View Full Version : Game Guide

  1. Chapter 11 - Flowers
  2. Chapter 08 - Harvesting
  3. Chapter 04 - Trophies
  4. Chapter 01 - Let's start AND How to Register for the new website!
  5. Chapter 00 - Read this first =)
  6. Updated Chapter 12 - Animals
  7. Chapter 17 - The messaging system
  8. Chapter 15 - Trees
  9. Chapter 18 - Bank and FarmCash
  10. Chapter 19 - Fishing
  11. Chapter 20 - Fuel
  12. Chapter 22 - Harvesting animals
  13. Updated Chapter 23 - Missing items on the farm
  14. Chapter 26 - Seeds
  15. Chapter 27 Ingredients of Farm Town
  16. Updated Chapter 21 - Tools
  17. Chapter 28 Quests
  18. Chapter 29 Freight Trains
  19. Chapter 30 Belt/Dan Bonuses
  20. Chapter 24 - Gifts/Gifting/Accepting/Exchanging/Storing
  21. Updated Chapter 03 - Preference Bar
  22. Updated Chapter 09 - Hiring
  23. Chapter 31 - Neighbourhood Chain Contest
  24. Chapter 32 - Ships
  25. Updated Chapter 16: Land upgrades
  26. Chapter 13 - Facilities
  27. Updated Chapter 13.1 Production Facilities
  28. Updated Chapter 13.2 List of Service Facilities
  29. Chapter 10 Buying/Selling/Trading
  30. Updated Chapter 02 Basics
  31. Chapter 25 Levels and Unlocking
  32. Chapter 14 Storage
  33. Chapter 33 - Facility Chains
  34. Chapter 34 - Farm Pass
  35. Updated Chapter 05 - Neighbours and Buddies Farmer Lists
  36. Chapter 06 - Super Neighbours
  37. Chapter 07 - Blocking In Farm Town