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Old Dec 10 2013, 10:28 AM
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KnightRider KnightRider is offline
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Originally Posted by Farmgirl_Su View Post
May i throw my thought into the pot.

We all know the rules, we all know there are certain glitches we can profit by but if those glitches are fix,then C'est la vie.
we carry on and wait until someone finds another glitch..

If anyone spent money buying multi engines ( i didn't) well ,they were aware of the chance of it being sorted.
Plus by having them and having 100% on facility clicks they were cheating other members from getting friends goods.
It been obvious the last few month if you don't get to a posted Service or Facility in the first 3mins, you have wasted your time because the full train clickers have taken everything. so good for Slashkey fixing this.

Bottom line it is a GAME!
we chose to spend money if we like .We play only against ourselves at our own speed so there is no need to buy any 'extras' if you don't want to.It's all optional. Enjoy the game and please people stop whining about the gifting of FC good from fake accounts and the loss of the Train glitch.. Just enjoy the game and another glitch will be along soon..

MERRY CHRISTMAS to you all!!
The glitch isn't about working neighbors facilities or not, the train is suppose to do with enough boxcars, it is just some used the glitch so they only had to purchase 2 boxcars instead of 10. When I work my neighbors facilities and I am the only one that works them, the mayor works all facilities for me, but I also have 10 cars connected to a single engine. I wasn't going to purchase the extra engines for when the glitch was fixed, I went on and paid the extra 110 FC for the boxcars. My neighbor has 6 boxcars so they only have to work 20% of my facilities, which they are the only one that works my facilities.

You also mentioned that we play against ourselves, I agree that is the way I play, but there are some out there that it is a competition with there neighbors and they must have more land, upgrades, coins, xp, facilities (which means they need more ingredients), and anything else they can compare to their neighbors.

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