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Old May 10 2015, 10:21 AM
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KnightRider KnightRider is offline
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Originally Posted by Lpeak View Post
Love the update items but twice since the update, after I have been off line for a few hours, when I load my farm its takes forever, when I land I find that in preferences, every single box is ticked which I never have, reason for slow loading. Also when selling at the Market I always sell from 'non ingredients for me' and I have had all the items I sell ticked so I just sell selected. Now they are all unticked. I went through this morning, took ages to retick the items I want to sell. Come back after an hour, preferences all ticked again but my Market to sell item are now unticked, done this twice. Is it a glitch? as wasting so much time with this.
Hello Lpeak,

I haven't seen anyone post about this before. First check and make sure that your date/time is correct on your computer, if it is off it could possibly do some strange stuff.

If that isn't off then you could try to clear the FT memcache.

To clear the Farm Town memcache close your game if it is open, then click the following link:

The FT memcache is different than your computers cache, the memcache is on Slashkey's servers and some times old data or bad data gets into the memcache and needs to be cleared. The memcache shouldn't be used all the time, because it clears all the data and when you log back into your farm it will take a little longer since it has to load all the data. After clicking on the link a page of unsettings will appear, this is the memcache clearing and once the page is finished you can close that tab and close you game if it is open, then you can clear your computers cache, cookies, and history. Then you can close your browser, then you can open up your browser again, and open your farm and see if it is working.

My Server: WF-36 on Windows 8
Primary Browser: Chrome

To contact Support: Click Here.

Information on how to clear several browser's cache: Click Here.

If you have a question please post them in the open forum and not in a private message or visitor message, unless it is in response to a private message. Thank you.