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Tiger May 04 2013 07:43 AM

Block Unblock - Ignore Unignore
When should I use them and what for?

Blocking/Reporting will not end the job you hired someone to do in Farm Town!!

Please Read the Game Guide Chapter 07 - Blocking In Farm Town before posting in this thread.
There are several methods to block and unblock a farmer!

Make sure you know you are clicking on the CORRECT icon for why you want to block/ignore/report someone.
You are expected to use your common sense when someone may be disagreeing with you or may be being offensive.
Continuing to argue or retaliate in any way does not help to resolve things, very often all that does is escalates the problem and more users then get involved, offended and angry.

Reporting users for no valid reason can get the reporting user a ban.

These methods do not block a user in the forum.
If you know their username for the forum and wish to block them in the forum so that you don't see their posts, receive any messages or emails from them in the forum, please click on this link for instructions: Ignore and Block - Use this icon to block/ignore when you don't want to see someone in the game or see their chat or receive future messages.

Examples of reasons you may want to block or ignore rather than report:
  • someone's behaviour or chatting in the in the game may only be irritating, annoying or argumentative.

  • if you don't like someone and prefer not to see them.

  • someone you hired that may be picking and choosing what they want to work rather than completing the entire job request, so you prefer not to hire them again by mistake.

  • if you you've hired someone on many occasions and they have not been able to complete your work and you're unable to find out what the problem may be, so you prefer not to hire them again by mistake.
    Remember there are always new farmers learning the game needing help, they may not know how to communicate with you or how to use the bigger tools or how to get them back if they dropped the tool by mistake. We all had to start from the beginning.

    Someone may have a temporary internet issue or an emergency so could not finish or return to finish your work. This does not mean that they would normally do that.

    Please try to consider those types of things before you decide to block or ignore someone.
    These annoying types of behaviour are NOT to be reported!

    When you add someone to your blocked list you will not see them again until you remove the block. Report Abuse and Block! ONLY use this when:
  • Someone is being abusive or sending abusive messages perhaps of a sexual nature
  • A farmer has an offensive farm design like one of a sexual nature.
  • A farmer has an offensive avatar name like one of a sexual nature.
  • Someone is advertising bots or auto clickers in game - NONE are provided by Slashkey!! These can slow down the game for everyone including those that do not use them, which is why there are limits in place and those limits can change at a moments notice depending on server load.
  • hacking or threatening to hack your Farm Town account.
  • other bad language or bad behaviour that does not come under irritating or annoying or argumentative.

    Do NOT use Report for complaining about someone not completing work on farms!!

    When you report someone make sure that you do it at the time the problem occurred. The report will include what was said or sent to you via messages and will show on their account.
    If it's abusive chat in one of the chat boxes at the markets or Inn, click on their avatar name in the chat box NEXT to the sentence that was offensive to report what they said at that time.

    If it's an offensive message that has been sent via in game messaging you can use the report icon on the offending message report it. You need to do that before the message no longer shows up in your in game messages.

    NEVER reply to any offensive messages. If you have not blocked them, they can use the message you sent to them, to reply back to you and the cycle will continue.

    • By not responding, they can not use the message you may reply with to contact you again.
      If you block them then they can't any other methods to contact you again either.

    • If they already have a message from you to use, do not reply to any subsequent messages! The message they are using to contact you will disappear from their in game messages as they get new messages that will replace the one that you sent.

    • In the same respect, any messages that they have already sent to you before you blocked them, will be replaced by new messages that you get from other famers.

    You only need to send ONE report!
    If other farmers are having the same problem with the same user, they must also report the offender themselves.

    When you report someone they will be added to your blocked list you will not see or hear from them again until you remove the block.

How does someone know if they have a ban?
If someone has been reported they may receive a ban from using the chat and messaging features. This does not block them from playing the game.

These are examples of the messages they could see:

Bans may range from a session, a day or much much longer, depending on what the offense was.

You can post in this this thread if:
  • You have been blocked from using chat and in game messaging and you think it's a mistake.

  • You have reason to think that the blocking and reporting methods may not be working.
To check that for you, we require your Farm Town User ID!

Your USER ID number is below the game screen when you load your game.

Scroll down the page past the yellow box under your farm screen and look for the long number just after
"Your USER ID number is: ....... "

This is an example of what it looks like, this users ID is 00000000 , YOUR number will be different and may be longer.

Your USER ID also shows at the very bottom of the Facility Wall Requests page and the Other Wall Requests page.

Moderators and Support unlikely to be in the game at the same time you are, or even in the same areas where the problems may be happening to be able to see it.

It is up to you to act accordingly when you see a problem and either block/ignore or report if necessary.

Sqrl Jul 25 2022 01:57 AM

idk if this is the right thread but I am so angry right now.

Does the game plan on doing anything about the men who hit on anyone with a female avatar who ventures into the markets?

I've had three recently and I have done absolutely nothing to invite their messages and I do not want to be subjected to this while playing a farm game.

I've already taken to going offline before selling in the trade mkt. But it's not my behaviour that should have to change, it's theirs.

Maam you need to step aside or you might kill someone with those beautiful eyes ;)

(gotta love the false politeness there)

HI Hun

How are you sweetie?

hi age please im m 43 single usa

Yes, I can ignore these men (and I have) but the messages are still there in my inbox and now every time I see I have a message I feel sick wondering if it's another unwanted solicitation.

I've reported every single one but there's not been any feedback on whether anything has been done or if anyone is even taking this problem seriously. The game needs to take a public stance on how this is not acceptable.

Tiger Jul 25 2022 05:35 AM


Originally Posted by Sqrl (Post 6500742)
idk if this is the right thread but I am so angry right now.

Does the game plan on doing anything about the men who hit on anyone with a female avatar who ventures into the markets?

I've had three recently and I have done absolutely nothing to invite their messages and I do not want to be subjected to this while playing a farm game.

I've already taken to going offline before selling in the trade mkt. But it's not my behaviour that should have to change, it's theirs.

Maam you need to step aside or you might kill someone with those beautiful eyes ;)

(gotta love the false politeness there)

HI Hun

How are you sweetie?

hi age please im m 43 single usa

Yes, I can ignore these men (and I have) but the messages are still there in my inbox and now every time I see I have a message I feel sick wondering if it's another unwanted solicitation.

I've reported every single one but there's not been any feedback on whether anything has been done or if anyone is even taking this problem seriously. The game needs to take a public stance on how this is not acceptable.

Hi Sqrl,

I am sorry to hear you have been on the receiving end of unwanted bad behavior in game.

Although we can not give anyone specific details on criteria for an automatic ban there is one.
We don't give them out or list them so that users that do meet the criteria for automatic banning can not use that information to try to attempt to avoid that happening.

I am sorry but you will not receive any notice about whether a user has been banned or not or the length of the ban. That kind of information could also be tested in game and then used by those users to try to avoid what triggers an automatic ban.

The messages you have received will be automatically removed by newer messages from other farmers. You could speed that process up a little by asking different friends to send you a message in game, perhaps when they have helped you with working your facilities for example.

We can see that you have already made a request to have the messages automatically removed when you block or ignore a farmer.

Although Support and moderators Moderators are unlikely to be in the game at the same time you are, or even in the same areas where the problems may be happening to be able to see it, we can make attempts to do so if we are made aware of the problem and we will take appropriate action were needed.

Sqrl Jul 25 2022 02:39 PM

Thank you so much, Tiger. It's nice to know that action is being taken.

robndiamond Oct 19 2022 09:53 AM


I've read the information you have on here about reporting people and them getting banned. I have a friend that was banned on one account and they had another account that they were using, as do many of other players. On the second account, they were farming and building up their farms and was at almost level 800. This person and I go into the inn, they aren't saying much at all, just watching for the most part, we leave and the next morning that account is banned! I could see it if they were acting up or being inappropriate in any way, but they were not. I know there was a mod in the room and probably checked to see who this person was since they were new to the inn, but how is it justified to ban someone who wasn't doing anything??? I know it was not done by mistake, it was done because some do not like this person, which everyone has a right to their opinion, but when you aren't doing anything or hardly saying anything, I don't see how it can be cause for a ban. It seems like some can get banned for just being in the wrong place and others seem to get away with everything and nothing happens to them. There needs to be some sort of proof that you have to provide when reporting people and not just on someone's word, or if there are more than one complaint about the same issue with a person.
The mute and ignore features are there for a reason, I'm not sure why there is all of this banning going on to begin with.

Thank you!

Taz D Oct 19 2022 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by robndiamond (Post 6514542)

I've read the information you have on here about reporting people and them getting banned. I have a friend that was banned on one account and they had another account that they were using, as do many of other players. On the second account, they were farming and building up their farms and was at almost level 800. This person and I go into the inn, they aren't saying much at all, just watching for the most part, we leave and the next morning that account is banned! I could see it if they were acting up or being inappropriate in any way, but they were not. I know there was a mod in the room and probably checked to see who this person was since they were new to the inn, but how is it justified to ban someone who wasn't doing anything??? I know it was not done by mistake, it was done because some do not like this person, which everyone has a right to their opinion, but when you aren't doing anything or hardly saying anything, I don't see how it can be cause for a ban. It seems like some can get banned for just being in the wrong place and others seem to get away with everything and nothing happens to them. There needs to be some sort of proof that you have to provide when reporting people and not just on someone's word, or if there are more than one complaint about the same issue with a person.
The mute and ignore features are there for a reason, I'm not sure why there is all of this banning going on to begin with.

Thank you!

Hi Robindiamond,
The only thing that the game bans or blocks if they have been reported or we find they are using abusive or inappropriate language is their ability to chat with others.

If your friend has been banned from the game for a period of time it is because Facebook has done so. We have no control over that. I am sorry but there is nothing we can do to lift that banning, so they will jut have to wait it out until they can get back in.

robndiamond Oct 21 2022 02:39 AM

Taz, thank you for replying...

This was an in-game ban not on FB..and I realize that you can still somewhat play the game and not chat, but what I was asking is how can someone be temp banned when they didn't do anything?
It's all confusing on how some get reported for a reason and nothing happens and others get banned for nothing.

Thank You..

Tiger Oct 21 2022 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by robndiamond (Post 6515126)
Taz, thank you for replying...

This was an in-game ban not on FB..and I realize that you can still somewhat play the game and not chat, but what I was asking is how can someone be temp banned when they didn't do anything?
It's all confusing on how some get reported for a reason and nothing happens and others get banned for nothing.

Thank You..

Hi robndiamond,

We are not going into any specifics about why anyone might have been temporarily banned. Your friend would not be prevented from contacting the support team if they are banned and think it's incorrect. They will need to contact them themselves.

tripod Oct 30 2022 04:36 PM

hi i agree with robin...a certain person was banned because he left his avatar in another language inn..he had company come..he didnt bother anyone...but yet he comes back to be banned...yes we know the mods..thats not even rocket science..but when they hunt you down to ban you, it becomes not fair at all...also, a lot have more then 1 farm...if 1 is not bothering anyone its not fair to ban them just because their other maybe banned...they might pla other games but not banned by face bok, just farm town...yes ive had a week ban for a name that wasnt bad...i with 4 others was called something so we changed our names to that...wam, certain mod was called by certain person, we 4 got banned... thats not right when you can see nasty names in there not banned....thanks for reading.. i stand with robin.. whats far should be far for all

marymarcel Oct 30 2022 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by tripod (Post 6516646)
hi i agree with robin...a certain person was banned because he left his avatar in another language inn..he had company come..he didnt bother anyone...but yet he comes back to be banned...yes we know the mods..thats not even rocket science..but when they hunt you down to ban you, it becomes not fair at all...also, a lot have more then 1 farm...if 1 is not bothering anyone its not fair to ban them just because their other maybe banned...they might pla other games but not banned by face bok, just farm town...yes ive had a week ban for a name that wasnt bad...i with 4 others was called something so we changed our names to that...wam, certain mod was called by certain person, we 4 got banned... thats not right when you can see nasty names in there not banned....thanks for reading.. i stand with robin.. whats far should be far for all

Hi tripod :)

If you or any other farmer thinks there is something wrong when banning then you should contact Support and let them know your concern. Jul 24 2023 09:25 AM

Farm Town ban
I want the ban lifted for Farm Town I was bullied and harassed by several farmers I want that 30 day ban lifted before next month this totally unfair and shouldn't have happened I am beyond angry and frustrated by this. I have been asking for help since the ban went in place and no one is helping me and I don't know what to do. Bullying and harassment goes against community standards. I want those farmers banned, blocked, and reported they are the bullies not me they are. I want my Farm Town account back this totally unfair and totally uncalled for. I refuse to wait until next month until that ban is lifted. If those farmers would lift me alone like I asked repeatedly over and over again still kept asking nicely and they listened to me then this wouldn't have happened. There really is no need for this at all. Something really needs to be done about this so it doesn't happen to anyone else and experience what I have had to experience. I WANT THE BAN LIFTED AND I WANT MY FARM TOWN ACCOUNT BACK!! UNFAIR AND UNCALLED FOR

marymarcel Jul 24 2023 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 6555590)
I want the ban lifted for Farm Town I was bullied and harassed by several farmers I want that 30 day ban lifted before next month this totally unfair and shouldn't have happened I am beyond angry and frustrated by this. I have been asking for help since the ban went in place and no one is helping me and I don't know what to do. Bullying and harassment goes against community standards. I want those farmers banned, blocked, and reported they are the bullies not me they are. I want my Farm Town account back this totally unfair and totally uncalled for. I refuse to wait until next month until that ban is lifted. If those farmers would lift me alone like I asked repeatedly over and over again still kept asking nicely and they listened to me then this wouldn't have happened. There really is no need for this at all. Something really needs to be done about this so it doesn't happen to anyone else and experience what I have had to experience. I WANT THE BAN LIFTED AND I WANT MY FARM TOWN ACCOUNT BACK!! UNFAIR AND UNCALLED FOR

Hi tporter :)

I sent you 2 private messages, please read them.

Thanks Jul 24 2023 07:40 PM

Banned on Farm Town
I have also been banned how do I know when the ban will be lifted and will I get a message when that happens. I have been banned for 30 days until August 23, Wednesday. I hope I will be able to get back on my Farm Town account. I think this ban is absolutely ridiculous and harsh 30 days is a long time to be away from the game I won't be able to work on my own farms, help farmers at the marketplace, and work on the farm pass. I want that ban lifted. I didn't even do anything but ask for work at the marketplace and several farmers relentlessly harassed and bullied and yet nothing is being done to punish them I am getting banned WOW so unfair. I have tried mute or ignore and report and it doesn't work and look what happened I get banned from the game SO unfair. I wasn't doing anything either barely said anything at times but just stood there waiting for work and yet farmers would still be rude to me why I don't know for their own gratification I guess. SO UNFAIR. I have had several farmers bullying me, harassing me, and seeing mean and hurtful things for weeks even months on end. I asked, pleaded and begged those farmers to stop to just leave me alone and let me ask for jobs at the marketplace and they wouldn't I kept asking and asking for them to stop and they still wouldn't. I felt very ganged up by a large group of farmers it was a very helpless feeling knowing that you can't do anything about it or even stop it and the worse thing is no one stopped it or said anything. If someone spoke up saw the bullying that was being done towards me then did something like this wouldn't have happened. It's always the same farmers that bully me Aussietopcat, Dairyman, PenguinChick, Gator - Mania, and Meema maybe more then that. I wish they would of just left me alone like I asked. :mad:

Taz D Jul 24 2023 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 6555802)
I have also been banned how do I know when the ban will be lifted and will I get a message when that happens. I have been banned for 30 days until August 23, Wednesday. I hope I will be able to get back on my Farm Town account. I think this ban is absolutely ridiculous and harsh 30 days is a long time to be away from the game I won't be able to work on my own farms, help farmers at the marketplace, and work on the farm pass. I want that ban lifted. I didn't even do anything but ask for work at the marketplace and several farmers relentlessly harassed and bullied and yet nothing is being done to punish them I am getting banned WOW so unfair. I have tried mute or ignore and report and it doesn't work and look what happened I get banned from the game SO unfair. I wasn't doing anything either barely said anything at times but just stood there waiting for work and yet farmers would still be rude to me why I don't know for their own gratification I guess. SO UNFAIR. I have had several farmers bullying me, harassing me, and seeing mean and hurtful things for weeks even months on end. I asked, pleaded and begged those farmers to stop to just leave me alone and let me ask for jobs at the marketplace and they wouldn't I kept asking and asking for them to stop and they still wouldn't. I felt very ganged up by a large group of farmers it was a very helpless feeling knowing that you can't do anything about it or even stop it and the worse thing is no one stopped it or said anything. If someone spoke up saw the bullying that was being done towards me then did something like this wouldn't have happened. It's always the same farmers that bully me Aussietopcat, Dairyman, PenguinChick, Gator - Mania, and Meema maybe more then that. I wish they would of just left me alone like I asked. :mad:

Hi Tporter,
Your banning will be lifted on August 23rd. Jul 24 2023 08:04 PM

Game ban and block
Why isn't anything being done about these farmers can they be banned and blocked and my account unblocked. Aussietopcat and PenguinChick should all be banned as well as Dairyman, Gator - Mania, and Meema. I am sure there are a lot more farmers that been involved in bullying me and yet nothing is being done I have the evidence to prove that this has been in fact going on for weeks even months so why should I be banned. This doesn't make sense. I really wish that these farmers would just left me alone like I asked multiple times. If and when I get back on Farm Town I hope those same farmers ignore me if they don't then I don't know what else to do. Ignore and block clearly doesn't work these same farmers are just going to keep doing the same thing over and over again and nothing will be done about it. :mad::mad:



you need medical help, your always complaining about anyone that want's to chat with you


You're NASTY ! I see you in the room talking all of your ****... You start things and then cry like a baby when you get called out... You know what,,,?


What a jerk you are !

you have been reported you are the fukin bully

You are an AS5 if you do not like the way people treat you then leave

Taz D Jul 24 2023 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 6555814)
Why isn't anything being done about these farmers can they be banned and blocked and my account unblocked. Aussietopcat and PenguinChick should all be banned as well as Dairyman, Gator - Mania, and Meema. I am sure there are a lot more farmers that been involved in bullying me and yet nothing is being done I have the evidence to prove that this has been in fact going on for weeks even months so why should I be banned. This doesn't make sense. I really wish that these farmers would just left me alone like I asked multiple times. If and when I get back on Farm Town I hope those same farmers ignore me if they don't then I don't know what else to do. Ignore and block clearly doesn't work these same farmers are just going to keep doing the same thing over and over again and nothing will be done about it. :mad::mad:



you need medical help, your always complaining about anyone that want's to chat with you


You're NASTY ! I see you in the room talking all of your ****... You start things and then cry like a baby when you get called out... You know what,,,?


What a jerk you are !

you have been reported you are the fukin bully

You are an AS5 if you do not like the way people treat you then leave

Hi tporter,
You were already answered about your banning by Support. We do not have any way to change it.

I am sorry, but we do not have any way to hunt them down as you say. There is nothing we can do about them. The only thing I can suggest is when you get back in the game if you see them then you can block them so you don't see them or their comments. Jul 24 2023 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by Taz D (Post 6555826)
Hi tporter,
You were already answered about your banning by Support. We do not have any way to change it.

I am sorry, but we do not have any way to hunt them down as you say. There is nothing we can do about them. The only thing I can suggest is when you get back in the game if you see them then you can block them so you don't see them or their comments.


Taz D Jul 24 2023 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 6555866)

Hi Tporter,
The moderators here have no control over your ban. That is a decision by Support as contacted them about this and they did respond. Any disputing of it has to be through Support. We can not change anything in the game settings.

All I did was state facts. You asked for the date when it would be lifted so I told you your ban is until August 23rd. Aug 23 2023 08:57 AM

General Question
I was unfairly banned from Farm Town for 30 days the ban ends today August 23, Wednesday yet my farmer still says temporarily banned shouldn't that ban be lifted today and I should be able to play. I haven't been able to work on the farm pass and I would really like to work on that today instead of waiting even longer. This is so frustrating. This shouldn't have happened in the first place.

marymarcel Aug 23 2023 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 6560038)
I was unfairly banned from Farm Town for 30 days the ban ends today August 23, Wednesday yet my farmer still says temporarily banned shouldn't that ban be lifted today and I should be able to play. I haven't been able to work on the farm pass and I would really like to work on that today instead of waiting even longer. This is so frustrating. This shouldn't have happened in the first place.

Hi tporter :)

I moved your post to the thread for your problem and where all your other posts about this problem are placed.

We, moderators, cant do anything to lift your ban. All I can tell you is the ban will be lifted today at 20:44 eastern time. Aug 23 2023 09:32 AM

General question

Originally Posted by marymarcel (Post 6560042)
Hi tporter :)

I moved your post to the thread for your problem and where all your other posts about this problem are placed.

We, moderators, cant do anything to lift your ban. All I can tell you is the ban will be lifted today at 20:44 eastern time.

I don't know if I can wait that long until 6:00 pm. tonight that is too long of a wait. Eastern time would be 8:44 pm. I could always play tomorrow I guess. What do I do if the same farmers come back to the marketplace and start harassing me or bullying me again? Then this happens all over again and I get banned for 30 days. I am afraid to get back on the game if this continues but I want to be able to play without farmers harassing and bullying me relentlessly for weeks or months on end. I am not going to give those farmers all the power and take the fun out of this game. I have tried mute or ignore and block and that doesn't always work so I am not sure what to do other then just not playing anymore but I don't want to do that. It's always the same farmers that bully and harass me. Why can't I play in peace and have fun on Farm Town. Something more needs to be done about the bulling and harassment in the marketplace so that it doesn't happen to anyone else or happen to me again in the future. I love Farm Town this is my favorite game I should be able to play in peace and not be bullied or harassed.

marymarcel Aug 23 2023 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 6560054)
I don't know if I can wait that long until 6:00 pm. tonight that is too long of a wait. Eastern time would be 8:44 pm. I could always play tomorrow I guess. What do I do if the same farmers come back to the marketplace and start harassing me or bullying me again? Then this happens all over again and I get banned for 30 days. I am afraid to get back on the game if this continues but I want to be able to play without farmers harassing and bullying me relentlessly for weeks or months on end. I am not going to give those farmers all the power and take the fun out of this game. I have tried mute or ignore and block and that doesn't always work so I am not sure what to do other then just not playing anymore but I don't want to do that. It's always the same farmers that bully and harass me. Why can't I play in peace and have fun on Farm Town. Something more needs to be done about the bulling and harassment in the marketplace so that it doesn't happen to anyone else or happen to me again in the future. I love Farm Town this is my favorite game I should be able to play in peace and not be bullied or harassed.

Hi tporter :)

You can block, ignore or report them.

If they send you messages, do not respond to them, just block them so they will not be able to send more.
Also, you should not see them in other places like market.

If the problems continue then you need to report them instead of answering them.

If needed, you have instructions on how to do that in the following link:

Patti Coop Oct 16 2023 11:44 AM

Hi, I blocked someone because she was demanding and abusive (including swearwords in FT messages) and unfriended her on FB. All was well for about a month. Then today I got a FT message from her and lo and behold, I can work her farms again (not that I want to). She doesn't show up in my Neighbours or Buddies. I don't want to get her in trouble with Slashkey, but I never want to hear from her again. Is there a solution? Thanks.

Taz D Oct 16 2023 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by Patti Coop (Post 6565242)
Hi, I blocked someone because she was demanding and abusive (including swearwords in FT messages) and unfriended her on FB. All was well for about a month. Then today I got a FT message from her and lo and behold, I can work her farms again (not that I want to). She doesn't show up in my Neighbours or Buddies. I don't want to get her in trouble with Slashkey, but I never want to hear from her again. Is there a solution? Thanks.

Hi Patti Coop,
Was she a neighbor or buddy?

If she was previously your neighbor or buddy, use her message or the facility post to go to her farms. Click on the toolbox icon to the left bottom near her name. Click to remove yourself as their neighbor or buddy.

Is she still on your blocked list (in the Account tab at the top of your farms)?
If not then use her message to block her again.

Removing them from your Facebook friends on Facebook doesn't do anything within the game. The lists for Facebook friends are not updated any more. You can check to see if she is on your Facebook friends list in the Farmers List. If they are there then you can remove her from that list and it will remove you from their Facebook friends list too.

Patti Coop Oct 16 2023 12:12 PM

Hi, thank you so much! I just did all the steps you suggested. Nov 27 2023 09:39 AM

I am still be bullied and harassed by several farmers and I have reported them but it's not really helping those same farmers continue to harass me over and over again and I am so tired of it. An Anti Bully Rule really needs to be put in place for this game so that it doesn't happen to me or to anyone else. THIS NEEDS TO END NOW!! NO MORE BULLYING!!

Taz D Nov 27 2023 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 6568702)
I am still be bullied and harassed by several farmers and I have reported them but it's not really helping those same farmers continue to harass me over and over again and I am so tired of it. An Anti Bully Rule really needs to be put in place for this game so that it doesn't happen to me or to anyone else. THIS NEEDS TO END NOW!! NO MORE BULLYING!!

I split your post as it was about 2 subjects.
There is nothing we can do about the bullying as you call it. The only thing you can do is continue reporting them and block them so you do not see or see theiir posts.

djb4peace Dec 15 2023 05:21 PM

How to block someone after you have asked them to leave you alone
I have 5 FT accounts and the family has bailed and left me with all of them! I unneighbored and unbuddied from everyone, but there are still some who keep sending gifts from multiple accounts/tabs and I've gone to their farms and asked them kindly to leave me alone. I cannot handle all the neighbors and doing the tasks, and that's why I'm only working the 'family' accounts. This one person keeps sending gifts though even though I've messaged her and told her to STOP! She does not message back, so I can't ignore/block her. I never see the avatar on her farm either. I never see her anywhere! PLEASE! Is there a way you can make it so that if you go to someone's farm you can block or ignore? There have been weird things going on in all the farms and I suspect someone is hacking in. Facilities/factories have been moved, crops GONE, just weird stuff. That was/still is bad enough, but this neighbor who is on one account, the one I'm posting from here, will NOT stop sending multiple gifts and clogging my gift box. How to make it stop? I found her here in the forum as a member and still have the gifts in my box. HELP PLEASE!

Taz D Dec 15 2023 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by djb4peace (Post 6570026)
I have 5 FT accounts and the family has bailed and left me with all of them! I unneighbored and unbuddied from everyone, but there are still some who keep sending gifts from multiple accounts/tabs and I've gone to their farms and asked them kindly to leave me alone. I cannot handle all the neighbors and doing the tasks, and that's why I'm only working the 'family' accounts. This one person keeps sending gifts though even though I've messaged her and told her to STOP! She does not message back, so I can't ignore/block her. I never see the avatar on her farm either. I never see her anywhere! PLEASE! Is there a way you can make it so that if you go to someone's farm you can block or ignore? There have been weird things going on in all the farms and I suspect someone is hacking in. Facilities/factories have been moved, crops GONE, just weird stuff. That was/still is bad enough, but this neighbor who is on one account, the one I'm posting from here, will NOT stop sending multiple gifts and clogging my gift box. How to make it stop? I found her here in the forum as a member and still have the gifts in my box. HELP PLEASE!

Hi djb4peace,
I moved your post to the thread about this issue.
When you removed them as neighbors/buddies did you check the box to remove yourself as their neighbor/buddy in the Farmers Lists?
If you didn't then you can use the gifts as a way to get to their farms. Open the Pending gifts and click on the title underneath to go to their farm, then click on the toolbox on the left side next to their name and click on both of the 2 icons that have the X in them to remove yourself as their neighbor or buddy.

djb4peace Dec 15 2023 08:14 PM

I did that with each one! And still...there were those who kept sending gifts, and then I would message them, tell them my situation and to please stop sending gifts. They are still coming! For those I'd messaged, I could ignore if they didn't stop, but there are a couple who will not respond. They are not buddies or neighbors. I looked in reverse buddies and neighbors as well. As far as I can see, we are NOT connected in any way. How is it they can still send gifts, MULTIPLE at one time, and clog up my gift box so that it's hard for me to sift through and find the ones I send from my accounts to my other accounts. Working 5 accounts now that the husband and grandkids have bailed on me is a lot of work. They left some messes! How do we stop people from connecting other than play offline all the time and stay offline when we go to the marketplace? That would mean we can't buy and sell. What I get is that you actually have to see someone's avatar somewhere or they would have had to message you before you can block them. Maybe a way to go to their farm and have an ignore option for those who evade us with their avatar?

Taz D Dec 15 2023 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by djb4peace (Post 6570038)
I did that with each one! And still...there were those who kept sending gifts, and then I would message them, tell them my situation and to please stop sending gifts. They are still coming! For those I'd messaged, I could ignore if they didn't stop, but there are a couple who will not respond. They are not buddies or neighbors. I looked in reverse buddies and neighbors as well. As far as I can see, we are NOT connected in any way. How is it they can still send gifts, MULTIPLE at one time, and clog up my gift box so that it's hard for me to sift through and find the ones I send from my accounts to my other accounts. Working 5 accounts now that the husband and grandkids have bailed on me is a lot of work. They left some messes! How do we stop people from connecting other than play offline all the time and stay offline when we go to the marketplace? That would mean we can't buy and sell. What I get is that you actually have to see someone's avatar somewhere or they would have had to message you before you can block them. Maybe a way to go to their farm and have an ignore option for those who evade us with their avatar?

Hi djb4peace,
Did you also look in the Facebook Friends list to see if they are in there? You have to be connected some way for them to send you gifts. If you are in that they can send you gifts.

Blocking them will not stop the gift sending. It only stops you from seeing them, them from seeing you or getting messages from them. I am sorry, but we do not have a way for you to block them from their farm.

Beside that fact you can exchange any gift for what you need. You don't have to get the gifts only that you specifically need. I am not sure how they are clogging up your gift box as you can have several thousand gifts in your pending gifts.

djb4peace Dec 16 2023 09:21 AM

Blocking people
Better yet, maybe an ignore button on the 'manage' message when they show up. It appears when they send gifts, and that would be a way around the issue when people do not respond or if you cannot see their avatar. Somehow there has to be a way to stop people who will not respect your wishes. Thanks!

Taz D Dec 16 2023 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by djb4peace (Post 6570058)
Better yet, maybe an ignore button on the 'manage' message when they show up. It appears when they send gifts, and that would be a way around the issue when people do not respond or if you cannot see their avatar. Somehow there has to be a way to stop people who will not respect your wishes. Thanks!

Hi djb4peace,
If you want to make a suggestion for the developers to consider then please post it in the Suggestion section where we organize them by subject for the developers to see. You can not start a new thread in that section but you can reply to one that fits your suggestion.
If you click on the manage then you should be able to remove any connections they have to you from that.

djb4peace Dec 16 2023 02:31 PM

Thanks! None of these people are my friends on FB that I know of, and when we played FT on FB, our family had no neighbors besides the 5 accounts. I will just exchange the gifts for what I want. I guess what concerns me is the weird things which have happened on the farms since I had neighbors. Crops were missing, facilities and factories were in different places, and then I would fill certain facilities like turbo metal mills, and they would be WAY low the next day as if someone had worked them, and I did not work them from any account, so it is suspicious. I did NOT post for anyone to work them and haven't in a long time. I'm sure there's a way to hack into anything if you really want to do that, and I guess I'll just live with it, because I will still play. I figured that if I could block all the 'suspects' who keep avoiding me, maybe all those weird things would stop, and for the most part they have. Thanks again for your time, and I'll just carry on :D

Taz D Dec 16 2023 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by djb4peace (Post 6570070)
Thanks! None of these people are my friends on FB that I know of, and when we played FT on FB, our family had no neighbors besides the 5 accounts. I will just exchange the gifts for what I want. I guess what concerns me is the weird things which have happened on the farms since I had neighbors. Crops were missing, facilities and factories were in different places, and then I would fill certain facilities like turbo metal mills, and they would be WAY low the next day as if someone had worked them, and I did not work them from any account, so it is suspicious. I did NOT post for anyone to work them and haven't in a long time. I'm sure there's a way to hack into anything if you really want to do that, and I guess I'll just live with it, because I will still play. I figured that if I could block all the 'suspects' who keep avoiding me, maybe all those weird things would stop, and for the most part they have. Thanks again for your time, and I'll just carry on :D

Hi djb4peace,
Blocking them is not going to stop them from sending gifts. If things are being done on your farms then you have a super neighbor who still has access to your farms. And they can only move things on the one farm you had them set up for designing.

Have you checked the Facebook Friends List in the Farmer Lists? If you only have the 5 farm sets as neighbors then the other 4 should be the only names listed in there for each set.
Facilities can't be worked by others except when you post the request for them to be worked. Jan 19 2024 08:47 AM

banned yet again unfairly
Great it happened again I have been banned until February 20, Tuesday. I had several farmers harassing me multiple times yesterday and just wouldn't leave me alone. I want the ban lifted those farmers should be banned not me. Now I can't work on the farm pass until next month. This shouldn't have happened it's unfair. I asked those farmers to just leave me alone and they wouldn't it's their fault this happened again. No why this is so unfair. I want the ban lifted now!! :( :( this sucks. I don't know what I am supposed to do until next month but those farmers took the fun out of this game. Thanks a lot :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

marymarcel Jan 19 2024 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 6572402)
Great it happened again I have been banned until February 20, Tuesday. I had several farmers harassing me multiple times yesterday and just wouldn't leave me alone. I want the ban lifted those farmers should be banned not me. Now I can't work on the farm pass until next month. This shouldn't have happened it's unfair. I asked those farmers to just leave me alone and they wouldn't it's their fault this happened again. No why this is so unfair. I want the ban lifted now!! :( :( this sucks. I don't know what I am supposed to do until next month but those farmers took the fun out of this game. Thanks a lot :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Hi tporter :)

If you are at market and others are harassing you then you have to report them inmediately and not answer them in any way.

I'm sorry but there is nothing we can do through the forum to lift the ban.

If you wish you can contact Support. To contact them click on the link below, fill out the form and submit it. Please include all details about your problem so you can get help faster. Be patient as it can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days for them to respond to you depending on how many tickets they have ahead of yours.

You will receive an automatic response email when you submit your ticket. That email will have your ticket number and a link for you to check the status of your ticket, so please do not delete that email. If you do not see the email then check your spam folder as sometimes those emails get classified as spam.

If you are having a problem getting responses from Support please read the information in the following link:

WSU Rocker May 22 2024 01:33 PM

I just wanted to verify that this was still the case with blocking other players...

The ONLY way to block someone who hires you to work their farm and you do not EVER want to see them in the game again - for any reason - is to block them IF they respond to you via messaging? Is that true? Here's a scenario.

I recently got hired by someone to work their farms. After I completed all of the tasks for which I was hired, I sent the employer a thank you note, intending to block this person when he/she responded. No response was ever received. I tried to block while I was still located on their farms, but that didn't work.

If blocking them ONLY if you receive a response message is the only way, then that's a bummer. Why can't we block people in other situations?

WSU Rocker

Tiger May 22 2024 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by WSU Rocker (Post 6581294)
I just wanted to verify that this was still the case with blocking other players...

The ONLY way to block someone who hires you to work their farm and you do not EVER want to see them in the game again - for any reason - is to block them IF they respond to you via messaging? Is that true? Here's a scenario.

I recently got hired by someone to work their farms. After I completed all of the tasks for which I was hired, I sent the employer a thank you note, intending to block this person when he/she responded. No response was ever received. I tried to block while I was still located on their farms, but that didn't work.

If blocking them ONLY if you receive a response message is the only way, then that's a bummer. Why can't we block people in other situations?

WSU Rocker

Hi WSU Rocker,

There are more methods than using a received message.

You could also have used the chat window to block them if you could still see what they had said in it.

If you could see them at the time, you could have also clicked on their avatar to block them.

If you would like details on those and when to use block or report, please click on this link:

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