sue (Post 6499814)
I just noticed the change to being unable sell all my imports in the marketplace. I just never got into this aspect of the game. I was able to remove several of my facilities but have been unable to remove the last 5 or 6. It just says it is loading the facilities and then nothing happens. Hoping to be able to get the rest out and not lose all these products as I have several of the designated facilities in those chains. Please keep us informed. Thanks so much.

Hi Snookie Sue :)

We will let you all know as soon as we get any information from the developers.

JNelson Jul 15 2022 03:13 AM

If you have boxes unchecked in a facility, does that mean you wont receive any of those items for import ---untill the box is checked again ???? ie if have items turned off to build up supplies ......

Tiger Jul 15 2022 06:15 AM


Originally Posted by JNelson (Post 6499862)
If you have boxes unchecked in a facility, does that mean you wont receive any of those items for import ---untill the box is checked again ???? ie if have items turned off to build up supplies ......

Hi JNelson,

No, you can still import products for those facilities as long as neighbours have products to export to you, they didn't use them up exporting to someone else before trying to export to you and your staging areas for those facilites had room to be able to export them to you.

Removing check marks in your regular facilities that are part of a chain just means that you won't be making any of those products to be able to get the extra free export products so that you can export them to others. Jul 18 2022 03:25 AM

Thank you re previous post. The facilities Air freshener and fish accessories still cannot be deleted from chain but I will wait and keep trying, if I am not the only one with the problem. Thanks marymarcel...appreciate your prompt reply

marymarcel Jul 18 2022 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 6500314)
Thank you re previous post. The facilities Air freshener and fish accessories still cannot be deleted from chain but I will wait and keep trying, if I am not the only one with the problem. Thanks marymarcel...appreciate your prompt reply

You are welcome rodkay1 :)

Sqrl Jul 18 2022 07:36 PM

Is the Printing & Packaging fac capable of being chained? I have never seen it offered.

marymarcel Jul 18 2022 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by Sqrl (Post 6500398)
Is the Printing & Packaging fac capable of being chained? I have never seen it offered.

Hi Sqrl :)

This week I have regular farmcash facilities and the Prining & Packaging is among them.

You have to wait till have farmcash regular facilities to check again.This week you have coins service facilities.

Sqrl Jul 19 2022 02:58 AM

Ah, so it may come up eventually. Thanks!

uma437 Jul 20 2022 01:06 AM

Good morning,
any news about the possibility to delete chains? The game still freezes saying "Saving facilities".
Thanks for your help!

Tiger Jul 20 2022 04:54 AM


Originally Posted by uma437 (Post 6500462)
Good morning,
any news about the possibility to delete chains? The game still freezes saying "Saving facilities".
Thanks for your help!

Hi uma437,

No sorry no news on this yet. Aug 03 2022 07:32 PM

Wow this freezing when trying to delete chains is a real problem. Has been going for weeks now. Still no news on how close before this problem is solved?

Taz D Aug 03 2022 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 6501386)
Wow this freezing when trying to delete chains is a real problem. Has been going for weeks now. Still no news on how close before this problem is solved?

Hi Rodkay,
We do not know when they will get to this problem, so no we don't know how long before it can be fixed.

Sqrl Aug 08 2022 12:44 AM

Ok, so I am still wondering if my facility chains are working correctly. Every other week, which is presumably the FC facilities week, there is never anything I can chain. Ever since the chains started, I have only ever been able to chain the flower shop.

Admittedly, I don't have a lot of FC facilities, about thirty. But surely even these should come up eventually? Without knowing what facilities are supposed to come up, without even knowing whether it's regular or service facs this week, how can I know if they should be coming up, but aren't? It might be broken, it might not, I just don't have the information to know and it's really bugging me.


Tiger Aug 08 2022 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by Sqrl (Post 6501638)
Ok, so I am still wondering if my facility chains are working correctly. Every other week, which is presumably the FC facilities week, there is never anything I can chain. Ever since the chains started, I have only ever been able to chain the flower shop.

Admittedly, I don't have a lot of FC facilities, about thirty. But surely even these should come up eventually? Without knowing what facilities are supposed to come up, without even knowing whether it's regular or service facs this week, how can I know if they should be coming up, but aren't? It might be broken, it might not, I just don't have the information to know and it's really bugging me.


Hi Sqrl,

You have Farm Cash services this week.

The reasons a facility won't show up to add as a chain are....
  • You have more than one type of FC chain than the other type. So if you have more FC service chains than you do FC regular chains, perhaps due to adding or deleting more than one type, you won't be able to add another FC service chain until the balance is maintained between them again.

  • You've already added a chain that is importing/exporting to the related regular/service. For example you couldn't have chain of Taste of Peru as well as a chain of Peruvian Restaurants.

  • A facility won't be offered if the products can be used in too many different facilities like the Rubber factory.

  • A facility won't be offered if the products can't be loaded into other service facilities like the Healthy Juice stand products.

It does get more complicated when a chain is related to more than one facility, but when that happens the game will only show you which ones you can add according to the chains you already have so that you don't have to work it out.

Sqrl Aug 08 2022 02:07 PM

Thanks, Tiger. I'm making notes here!

So the flower shop is a regular facility, which means I need to chain a service facility next, which of course I don't have any, and that's what's the problem. Cool. at least I understand what's going on now.

Tiger Aug 08 2022 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by Sqrl (Post 6501678)
Thanks, Tiger. I'm making notes here!

So the flower shop is a regular facility, which means I need to chain a service facility next, which of course I don't have any, and that's what's the problem. Cool. at least I understand what's going on now.

Hi Sqrl,

If you have no FC services then no you can't add one this week.

What it offers the next time an FC chain can be added would depend on what the balance was between the amount of FC regular chains you have and the amount of FC service chains you have.

If the amount of regular FC chains you have is *less or equal* to the amount of service FC chains you have then the current week chain type will be a regular factory, if not, it will be a service.

The same applies to the coin factories. The balance must be maintained between the amount of coin regular facs and coin service facs.

If you don't add a chain one week, then you have to wait until that particular week comes round again to be able to add one of that type.

We don't have a list of amounts of each of the 4 types of types of chain you might have. The game will work that out for you.

Sqrl Aug 09 2022 04:36 AM

:) ty Tiger

alyceclover Aug 12 2022 02:11 PM

Can not delete chain
I tried this: FT memcache.

I have had Breakfast restaurant Chain for many weeks. I decided to delete it, about a week ago. Every day I again try to delete it. It stays on Saving facilities, until I get tired of waiting and leave.

This AM I removed the second Breakfast Restaurant, put it storage, thinking the game would delete the chain automatically. Nope.

So do I take the 2nd out of storage, place it on farm, load it again, then try clearing the FT memcache?

The reason I wanted to delete the chain is because when I created a new chain, it shows no products to export. I thought if I removed the other, it would show products to export.

Taz D Aug 12 2022 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by alyceclover (Post 6502034)
I tried this: FT memcache.

I have had Breakfast restaurant Chain for many weeks. I decided to delete it, about a week ago. Every day I again try to delete it. It stays on Saving facilities, until I get tired of waiting and leave.

This AM I removed the second Breakfast Restaurant, put it storage, thinking the game would delete the chain automatically. Nope.

So do I take the 2nd out of storage, place it on farm, load it again, then try clearing the FT memcache?

The reason I wanted to delete the chain is because when I created a new chain, it shows no products to export. I thought if I removed the other, it would show products to export.

Hi Alyceclover,
Not being able to delete chains is a known issue that the developers have not fixed yet.

The only reason a chain would show no export products is if you do not have any neighbors that have the correct chain to import them.

alyceclover Aug 13 2022 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by Taz D (Post 6502038)
Hi Alyceclover,
Not being able to delete chains is a known issue that the developers have not fixed yet.

The only reason a chain would show no export products is if you do not have any neighbors that have the correct chain to import them.

TY I am wondering if that fix I tried ( FT memcache) has affected my farm. Stuff is gone from pending, such as Semi-trailer truck which is never empty of pending product.

The Facility manager is not working to load products and when I go to load at the farms such as Crude Oil, the pending disappears. Unless, for some reason all my facilities are being produced instantly.

I will contact support about that issue.

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