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Old Oct 25 2021, 09:53 AM
badcompany_78 badcompany_78 is offline
Join Date: Jul 23 2010
Posts: 31

Originally Posted by Taz D View Post
Hi badcompany,
When the game encounters an error and freezes, then it is not getting a response from your WebGL so it thinks you do not have it. If your neighbors farms are heavily layered then it can cause the game to freeze if there is too much to load. You might try turning off everything in your preferences show settings that you do not need for the work you are doing.
You don't say what caches you have cleared. If just closing your browsers and reopening them has not reset the WebGL back to working you will need to clear the browser cache for each of the browsers, close them and restart your computer. This clearing will make it be slow to load the first time as it has to download all the graphics for the game again. Instructions for clearing the browser caches are in the following link:
just started my day and cleared both Google and Edge Cache before I even got started.. not even 5 minutes in I am crashing. I have a neighbor with 44 farms and I run only one task at a time (IE: fishing) do all farms then go back and do another task (IE: trees) I have crashed already after barely finishing one task. so its gonna take me ALL DAY to do one friends farms. I am a patient person but this getting insane. With all the currents issues going on its really hard to keep playing. I'm really missing Flashplayer right now

PS in my preferences I only enable one graphic to show (ponds, crops, trees etc.. one at at time so nothing else needs to load)

Last edited by badcompany_78; Oct 25 2021 at 09:54 AM. Reason: missing info